• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

Heroscape.org - New Software Support for Heroscape

Added the ability for a user to drop themself during a tournament (meaning they would not get paired into future rounds). Previously only TDs could do this. Still requires a TD to undo (so that a player cannot undo a TD-drop without approval).

Hopefully this will solve some of the bottlenecks from ScapeCon when we had like 5-10 people drop before the last round of a few tournaments where they had to line up to tell the TD (or me) to do it.
So exciting!

A couple of the cards have `NaN` for points. I think one of them is on purpose but Shredder looks like he should be 250.

For these individual sub-domains, I don't actually own the data for them, so I won't be the one fixing data errors.

If anyone sees an issue with the data, they should reach out to the individual project's members to get it fixed.

For this one I'll tag the C3G member I've been in contact with. @Karat
Should be fixed now. Please feel free to PM me with anything else that you come across!
Just pushed a series of changes to .org based on feedback & experience from ScapeCon & Sir H's online 'live' events.

The biggest thing is that tournaments no longer automatically "Start" at the specified start time or "End" at the specified end date: TDs now have buttons to explicitly start & end tournaments. This was needed for 2 reasons:
1) Players in Australia were 1 day ahead of the US for Sir H's live event, which broke the way the site was designed
2) This lets TDs at large events (like ScapeCon) delay armies being publicly released by a few minutes when needed without having to edit the tournament start time (which is more complicated).

Smaller Changes:
- Players can now drop themselves from a tournament (but cannot re-add themself, only a TD can do that)
- TDs can "hard drop" a player before round 1 starts, meaning totally remove them (as opposed to greying them out and just not pairing them in)
- Players can edit their own game result to fix errors until the round is concluded
- "Streaming" maps are now indicated on the public pairings table and in the pairings email sent to players

Note: You may need to force-refresh (hold the 'ctrl' button while doing the refresh) the site/pages to get all latest changes.

If anyone sees issues / errors / etc., please let me know.
Can't remember where the Delta thread is on here...will the changes be posted on there as well? I like to see what actually changed (up/down) rather than just the new price.
Very minor update - added a challenge question to the 'Contact' page to try and cut down on bot spam that's been blasting my inbox.

Question is similar to the one on the 'Create Account' page, which has worked well so far.

This one is 'How many lives does the Hydra have?' and the answer is 4.

The challenge question only appears if you are not logged in, however, as the bots don't have accounts.

Feature request for the army builder.
Allow sorting figures by size (Small, Medium, Large, Huge) and by single or double based.
Size is useful for formats where specific sizes of figures are required, and single/double base is useful for formats with limited startzone space, so that you can avoid double spacers.
A third level of filtering would also be appreciated, though admittedly it's only occasionally necessary.
Allow sorting figures by size (Small, Medium, Large, Huge)

To clarify, do you mean adding 2 additional sorts (size & height, separately) instead of the one, unified sort that's currently there (which combines them into "Huge 17")?

If so, I could see the argument either way on that. The status quo version does still keep all the "Huge" sections together at least, but I could see wanting to see all 'Height 6' figures together as well.

Without adding the 3rd sort though, separating them would then make it not feasible to, say, see all "Huge 8" figures in descending point order, which is actually something I use currently (albeit infrequently).

Would appreciate other's thoughts on these 2 options as well - which would you find more useful (assuming I don't add the 3rd sort, as in that case separating them out would clearly be better)?

Allow sorting figures by ... single or double based.

In general, I tried avoiding adding binary sorts, as the ensuing groups were just too large to do much with. It's possible that the double-space group is small enough to be useful though.

Will think about it more, and take any input others have here as well.

A third level of filtering would also be appreciated, though admittedly it's only occasionally necessary.

I'm probably inclined not to do this, mostly because of the space it would take up on mobile trading off with how infrequently it would be used.
Sorry for the confusion. Yes, Please separate Size and height, or list both separately in addition to what you currently have.
Sorry for the confusion. Yes, Please separate Size and height, or list both separately in addition to what you currently have.

I just added these 2 additional sorts (and re-named the existing one to "Size + Height").

Looks right to me on an initial test, but let me know if anything looks off.

Might require a force-refresh to see the changes depending on your browser settings.
Added links to create OHS games for OHS-enabled maps from the maps page on the individual map and the homepage 'highlighted' map if it's OHS-enabled.
Some changes to map-making & editing permissions & access on the site.

First off: when you are logged in, you should now see a new option on the nav bar labeled "Me". This is the public page that previously just listed your tournament attendance & record. It's now also used for maps. You can see all the maps for a given author by looking at their page, and see your own maps on your page. Map pages now link the author's name to their public page as well.

Regarding permissions, it is now the case that anyone with an account can create new maps. You can only edit maps that have you as the "Author" on, however, unless you have the higher permission level that I've passed out to a few people who offered to help with data entry previously.

When you're on your own page, you should see a button below your maps labeled "Add New Heroscape Map". If you click that, a form will open up that lets you enter the info for the map. Then click 'Save'. Note you'll have to refresh the page to see it listed in your maps if you are the author.

From any given Map's individual map page, if you have edit permission (either because it's your map, or because you have the higher permissions) you should see a set of fields below the tournament usage of the map where you can click the orange pencil icon to edit the data. Should look similar to creating new maps.

Note: If you are entering maps, PLEASE make sure to enter the data correctly. I'd rather not have a map present at all than have it listed with incorrect or missing terrain requirements, for example, as it's very hard for me to track down incorrectly entered data in the future. And please always put the terrain requirements.

The last thing on maps is called 'Tags' - these are just there to provide some way of filtering/searching on the page that lists all maps. The only tag that most maps have gotten so far is "Tournament", but feel free to apply whatever tags you want. If you want new tags that aren't available yet, let me know.

As with everything else, new stuff is always liable to break something or have issues. Just let me know. But I'm hopeful this makes it easier in the long run to get a lot more map data on the site.

- CP
Some Updates

1) Partial Card Scoring Page:
- Display the number of lives a hero has in the army display box
- Added +/- buttons inside each army display box (like the normal builder has)

2) Create OHS Game Page
- Added an image of the map (after you select a map from the dropdown)