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Heroscape sentence generator.


Raconteur Extraordinaire
I found this little game on another forum, and thought it might be interesting to make a heroscape version. It's really easy.

First, take the month you were born in and make the matching words the start of your sentence:

If you were born in-Start with:
Jan- My dice were blessed by...
Feb- I struck down...
Mar- I bit...
Apr- I ran from..
May- I was kicked in the nads by...
June- I was cursed with bad dice luck by...
July- I always fail roll defence against...
Aug- I was eaten by...
Sept- Chompy ate...
Oct- I was kissed by...
Nov- I stared down...
Dec- I punched..

Second, take the day you were born on and add the matching word(s) the next part of your sentence:

If you were born on- add:
1- Taelord
2- Netherspirit
3- Eldgrim
4- Sparticus
5- Sgt. Drake Alexander
6- Vydar
7- Kaemon Awa
8- Grungebob
9- Q9
10- Mimring
11- Syvarris
12- Utgar
13- Dund
14- Braxas
15- Sudema
16- A rules Lawyer
17- Runa
18- Revdar
19- Ullar
20- Ne-Gok-Sa
21- Su-Bak-Na
22- Niflheim
23- Krug
24- Raelin
25- Cavalier
26- Khosumet
27- Jandar
28- Jotun
29- Markwars
30- Einar
31- Kenjib

Third, add because.

Finally, take the first letter of your Heroscapers.com username, and make the matching words the last part of your sentence.

If your username begins with- add:
A- ...I hear voices.
B- ...I always win at chess.
C- ...I whiffed on DW9K's Defence roll.
D- ...I saw his/her/its 'secret' tapes.
E- ...I'm so 1337.
F- ...Lilnewbie said to do it.
G- ...he/she/it took my cookie.
H- ...he/she/it flinged a rubber band at my head.
I- ...I like cheese.
J- ...he/she/it said I used too many smilies.
K- ...he/she/it didn't like my signature.
L- ...I said he/she/it was too undercosted.
M- ...Guilty McCreech told me why he was so guilty.
N- ...my figures are looking at me.....I know it.
O- ...I made him/her/it drop their sandwich.
P- ...I said he/she/it was too expensive.
Q- ...he/she/it took the last Wave 6 pack just before me.
R- ...he/she/it wouldn't play Heroscape with me.
S- ...My DW7K spontaniously combusted.
T- ...he/she/it took my Sir Hawthorne.
U- ...I got the initiative roll.
V- ...he/she/it whacked me over the hed once.
W- ...the Zombies of Moriden are after me.
X- ...I can't spell.
Y- ...I see dead people.
Z- ...he/she/it said they could beat me at Heroscape.

So using me as an example:

My birthday is in October so I start with "I was kissed by..."

My birthday is on the 19th so I would put "Ullar" next.

Next I would add "because".

And finally, my username Firemaster begins with F so I would finish the sentence with "...Lilnewbie said to do it."

So my sentence would read:

"I was kissed by Ullar because Lilnewbie said to do it."

So what does your's read?

Other combonations you can try:
The date of your's or your parent's wedding anniversary and the first letter of your middle name.

The date of one of your kid's/sibling's/parent's/other relative's Birthday and the first/last letter of their first name.

This can easily be modified, so if enough people like this, I could release a new one every once in a while.
I stared down Braxas because Guilty McCreech told my why he was so guilty.

Well if I have to stare down somebody, I guess I'm glad it's not Sudema or Me-Burq-Sa.
I bit Eldgrim because I whiffed on DW9K's Defence roll.

Change that to I threw instead of I bit and it sounds like K/HA :p
I always fail to roll defense against Kaemon Awa because my figures are looking at me...and I know it!