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H101 customs. [Updated]

Heroscaper 101

Well-known member
C3G Species

Alderacian Alligator Amphibian Amazon Android Angel Artificial Intelligence Artificial Human Arthrian Asgardian Astonian Atlantean Aurakle Azarathian Bang Baby Banyam Birjan Bizmollian Bgztillian Bolovaxian Braalian Brench-Seijin Caranerian Carggite Cat Centaurian Cheetah Clone Coluan Croatoan Cryomancer Cybertronian Cyborg Czarnian Dalek Dark Elf Daxamite Demogorgon Demon Deviant Dinosaur Dhampir Djinn Dog Doll Dolphin Duck Durlan Edenian Energy Enhancile Entity Eternal Eternian Etin Etheral Exxorian Fable Fairy Fish Fractal Frog Gallifreyan Gamma Mutate Gar Gargoyle Giganto Gorgon Graxan Grizzly Bear H'ilvenite Havanian Heliopolitan Homo Magi Horse Htraeian Humanoid Hyena Illusion Image Imp Immortal Incarnate Inhuman Insectivorid Jovian Junkion Kaiju Kami Korbinite Korugaran
Kree Kronan Krylan Kryptonian Kytinn Lartnecan Manifesation Majesdanian Martian Mephitisoid Mercurian Metahuman Metan Moloid Mogwai Mutant Mutate Namekian New God Newtype Oan Outworlder Olympian Ogatooan Pachyderm Parademon Plant Plant Elemental Pluvian Poppupian Psiot Pterosaur Quirkhuman Qwardian Rabbit Raccoon Rad-Mutant Rimborian Rodent Ryutan Saiyan Sakarran Saurid Saurion Shi'ar Simian Shadow Shark Shokan Skrull Spartoi Spineless One Starro Superhuman Symbiote Taaen Tamaranean Tarkatan Thanagarian Talokian Tiger Titanian Toa Traanian Trollan Turtle Unknown Unopan Vampiri Venusian Viltrumite Volkregian Vorn Warlock Warworlder Watcher Witchbreed Xandarian Xanshian Xem Xenomorph Yautja Zamaron Zarcolatt Zen-Woberi Zenn-Lavian Zuunian

HoSS Species

Chiss Droid Duros Ewok Falleen Gamorrean Gand Gungan Hutt Jawa Quarren Rancor Rhodian Sarlacc Trandoshan Tusken Twi'lek Vehicle Wampa Weapon Wookie Zabrak

C3V/SoV Species

Animata Boar Centaur Chimera Dragonspawn Durgeth Ettin Icarian Mariedian Minotaur Outsider Owlbear Phoenix Raptorian Serpentfolk Sidhe Tempovar Tuatark Tyrran Varja Wildwood Worm Xeno Xoderan

Classic Species

Arachnid Cyclops Dragon Dragonborn
Doggin Drow Dwarf Dzu-Teh Eladrin
Elemental Elementar Elf Fiantooth Firebolg Giant Goliath Goblin Golem Gryphillin Half-Elf Hobgoblin Human Hybrid Hydra Insect Kyrie Lizardfolk Lycanthrope Marro Mind Flayer Moltarn Nagrub Ogre Orc Primadon Sahuagin
Soulborg Troll Trolticor Undead Viper Warforged Wolf Wulsinu Wyvern
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C3G Class

Accountant Accuser Adjudicator Adventurer Antagonist Ascetic Assassin Avatar Avenger Barbarian Bruiser Butler Celebrity Centurion Challenger Charlatan Citizen Commander Commando Companion Conqueror Creature Crime Fighter Crime Lord Criminal Crusader Cultist Dark Judge Deity Decoy Defender Destroyer Dictator Director Disciple Empath Enforcer Engineer Entertainer Exile Experiment Familiar Genius Guardian Hell Lord Hellspawn Herald Hoarder Indrustrailist Insurgent Interloper Invader Inventor Investigator Journalist Judge Kingpin Legionnaire Loner Lover Magician Mastermind Matriarch Maverick Mercenary Micronaut Misfit Mystic Mystery Man Officer Operative Orphan Outcast Outlaw Parasite Pilot Pirate Poet Princess Protege Psychopath Ravager Rebel Recluse Refugee Reject Revenant Revolutionary Rookie Ruler Runaway Saint Savior Saboteur Seeker Sensei Scavenger Scientist Scourge Scrapper Sidekick Slasher Slayer Sorceress Spirit Spy Stalker Strategist Student Subterranean Telepath Terrorist Thief Thrall Time Master Titan Tormentor Toy Trickster Trooper Vagabond Vermin Vigilante Vindicator Visionary Wanderer Witch Wrestler Yakuza
HoSS Class

