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How much D3 are you buying???


Well, it's that time again. I did this for D2, and it seemed to carry an interest, so I have decided to do it again.

The previews have started and so far we have 3 great units. There seems to be even more buzz around with D3 than there was for D2 and in spite of all the D&Gers.;)

I have decided to make it easy for myself this time around and to avoid missing out on the hot items. So, here is my list:
Uniques x3
Uncommons x5
Commons x6

So what is your D3 wishlist?
Spoiler Alert!
One of everything and multiple copies of stuff I like. (I don't have much to spend.)

1X uniques
1X everything else (except below)
3X Pack with Death Knights
Totally depends on the previews.

It will probably be fewer than normal however because there are so many large figures which usually carry big point costs.
I hope to at least get the Heroes of Fallcrest and Icewind Scourge x2. Nothing else at the moment really.
None. :p

With it being released so close to Christmas I'm going to suck it up and wait to get then.
Generally I will get at least 3 sets on first purchase.
I know I will want at least 3 of any common/uncommon.
Lately there has been units making me need to buy more though.
Pesky fun little wyrmlings and elementals stealing my money. ;)
One of each pack.

I used to buy One Unique and 3 each of the common packs, but I have hundreds of HS figures already, and I am not a big fan of D&D-Recyclescape.

When they go back to "classic" HS, with the historical, fantasy, superhero, and sci-fi figures, I'll go back to my regular buying habits.

Call it a limited personal boycott until they get the message that we want new figures, not recycled or unreleased D&D sculpts.

Cigarman :twisted:
2 of each and 3 to 5 of the Death Knight pack. Probably 4. That is how many I got for Wrymlings and I like the DKs even more.
2x of each common pack
1x of the unique

maybe 1x more Death Knights via auggies or something. I can proxy at least 1 more squad of Horned Skull Brutes with the D&D minis so I probably don't need more of them; whether I get more Death Chasers depends on whether or not I have their original figures to proxy with as well.
Usually on any wave release I purchase:
1 pack of Uniques
3 packs of all commons.

However, since they've been throwing in some glyphs, I'll actually order 3 unique packs, as opposed to just one. Simply because, I prefer to keep my glyphs evened out.
I forgot about the special. I may get 3 of each sense I don't have anything extra I want to buy other then 1 or 2 more elemental packs and then maybe a 1 or 2 more DK sets.
I'll probably grab 3 full cases, + an extra 1 or 2 of each common pack, depending on how much I like them, and how many I need to play them well. :p