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Hexes in Texas - NHSD 2014

Hey, I just moved down to the area, and I was wondering if I could get in on this event?

Unfortunately, I don't have any of my Heroscape stuff down here yet. So, I was wondering if I could borrow ANY decent army and some dice from someone. I know it's a lot to ask, and I get it if no one is willing to lend me that stuff.

I don't know if the store carries any Heroscape stuff (only been there for Friday night Magic so far). If the store does carry any Heroscape, I'd be willing to pick some of it up for the prize table.

If I can't get stuff to use, mind if I show up just for some fun? It's rare to find people still interested at all in Heroscape.

Thank you
Come on, Ry! Did you not see Rex and Tmac's posts?

Maps being brought:
1. Mystery map #1
2. Mystery map #2

1. Ry Mystery map


1. Breach
2. Sirocco

1. Burial Marsh
Hey, I just moved down to the area, and I was wondering if I could get in on this event?

Unfortunately, I don't have any of my Heroscape stuff down here yet. So, I was wondering if I could borrow ANY decent army and some dice from someone. I know it's a lot to ask, and I get it if no one is willing to lend me that stuff.

I don't know if the store carries any Heroscape stuff (only been there for Friday night Magic so far). If the store does carry any Heroscape, I'd be willing to pick some of it up for the prize table.

If I can't get stuff to use, mind if I show up just for some fun? It's rare to find people still interested at all in Heroscape.

Thank you

Of course, man. We're always glad to have new people join in. Let us know what you want to play with and I'm sure we can gather the figures needed.
Glad to have you Puffy!

It sounds like Ry is bringing a lot of stuff that you could use to make an army.

But if that doesn't work out for some reason I am already planning on bringing two complete armies to the event. I haven't decided which I will play yet, so you can use the one I do not pick.
Come on, Ry! Did you not see Rex and Tmac's posts?
I didn't see anyone else using the format you provided to fill in the maps, so NO, I didn't really see their posts.

Maps being brought:
1. Mystery map #1
2. Mystery map #2

1. Ry Mystery map
2. Stygian Rift
3. Sidewinder


1. Breach
2. Sirocco

1. Burial Marsh
Hey, I just moved down to the area, and I was wondering if I could get in on this event?

Unfortunately, I don't have any of my Heroscape stuff down here yet. So, I was wondering if I could borrow ANY decent army and some dice from someone. I know it's a lot to ask, and I get it if no one is willing to lend me that stuff.

I don't know if the store carries any Heroscape stuff (only been there for Friday night Magic so far). If the store does carry any Heroscape, I'd be willing to pick some of it up for the prize table.

If I can't get stuff to use, mind if I show up just for some fun? It's rare to find people still interested at all in Heroscape.

Thank you

Of course, man. We're always glad to have new people join in. Let us know what you want to play with and I'm sure we can gather the figures needed.

Here's some army ideas that interested me:
- Phantom Knights (multiple) + any hero ideas (Rhogar Dragonspine interesed me)
- Elementals + Kurrak the Elementalist
- Bugbears and Goblins combo (maybe with an ogre warhulk or two)
- Axegrinders + Migol (I think someone else was already playing them though)
- Elf Wizards army (I don't think I'd have enough points to pull it off properly though)
- Knights + Sir Dupuis

Honestly, anything you guys have extra that's even a little bit synergistic would be great. If you have any recommendations/ideas, let me know!

Also, if I'm there at noon, will that be a problem? I'd like to help with setup, but there's a family brunch I need to be at. It should be wrapped up by 11:30.

Thank you for helping me get in on this. It's always fun when I can find other people interested in Heroscape, especially because it's rare nowadays.
Can I borrow 2 x Axegrinders from some kind soul please?

Yes sir..I gotcha covered

ok slight chance I might go, however Ive not even looked at armies..
so anyone who wants to, drop any sort of army ye'd play, or like to see played or whatnot and if Im able to make I'll bring it(within reason, though with my collection within reason does become a moot point....but some of it is already packed up).

There are lots of great builds for this point total. I'll be happy to loan you whatever you might need. Looks like I wil just bring me entire collection just because I can. :)

I just need some army builds.....got plenty of fiqures....hahahaha

4xheavy gruts

Or probably more your speed....

