Allow sorting figures by size (Small, Medium, Large, Huge)
To clarify, do you mean adding 2 additional sorts (size & height, separately) instead of the one, unified sort that's currently there (which combines them into "Huge 17")?
If so, I could see the argument either way on that. The status quo version does still keep all the "Huge" sections together at least, but I could see wanting to see all 'Height 6' figures together as well.
Without adding the 3rd sort though, separating them would then make it not feasible to, say, see all "Huge 8" figures in descending point order, which is actually something I use currently (albeit infrequently).
Would appreciate other's thoughts on these 2 options as well - which would you find more useful (assuming I don't add the 3rd sort, as in that case separating them out would clearly be better)?
Allow sorting figures by ... single or double based.
In general, I tried avoiding adding binary sorts, as the ensuing groups were just too large to do much with. It's possible that the double-space group is small enough to be useful though.
Will think about it more, and take any input others have here as well.
A third level of filtering would also be appreciated, though admittedly it's only occasionally necessary.
I'm probably inclined not to do this, mostly because of the space it would take up on mobile trading off with how infrequently it would be used.