• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

HEROSCAPERS 2.0 issues, discussion

It appears we have a Facebook style "like" think on here now, though. Probably enough of a substitute for rep.
The old rep limits must not be in place for this new system; I was able to like three of Bat's posts in a row, and more than five posts in one day.
I’m seeing this pop up in multiple places where OP posts were reset to older edits. For example, the WoS’s 2nd post with all the inducted maps has been reverted to an edit from May 10th, which shouldn’t be the case. It’s the the same case for a number of VC threads and I imagine many others.
Will posts no longer indicate when they were last edited? That was a helpful feature.

Never mind, found it.
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I’m seeing this pop up in multiple places where OP posts were reset to older edits. For example, the WoS’s 2nd post with all the inducted maps has been reverted to an edit from May 10th, which shouldn’t be the case. It’s the the same case for a number of VC threads and I imagine many others.
This should be fixed as of about 10 minutes ago. Please let me know if you're still seeing otherwise
This should be fixed as of about 10 minutes ago. Please let me know if you're still seeing otherwise
I'm seeing mixed results on this - the OP of this thread has had its "last edited" timestamp jump forward, but the actual contents of the post are still behind.
Can confirm, the dates look right but the contents of the posts are not (see my maps thread or the WoS thread first post).
I think entire threads have gone missing. I made several posts on threads in the last week or two that can I can longer find in my history. These were new threads, one was titled something like “Show off Your New HeroScape”.

EDIT: That thread has returned. Thanks!
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I miss the little order markers indicating people's reputation.

Also, my "posts per page" is down to 20. I used to have it maxed out at 48. Is it possible to restore that option?
There is a light theme already created so those who may not like dark theme will have an option for something else. @TMoney9 (and others).
Just to confirm, this hasn't been released yet, and I haven't just failed at finding it, right?

Also @cmgames isn't able to post until he confirms his email, but he's not getting the confirmation emails. He suggested it might be an SMTP setting issue, but that means nothing to me, so I'm just passing it on to more computer literate people than me in case it's helpful. :lol:
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Pretty sure I should have a site supporter tag (it never got added last time I contributed), unless it's expired at this point (definitely possible). Will other tags be added eventually like C3V and emeritus badges?
Also just noticed the OP in a C3V thread is not showing the most current edits. The edit date looks like it's probably correct, the contents of the OP definitely not.
Many (but not all) images are missing from the "Books of" threads. The PDF links gave me an "OOPS something went wrong" message.
Page selection in a thread would be nice on top of the page as well as at the bottom.
None of the custom emojis that the old site had appear to be working. When I click on the smile icon, I'm just seeing the shortcut codes.

EDIT: I guess while I'm mentioning those, there's currently no Revna emoji, so maybe that too?

EDIT2: The side bar on the main forum page (with the latest posts) does not scroll independently of the rest of the forum. In order to see any "Latest Posts" beyond the first three (mine shows five total) and anything below it (Latest Profile Posts, Forum Stats, Share This Page), I need to scroll all the way to the bottom of the forum to read it.
I am currently in Left Align mode if that matters.
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Well the site looks great.
After all these years it’s nice to see an upgrade.
I appreciate everything everyone does in the community.
I’ve been around since the original .net days and when the transfer to Herscapers took place I was happy to become a lifetime site supporter!
Watching the community over the years and seeing it stay together and now seeing Heroscape back again! This has been wonderful! If we need to re contribute in any way to help with the upkeep of the site please PM me.
This should be fixed as of about 10 minutes ago. Please let me know if you're still seeing otherwise
As Ronin and superfrog mentioned, I’m still not seeing any update to the most recent versions of OP’s. It’s possible it may be working on some threads and not on others.

Thanks for all the hard work Xorlof! Great to see this site brought into the modern era.
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Not sure if this has been addressed but it seems the old "subscribe" option has been changed to "watched". Took me a minute to find all my watched threads. This may be more of I don't know how to do it but I used to have folders for my subscriptions, does this still exist, if so how do I find it. If not is there a similar function on here?

Also this is just personal preference and it may be because the forums appear darker now but it's not as easy to see new posts on threads as the bold somewhat blends in. This wouldn't be an issue in a lighter theme but I like the darker theme still.

I also found your Classic card folder which is super neat. I'm not sure the quality or how to print from them but would it be possible to have my scans (or your enhanced scans also now in my folder) for download as well?

Anyway it overall looks much more updated thank you for all your hard work and the work you continue to do!
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