7xMarro Dividers
Major Q9
Hey, I just moved down to the area, and I was wondering if I could get in on this event?

Unfortunately, I don't have any of my Heroscape stuff down here yet. So, I was wondering if I could borrow ANY decent army and some dice from someone. I know it's a lot to ask, and I get it if no one is willing to lend me that stuff.

I don't know if the store carries any Heroscape stuff (only been there for Friday night Magic so far). If the store does carry any Heroscape, I'd be willing to pick some of it up for the prize table.

If I can't get stuff to use, mind if I show up just for some fun? It's rare to find people still interested at all in Heroscape.

Thank you

Of course, man. We're always glad to have new people join in. Let us know what you want to play with and I'm sure we can gather the figures needed.

Here's some army ideas that interested me:
- Phantom Knights (multiple) + any hero ideas (Rhogar Dragonspine interesed me)
- Elementals + Kurrak the Elementalist
- Bugbears and Goblins combo (maybe with an ogre warhulk or two)
- Axegrinders + Migol (I think someone else was already playing them though)
- Elf Wizards army (I don't think I'd have enough points to pull it off properly though)
- Knights + Sir Dupuis

Honestly, anything you guys have extra that's even a little bit synergistic would be great. If you have any recommendations/ideas, let me know!

Also, if I'm there at noon, will that be a problem? I'd like to help with setup, but there's a family brunch I need to be at. It should be wrapped up by 11:30.

Thank you for helping me get in on this. It's always fun when I can find other people interested in Heroscape, especially because it's rare nowadays.

Alright, I'll take a look at the point and make an army for you out of this.

As for showing up at noon, that's fine. I won't be showing up until then due to Sunday school. We'll kick things off at 12:30.
I plan on being there early. I will just have my entire collection and happy to loan out stuff to whoever.

I hope to be arriving about the time they open which is 11am on Sunday.

I will have 3 maps, the hunk of metal trophy, dice and markers, figures and cards, prizes for the table, and I guess laptop.
I plan on being there early. I will just have my entire collection and happy to loan out stuff to whoever.

I hope to be arriving about the time they open which is 11am on Sunday.

I will have 3 maps, the hunk of metal trophy, dice and markers, figures and cards, prizes for the table, and I guess laptop.

Thanks for letting me borrow stuff, it really helps me to bring as many people as i try to do. Also, you should probably go ahead and write my name on the trophy just because we all know who is going to win it.;)

I may not have to borrow as many figures as i first thought! my shipment of figures may come in today!
Do you guys do casual play at Madness often? I'd like to go, but I'm trying to decide between this or going out of town overnight. Let me ASAP, I'd have to decide soon.
I may have a couple people joining me last minute, let's call them Spenys and AccidentProne. The sad thing is that I won't know if they're coming till tomorrow.
Maps being brought:
1. Mystery map #1
2. Mystery map #2

3. Ry Mystery map
4. Stygian Rift
5. Sidewinder

6. Breach
7. Sirocco

8. Burial Marsh

9. If You Can't Take The Heat
10. Highways & Dieways

So that's nine maps. Sounds like there may be some last minute attendees.

Do I need to bring another map? If so, What should it be? Can it be Highways and Dieways? (I can build that in my sleep.) Let me know.

EDIT: I'm just going to bring Highways and Dieways.

Edit Numero Dos! So same glyph pool as usual? Defense, Move, initiative, Heal, and Wound?
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Yes DrL, bring another map, if you would - H&D or whatever's.
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OMG please no.

I'm leaving now. I'll be there at 1120 or so.
Hey, I got home a little late, so I won't be able to make it in time. Thanks for offering to let me join in anyways. Good luck everyone!
Thanks to Dignan and Rÿchean for running the event, and congrats to Dignan on another NHSD win!

Yeah, that was another great event. Glad the local guys are able to keep showing up and keep making the events happen. Thanks to Tmac, Rychean, DrL, and Rex for bringing maps and thanks for all the prizes on the prize table. It was a great day of Heroscape.
For those of you that missed it. Here is the new Champion:
