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Harry Potter

What do you think of the Harry Potter series?

  • I love the Harry Potter books!

    Votes: 45 51.1%
  • I like the Harry Potter books!

    Votes: 19 21.6%
  • The Harry Potter books are okay.

    Votes: 3 3.4%
  • I hate the Harry Potter books.

    Votes: 10 11.4%
  • I have not read enough/any to make a call.

    Votes: 11 12.5%

  • Total voters
Well I hate Harry Potter. I never cared much for the books, but I thought they were alright. I just hate the character himself. He's just a dweeb. By the way, the next thing contains spoilers. Note the spoiler thing.
Spoiler Alert!

EDIT: There. I added spoilers. :thumbsup:
Nice spoiler, BoD.

~Aldin, who supposes pretty much anyone who wants to read it has read it at this point anyway

*Marvels in horror at the amount of HP hate in this thread*


Okay, seriously now. I liked books and movies 2, 4, and 6 better than 1, 3, 5, and 7. Except book 5 was awesome.
Heh, my girlfriend love HP. I never did. The books were fun reads, I ended up reading all of them but the last one. They weren't spectacular, though. Harry himself did nothing but annoy me, and the same plot basically happened throughout most of the books. I heard what happens in the last book, how they kill basically every minor character, and some weird looophole ends it all. Just sounded stupid to me, so I lost interest. Too big a book to read just because. :p
I really like the HP books. I've noticed that as the seiries goes on, and the character ages, the books become darker. Each story becomes more sinister, more people start to die. It's apparant in the movies as well. if you were to watch the first movie, so full of colors that stand out, and the final movie (or part 1 of the final movie) everything is gloomy, grey, and depressing. you will notice a complete change of atmosphere. I believe this change started in the 4th book
I really like the HP books. I've noticed that as the seiries goes on, and the character ages, the books become darker. Each story becomes more sinister, more people start to die. It's apparant in the movies as well. if you were to watch the first movie, so full of colors that stand out, and the final movie (or part 1 of the final movie) everything is gloomy, grey, and depressing. you will notice a complete change of atmosphere. I believe this change started in the 4th book

Totally true. It also corresponds with the length of the books doubling from book 4 on. I loved them, and read them all in about a week. . .
Harry Potter.

Can we have a poll about who likes the Character Harry Potter? Because I have noticed that through the entire 5 book he treats his friends like crap.

Has anyone noticed that the least talked about house is ravenclaw? That kinda pisses me off because that's my house.

I've read every book 2 times, my whole family, (minus mom and dad), loves em.

About a month ago my mom bought my family 2 day park hopper passes to harry potter world! :woot: I bought a wand 31 dollars for anyone who cared. And a ravenclaw scarf. 35 dollars.

Why do they call it harry potter world? More people are involved in the series than only harry potter.
Why do they call it harry potter world? More people are involved in the series than only harry potter.

He's the chosen one, and the series is also called Harry Potter and the... It would also sell more than Ron Weasley world. I however am a fan of them just calling it Hogwarts.
It's absolutely amazing I've missed this thread for this long.

I'll preface by saying that I've read every Potter book at least 3 times. I've probably read Goblet of Fire and Deathly Hallows 6+ times.

Harry Potter.

Can we have a poll about who likes the Character Harry Potter? Because I have noticed that through the entire 5 book he treats his friends like crap.

You're right, he treats everyone like crap for this whole book. However, this is done on purpose by JKR, and is meant to reflect the fact that now that Voldemort :shock: is back, his connection to Harry's mind (i.e., the piece of his soul residing in his head) is causing Harry to experience more rage and behave more aggressively. Once Voldything starts to be afraid of the connection at the end of OotP and in HBP, Harry's OK again.

Has anyone noticed that the least talked about house is ravenclaw? That kinda pisses me off because that's my house.

Yeah... Hufflepuff doesn't really get any love either, but it's only because the main characters are mostly Gryffindors and Slytherins. I do think it's kind of cool that had the "trio" not been sorted into Gryffindor due to their bravery, they probably would've each been sorted into different houses (Harry to Slytherin due to Voldything's soul and resourcefulness, Ron to Hufflepuff because he's just very loyal, and Hermoine to Ravenclaw because she's super smart and logical).

Why do they call it harry potter world? More people are involved in the series than only harry potter.

Because the books are called "Harry Potter and ...."
I really like the Harry Potter series too. I do find some of the books boring, namely the first and sixth. Not that I have anything against it, but I have noticed that the only holiday celebrated is Christmas and it shows up in every movie (I think). My favorite characters are definately Fred and George. Their pranks are always funny (especially near the end of book five with Umbridge as headmaster).

The last movie is coming out tomorrow at midnight, does anyone else plan on watching it?
i remember i was looking forward to every new HP book
i didn't go to sleep before i finished one :)
even though i was already a grown up when the last ones came out i still enjoyed every word :)
kind of miss reading them for the 1st time
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My first experience with Harry Potter was with my grandmother. She volunteered at the local Library and brought it home to me and said that everyone was talking about it. She started reading it to me. (I was 8) That was how it began. She only got threw the third chapter before I had to go home but I made my dad go buy the book with me so that we could start reading it together. My dad read them to me while I was younger and then as I got older we would read them separately and discuss. My favorite book was by far Half Blood Prince. I balled my eyes out. My least favorite was the fourth. I have watched all the movies but I pick them apart.