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HeroScape is coming back!

My hope for color is a variable neutral color appropriate for each unit, like the natural skintone of a unit (tan Marro, perhaps grey or white for a given Soulborg, etc).
I could tolerate a consistent neutral grey for all units if needed, but absolutely do not want Arena Of The Planeswalkers's solid faction colors (with the obvious exception of Jace's transparent phantoms, those turned out nice).

If it's anything like the Hasbro Pulse campaign, they will be color coded based on General.
I think color based on General is the most likely, considering how much of AoA is being inherited.

It would be cool if the colors were administered via primer so those of us who want to paint them can just get started immediately. Not having to go through the hassle of removing them from the base and priming them.
I think color based on General is the most likely, considering how much of AoA is being inherited.

It would be cool if the colors were administered via primer so those of us who want to paint them can just get started immediately. Not having to go through the hassle of removing them from the base and priming them.

And in that case, what would make me happiest would be if those colors corresponded to the existing generals' color schemes instead of the bright fluorescent colors of AoA.
I think color based on General is the most likely, considering how much of AoA is being inherited.

It would be cool if the colors were administered via primer so those of us who want to paint them can just get started immediately. Not having to go through the hassle of removing them from the base and priming them.

And in that case, what would make me happiest would be if those colors corresponded to the existing generals' color schemes instead of the bright fluorescent colors of AoA.

Same. When I think about it, I'm probably fine with multiple colors, but not the bright fluorescent we were shown with AoA. If a mini is going to be unpainted, for me, darker colors look best on the table.
I really wish Renegade would start drip-feeding things on their site or here. Anitar is doing a great job keeping every little thing added to the other thread, but the hype train barely had any steam right now.
;) "The Source! it lives! it burns! When we reach out and touch it, the core of us is magnified!"

--Jack Kirby, New Gods
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Today two custom figures of mine hit the table, the only two that are broken - one Confrontation miniature and one Wild West Exodus. Both lost their weapons at some point and the weapons are gone - maybe the cost one pays when the 7-year old son gets to play, maybe a result of moves and transports. Anyway, I'm really thankful for how robust the softer HeroScape plastic is. Even compared to HeroClix and Pathfinder/DnD Minis, the HeroScape stuff is bendy and holds up for forever. I think I broke an Shigatu spear once, but I've got quite a few other minis that have broken at the arms, the feet, the weapons, etc.

What's Renegade looking at as far as plastic goes?
Just added a couple Sterilite drawer towers to my Christmas wish list.
Yeah, hopefully something was figured out so the cost is not like time strike's $200 added dollars for 11 figures painted. I assume there's no non painted option if it wasn't mentioned in that teaser paragraph? Maybe it's a limited edition pre order limited time thing.

Having new figures cost roughly the same as old figures on eBay now, like $50 for a single squad, doesn't seem to be a price point for newcomers wanting to dip their toes in. Interesting how it'll play out. A price point that's at or over the vanguard edition for significantly less minis is an iffy option.

Sometime to consider, of time strike's 841 current backers, only 32 of them bought a colored figure option. Don't have time to take out the buyers that are only buying terrain and not the game. And I don't have a way to see people only buying a painted game set without terrain.
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If that's true, between that and no mention of an unpainted option, I'm assuming it's going to be *only* prepainted. Question is how much AoA would've costed parceled out rather than all in one.

Wow, that's great. I was afraid this outing was going to end up making the cost significantly more compared to the vanguard price. But I'd gladly pay $300 for a painted version of the vanguard edition all day. *Crosses fingers.

*Over time. I don't think all of what was shown on Hasbro pulse will be available, especially figures without cards revealed, but a similar price scale for the amount rules.
I have a feeling that they understand that they can make a fair amount with terrain only packs, and may subsidize the cost of the minis with the terrain.
I have a feeling that they understand that they can make a fair amount with terrain only packs, and may subsidize the cost of the minis with the terrain.

I would be shocked if that was how it worked. If terrain only is profitable and figures are not when painted, then most businesses would only put out terrain. Unless they are flying totally by instinct, I think that each sku has a healthy profit margin, except for maybe a masterset to get a playerbase 'hoked'. Even then I don't think that is so much the case anymore, since so much of the world is just in time delivery. I guess they might think painted figures might drive more terrain packs, but that is a big if.

Don't get me wrong, market forecasting is hard (trust me, it is my life), but you don't go to market unless you have a clear plan to make money. That said forecast models are rife with assumptions and bias. I'm sure some one along the line crunched the number of units sold painted and unpainted and the cost of manufacturing, shipping, storage and delivery of both sets. They also likely considered how painting is a brand differentiator which can boost the brand for more sales and long term growth.

I'm willing to bet a core set that somewhere there is an excel sheet with the calculations of both options showing painted is the more profitable strategy.
If that 10-15% higher for pre-painted is the case, what is the guess we're looking at for a pack of 6-7 figures (assuming wave packs are similar to how they were originally packaged)?

Somewhere in the $30-35 range?
:cheer::cheer::cheer: They said there will also be some kind of Master Set. My own preference, as someone who has all the old stuff, would be:

1) a New Card/Figure Master Collection, (per Wave) with

2) a New Stuff Heroscape Terrain System pack.

This since its usually cheaper per item to get them all together!

:pray: *Hello you Renegade Lurkers, you!*

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