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Habs1009's Awesome Map Thread

New Marvel style map with an idea stolen from Dr. Weirdscaper.

Sub Base




A nuclear submarine base secretly made by the Soviets in 1979 in Colombia. After the fall of the Soviet Union the base fell into the hands of the Colombian Government and it's only a matter of time before they find a use for the missles...
Ok so my phone finally has decided to die so here it is.


Nilfheim and Sonlen

250 Points


Attack +4 when attacking adjacent figures

Fear-All figures within 2 clear sight spaces roll two less defense die when defending against this figure

Dragon's Fury-After attacking with Nilfheim and Sonlen you may roll a 20 sided dice and if you roll 13 or higher you may attack two additional times.

Tell me what you think
I really enjoyed your last map! It looks very good visually with the dark and cool colors.

The Nilfheim Sonlen Combo is...interesting. :p
It seems decently balanced. I think it would be safe to put at 230 though.

Nice work :)
I really enjoyed your last map! It looks very good visually with the dark and cool colors.

The Nilfheim Sonlen Combo is...interesting. :p
It seems decently balanced. I think it would be safe to put at 230 though.

Nice work :)

Thanks, and I agree about the points. And the dark and cool colours were TOTALLY on purpose.
5 different maps I made last night for a mini "tournament".


Glyphs: Intercept Order and Mitonsul


Glyphs: Defense+2, Move+2, Wind and Thorian


Glyphs: Attack and Defense


Glyphs: Defense+2 and Wound


Glyphs: Wound, Lodin, and Unique Attack
I love it! Sweet dungeon, nice and roomy! I just hope there isn't an earthquake at your house anytime soon.:wink:
I love the waterfall effect on that map. How many sets went into making it and how do non-flyers get down to the lower level?
I love the waterfall effect on that map. How many sets went into making it and how do non-flyers get down to the lower level?

I stole the idea of the waterfall effect from Rogue A$$a$$in, you can jumb into the water below and it took about 2 RotV, 3 BftU, 1 SotM, 3 RttFF, 9 FotA, and 2 VW.
Love the maps, especially the road tho Infernua! Keep up all the wicked mapmaking! And also , if you make that triple decker map, I will come up personally to see it(depending on if my parents want to take me:lol:). Great work though!