Well, here I am to put this to bed, boys and girls.
It's fine to post if you had a good or bad trade with someone. Other than that keep your opinions to yourself. We just went through a whole page of discussions about this.
It's fine to do both. Wind Lane has been around for a great many moons and has a great many trades. His opining on what is a good deal may not be valuable to you, especially since you're the target of the questions, but it is valuable to others. Seeing as none of the people who are complaining have a leg to stand on or a pot to pee in as far as community standing or administrator privaleges, if you have a problem with a post, report it to the Admins. This is the proper way to fix things you think are wrong or redress greivances.
For those that have chosen to provide me with anonymous neg rep, I'd appreciate it if you would PM me so we can discuss further.
Oooh, you done messed up now, bro. Complaining about getting neg-rep is the quickest way to get more. Accept the punuishment of your peers and move on. It's right in the "Your Reputation and You" thread. Accept it and move on; it only holds the power you assign to it, and complaining looks both sad and petty. I will say, though, asking for the PM to resolve it offline is a righteous and mature move.
SERIOUSLY... people...stop commenting on other people's offers and deals. It's rude, sometimes ignorant, and overall just plain not the intent or subject of discussion on this forum.
Got news for you, n00b: You just showed up and telling an old, established member off is about the quickest way to get people to completely disregard your opinion. As stated before, this is THE place to discuss deals, trades, and pricing opinion. Where else would you put it, bro? Accept it. This is the place to discuss both trades and valuations. If you want to scalp someone, this is NOT the place, and the discussion of valuations is the way this community self-regulates. Problem? Report the post.
Wind Lane....once again, that is your opinion (on what this thread is for).
Here is the actual post that Vydar started explaining what this thread is for. Stick to the parameters.
And the constitution said that the government can't do a lot of stuff, like warrantless wiretapping, but here we are. This place has evolved, and I don't know what on God's green earth makes you think you've got the standing to be the arbiter on what a thread is for or not. Report a post you don't like. That's the proper way to cure these issues.
Here's the deal. This thread is FOR:
> Posting trades/sales of/for Heroscape stuff.
> Trading something NON-Heroscape for Heroscape is appropriate as well.
>Scalping will be frowned upon. If you want Ebay price for your stuff, go there.
>Using HSers.com as a Ebay-fee avoidance system without reducing the price from Ebay prices is the quickest way to get called out as a scalper.
>Discussing valuations and pricing is ALSO appropriate here.
>If you have a problem with a post, the little red "yield" sign on the upper right of every post is how to report it to an Admin.
So, get back to trading, and stop b1tching about other people's posts and trying to call them out on front street and just REPORT IT. That's how to affect change.
This issue is now put to bed. If you really need me to ask Aldin or Bunjee to repeat this to you, I can, but I'm telling you that you guys who are complaining about people calling you out (or just questioning) your prices is not going to get you far, because this IS the venue for it.
Cheers, and good trading, all!