• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

HEROSCAPERS 2.0 issues, discussion

I'm beginning to apply those permissions things I've identified after that last email and will finish up in the next couple of days (putting me a few days behind my projected timeline). I will post to this thread again when I'm done.
Looks like character limits are still an issue. Just tried to update a link in the 'Book of' Index for C3V/SoV units and it wouldn't let me save due to the limits.
I *just* noticed that maps (in Downloads) are not only separated by 1-set, 2-set, 3-set ... but *also* there are about 4,000+ that just sit in the main battlefields folder.

Are those duplicated in each of the set subsections? or, will they be? Or, is it truly just the wild west, where you don't know what each one requires?
I have a blog which I put in the wrong category, but I can't change it because there seems to be no edit button. Where might this button be?

I'm beginning to apply those permissions things I've identified after that last email and will finish up in the next couple of days (putting me a few days behind my projected timeline). I will post to this thread again when I'm done.
Could you share a status update, @Xorlof ?
@Xorlof In answer to the bottom of the OP, which says:
  1. preview doesn't show hyperlinked text - haven't tried this yet
The hyperlinked text DOES show up, it just looks identical to normal text unless you hover over it (at least on dark mode), in which case an underline appears. I might suggest defaulting to a different color for hyperlinks?

I have given up on accessing my previously posted tournament and custom figure threads some time ago. I am just posting a new thread for each event and figure, sadly. I hope things can be restored, but I have numerous threads I can't update. Time to start new ones? I have linked the original thread into the new ones. Long live Heroscapers! and I appreciate all of the efforts for this new site.
Well met!

Just posted my first blog under the new regime. Problems with formatting, specifically centering chosen lines without centering whole post. Having posted it, I find format changed as far as centering is concerned, and I am not permitted to go back in and edit it. Also, it says there are no entries to view, even though the details show the blog post. Where does one go to see blogs from most recent?
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Hi all. It's been a long time since I've posted an update--too long. I apologize. Unfortunately, I don't have a huge update, but do have a path forward. The remaining pressing issues divide into a few buckets: 1) permissions, 2) missing data, 3) pending updates, 4) other

1) Permissions
As mentioned quite a while back, these need to be sorted out to help lay a foundation for other things. So much so they block progress on some of the other issues. I've been picking at them bit-by-bit, but obviously not anywhere near fast enough. Japes has figured and addressed some too. It can be tedious, detail oriented work, so I like to do it in blocks of time where I can concentrate. I haven't devoted many of those to the cause, sorry. (On the plus side, I've already worked out the thorniest ones). I'm going to shift gears and during the next week create some documentation for my fellow admins (some of which have been very eager to help in this area) on how to fix these. With that in place, and the extra help that provides, hopefully this area that needs to happen first-ish can get crossed off the list.

2) Missing data
Primarily some missing blogs but also a missing smaller forum. To accomplish this, I've outsourced this and it and in hands of a paid third party. However, #1 needs to happen first. It turns out that some of the restoration problems in the past involved the system rejecting imported data because of faulty permissions (e.g., system falsely thinks you can't have a blog so it won't import it.)

3) Pending updates
Since this other stuff has drug out so long, we're due to do another software update (changing from v2.2 to v2.3 of our software). #2 is a blocker for this to be able to happen and this needs to happen before some of the other fixes and enhancements. This update isn't anywhere near as big of a deal as our last one, where we moved to a whole new software platform, but every update has the potential for new (small) issues.

4) Other
Everything else! No time to go through all of these right now--this is a higher level overview of getting back on track--but some of these will get fixed here and there before #2 and #3 get accomplished. Not a ton, but some. (And there are also some that can't before then.)

The new plan should get the logjam caused by me moving again. We can think of the upcoming week as the "empowering the other admins" week. Hopefully with their help, the following week can be "permissions finally sorted out" week. After that I can prod the 3rd party to re-import missing data. I'm guessing it may take up to a week for them to get us in the schedule, but once we're in the schedule, the import happens quickly. So now, two weeks out, we can do the next update (I'm penciling in Feb 9th for this, but we need also need to confirm before that that all missing data is accounted for). After that's done, it's time to re-evaluate and go through the rest of the big list of issues (#4 stuff). I think that following week will be just triaging, making a mega-list and timeline. A general theme I'm going to start reaching for is empowering others to help. They've been very willing! (Thank you all!!!)

So progress, of a sort...
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@Xorlof said, “I've outsourced this and it and in hands of a paid third party.”

I think there used to be a link to donate money to support the site. I can’t find it on the 2.0 version. Would someone please post the link if there is one? If not, how can we help financially?
Yes, this.
Many of the PDFs of the C3V and SOV customs are missing such as Motely Max. I try printing the card but without the Print-friendly version the text is unreadable
Well met!

Just posted my first blog under the new regime. Problems with formatting, specifically centering chosen lines without centering whole post. Having posted it, I find format changed as far as centering is concerned, and I am not permitted to go back in and edit it. Also, it says there are no entries to view, even though the details show the blog post. Where does one go to see blogs from most recent?
I can't offer any help on the formatting, and I don't believe an edit button currently exists (I've looked for one myself). However, I've found that the best way to view my own recent content is to pull down the 'Blogs' dropdown and click on 'your content'.

The whole way blogs are sorted is extremely confusing. As far as I can figure, all categories are now public. To create a blog, you instead now need to create what is called an 'entry', which is like an entry on a blog. Blogs, in turn, have become some sort of collection of entries. When posting a new entry, you need to scroll through the massive list of EVERYBODY'S categories to find the one you want to post in, then you'll have to select a random blog you've written in the past (no way around this) to post your entry in. Then you can post the entry as normal. It will have a link to the blog it is 'under' once posted, but will otherwise show up normally.

I've mentioned this issue before, but understand that Xorlof is swamped with far more pressing matters than blog functionality at the moment. Hope this helps.

Many of the PDFs of the C3V and SOV customs are missing such as Motely Max. I try printing the card but without the Print-friendly version the text is unreadable
Naw, this is better. Use the Valhalla Customs Wordpress site. But use the Wave textboxes on the left, they house PDFs of all units in that Wave. The bulleted list of individual units on the right links back to the HSers.com Book to each unit, which is your original problem.
I'll re-ask this, since this thread now seems to be getting some traction:

I *just* noticed that maps (in Downloads) are not only separated by 1-set, 2-set, 3-set ... but *also* there are about 4,000+ that just sit in the main battlefields folder.

Are those duplicated in each of the set subsections? or, will they be? Or, is it truly just the wild west, where you don't know what each one requires?
The 4,000 is all represented in the subsections, there's no difference.
But, they don't tell you *which* sets. 100% Wild West.
You have to examine each one individually.
The timeline I mentioned is pushed back a week. I didn't get my instructions completed for my fellow admins before I left on a school trip for a week. 🫤
The 4,000 is all represented in the subsections, there's no difference.
But, they don't tell you *which* sets. 100% Wild West.
You have to examine each one individually.
So my question is this ... are all the 4.000 already entered into the proper areas? Or are they an *additional* 4,000 over what's included in those categories already?
The old format for links in the Downloads section is: https://www.heroscapers.com/community/downloads.php?do=file&id=####
The new format is: https://www.heroscapers.com/resources/file-name.####
If your browser displays the link address when you hover over it, note the number at the end of the link.
In a reply box, type in the new format with the file name, multiple words separated by hyphens, if necessary, then a dot, then the number.
For example, the old link to the BoV map Fulcrum is: www.heroscapers.com/community/downloads.php?do=file&id=1766
When you type it in in the new format, https://www.heroscapers.com/resources/fulcrum.1766 you get this:

Edit: You can also type the new format link into the address bar of your browser and be taken directly to the download page of the file.
People have posted many times in Discord and on Facebook about broken links to downloads, with this being the only current fix. Is this the new format that the location of downloads is going to stick to, so we can change our urls to match? And is there any way to redirect from the old urls?
To follow-up on Sky's question, from a .org perspective, should I change all of the links that use this pattern:
to this pattern:
Or is there still a plan to make the old links work, or is this alternative format (that seems to be working right now) not the permanent plan?

Want to verify before I do something that's both a fair amount of work, and has the potential to be incorrect in the long term.