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Heroscape Navy - Empress ship, 2 hour project

Ok lemme give it a shot, I have your email to so let me send you these first to your email then Ill try it here.

They are just a rough scan and I haven't cleaned them up but from what you have done already it seems you really don't need much help, just the templates to cut down on your modding time :)
In one of your navy/boat related threads you were asking about what you should charge for one of your big boats. I found a place that sells some 25mm ships and thought it might give you an idea of the market. I don't know much about them, just stumbled across them while looking through all their other stuff. Might be close enough to 28mm scale to make use of any accessories they sell too.
Thanks Yoda!

My stuff had all been in boxes for the last 3 months and I had no chance with the move to do any crafting. I cant wait to start next week again.
Had to necro this.

You simply have to check out this thread and learn why Rocktroll is the Popsicle stick Admiral. :)

So ridiculously awesome.
Re: Heroscape Navy - Updated Jun 2013 -Figurehead

2017 now found your pic of seahorse figurehead.
Looking to verify it was figurehead of Drake's Pelican. If you receive this would appreciate any reply as I have been unable to corroborate Independently!

I made a newbie mistake, I drybrushed the whole ship before I had given it a ink wash.

When I did give it a wash I didn't want to use my tiny bottle of gamed workshop wash, since I have to order everything online. I found on hirstarts.com that they use a combination of KIKI black boot polish mixed with future floor wax and water to make a cheap yet effective wash. I had to try it out.

It worked :)

The effects are subtle but I will re-drybrush the whole ship and do most of the minor details again to get them to stand up.

I thought I would need a brown wash for the boat but this cheap simple black wash helps it look a little more official. As the official pieces have some cheap simple paint jobs.

I painted the gun ports bright red, like a merchant or war ship would do to show off its guns, then painted over it sloppy black to cover it up to hide the guns, like a pirate crew would do to surprise its pray.

I didn't want to keep the figurehead gold so I gave it a brown ink wash to give it a coppery / brass look. I will high light it with brass later on.

Re: Heroscape Navy - Updated Jun 2013 -Figurehead

When I did give it a wash I didn't want to use my tiny bottle of gamed workshop wash, since I have to order everything online. I found on hirstarts.com that they use a combination of KIKI black boot polish mixed with future floor wax and water to make a cheap yet effective wash. I had to try it out.

It worked :)

Congratulations; you've discovered Magic Wash; the mixture of Future and water is the base for making any color of wash you need, using any pigment that produces the right effect. Future has a lot of other uses, as well; you can use it straight as a dip for transparent parts to improve their transparency and protect them from the hazing effect of cyanoacrylate glues, for example. For other uses, including mixing talcum powder with Future to make a filler putty, read The Complete Future over at Swanny's Models.
Sadly, @Rocktroll hasn't been active for a long time. I miss seeing his updates on his amazing custom terrain projects.