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Habs1009's Awesome Map Thread

Re: Habs1009's Map Thread

That's a good question.

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Spoiler Alert!
Re: Habs1009's Map Thread

Ok you put your text between.
Spoiler Alert!
Re: Habs1009's Map Thread

I named all of the maps, almost all of them are words from different languages.
Re: Habs1009's Map Thread

On the last map I put up we played one person defending the tower and the other had to attack, no flying, heroes and 1 squad only. The defenders got 400 points and attackers got 500. The attackers got destroyed.

For the second game the we did a survival game. The defenders got 400 points heroes only and the attackers started with 500 and went up each time 200 each the defenders destroyed their army. The attackers could only use marro.
Re: Habs1009's Map Thread

I have a new map built but my phone won't upload all the pictures so here's the one I have.

Re: Habs1009's Map Thread

That is one awesome map. The way the stairs are done they really fit the theme of Ruins. Most big huge maps are hard to play on. But this one pretty fair for both sides. Good Job.
Re: Habs1009's Map Thread

That is one awesome map. The way the stairs are done they really fit the theme of Ruins. Most big huge maps are hard to play on. But this one pretty fair for both sides. Good Job.

Thanks. I will have a new map up later today.
Re: Habs1009's Map Thread

Tropical Islands and The Burning Coast

Sorry these took so long my phone wouldn't upload pictures.









Re: Habs1009's Map Thread

The Road to Infernua





This might be my last upload of the summer unless I get more feedback.
Re: Habs1009's Map Thread

I like your last two maps! The Bridge of Staron is my favorite! Keep up the awesomeness!:D
Re: Habs1009's Map Thread

These are some great maps you have here! The one directly above is really cool looking, and it seems that it play well too. My only suggestion would be to eliminate the "dragon perches" on the castle by putting one hex road on them, but other than that it looks great. +rep
Wow! Those maps all look awesome! I'd ask for build instructions but sadly I don't think I can build many of them...
Tropical Islands looks it would make an awesome scenarios. The Road to Infernua looks like it would be an epic 4 player free for all. I love your maps.