Here is the quote from Truth's blog, on the
front page:
Truth said:
Forever Valiant
Posted November 24th, 2010 at 03:33 PM by truth
Awhile back Wizards asked us to design a couple of potential repaint exclusives. We made Agent Skahen and one other. The other was a patriot by the name of Samuel Brown and he was never used. We recently asked Wizards for permission to release the card and were granted permission. So here it is. Special thanks to long-time Heroscaper Hextr1p for assisting on putting the card graphic together.
That says two things to me. First of all, "permission to
release the card" came from Hasbro. "Release." The card has therefore been released, with Hasbro's express blessing.
Second, this release is something that Truth and others
fought for, when Heroscape was discontinued. And they won, when Hasbro gave permission for this release, including card and mini.
So we have a "release," with card and mini. To say that it is not "official" is both inaccurate and, to my mind, truly unkind to our friends who fought for that final inch, after 'Scape was discontinued.