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HoSS Map Contest


HoSS Map Contest

HoSS members are excited to announce a competition to add a few more maps to our roster of Star Wars locations.

With a galaxy full of interesting destinations, we are looking for maps to represent any of the following locations:

NABOO (Exciting locations from Naboo could be the gungan swamps, Theed Palace/City, or the Great Grass Plains)
Spoiler Alert!

KAMINO (Locations could be landing pads, cloning facilities, Clone training grounds, etc.)
Spoiler Alert!

GEONOSIS (Locations could be the catacombs, droid factory, or battlefield)
Spoiler Alert!

LOCATION OF YOUR CHOICE(This can be any Star Wars location of your choice not previously seen as part of the BoSS map catalog)

Entries are due October 30th

• Maps must be submitted with build instructions in either VirtualScape or PDF format and have at least one VirtualScape image or photo as well.
• Maps should have feasible terrain requirements. (Not more than a few Master Sets/Expansions, Arena of the Planeswalkers and Age of Annihilation included)
• Maps must be modeled after one of the locations listed.
• Each contestant may enter a maximum of one for each location
• Maps may be Casual, Competitive, Scenario, or Battlefront style maps.
• Entries may be revised at any time before the deadline.
• Feedback may be solicited from the judges

• Contestants will receive one HoSS Reward Point (HoSSRP) for each entry submitted.

• One winner for each Catagory will earn two additional HoSSRP's.

•The winner of each location will be entered into a drawing to have the miniatures for Luke and Vader sent to them.
Spoiler Alert!

Flex those creative muscles and let's see those iconic scenes hit the table! If there is enough request from competitors, extended deadlines may be considered
Not long till the end of the submission period. If you haven't already submitted your maps, you can do so by posting here or sending it in a private message. Good luck to everyone!