Administrator Admiral Astromech Bounty Hunter Captain Cavalry Chieftain Gambler General Glider Grand Admiral Grand Moff Gunner Jedi Knight Jedi Master Medic Officer Padawan Protocol Shaman Sith Lord Smuggler Speeder Tentacle Thug

C3V/SoV Class

Berserker Blade Dancer Chrono-Mage Count Courier Deathcommander Duke Executioner Horror Jonin Legend Maharaja Mechanic Monarch Ronin Runner Smith

Classic Class

Agent Alphallon Arachnomancer Archer Arch-Mage Ashigaru Battle Mage Beast Brute Champion Cleric Construct Cutter Daimyo Darklord Deathreaver Deathstalker Deathwalker Death Knights Devourer Divider Drone Duchess Emperor Fighter Frostrager Gladiator Guard Hewer Hive Hivelord Hunter Juggernaut King Knight Lady Lawman Leader Lord Major Marauder Minion Monk Mount Ninja Overlord Paladin Patriot Predator Prince Protector Psychic Pulverizer Queen Raider Ranger Repulsor Rogue Samurai Savage Scout Sentinel Shadow Assassin Sniper Soldier Sorcerer Stinger Tribesman Warden Warhulk Warlord Warmonger Warrior Warwitch Wizard Wyrmling Young
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C3G Personality

Absolutist Absurd Adaptable Aggressive
Ambitious Amorous Analytical Angry Annoying Apathetic Aristocratic Arrogant Awkward Belligerent Benevolent Bitter Boastful Brash Brave Brilliant Brooding Brutal Calculating Calm Cantankerous Cavalier Chaotic Charming Chill Clever Clueless Cocky Cold Colorful Compassionate Competitive Conflicted Confused Conniving Contemplative Controlling Cooperative Corrupt Covetus Creative Cruel Cunning Curious Cursed Cynical Daring Dashing Deadly Debonair Deceitful Deceptive Dedicated Defiant Degenerate Deliberate Delusional Depraved Desperate Destructive Determined Devious Devoted Diabolical Diplomatic Discontented Disgusting Docile Domineering Dramatic Dull Driven Eager Eccentric Efficient Egocentric Egomaniacal Egotistical Emotionless Empathetic Enigmatic Enlightened Enthusiastic Envious Evasive Fanatical Fearful Fervid Fierce Fiery Flamboyant Flirtatious Focused Forgiving Frantic Furious Greedy Grim Grounded Gruff Grumpy Guarded Guileless Gullible Hapless Hateful Haughty Heartless
Hedonistic Honorable Hopeful Hynotized
Indignant Infernal Ingenious Innocent
Innovative Inquisitive Insane Insatible Insecure Inspired Intimidating Intrepid Intuitive Immature Impulsive Irritable Jaded Jocular Jolly Lazy Kool Macabre Malevolent Malicious Manipulated Manipulative Mercurial Methodical Mild-Mannered Mischievous Misguided Moody Morbid Naive Nihilist Noble Nurturing Obnoxious Observant Obsessive Opportunistic Overconfident Pacifistic Passionate Patriotic Playful Plucky Perceptive Pessimistic Petulant Pragmetic Predatory Professional Protective Proud Quirky Ravenous
Reclusive Reformed Reluctant Remorseful Repentant Repressed Resentful Reserved Resigned Resourceful Righteous Ruthless Sadistic Sanguinary Sarcastic Savage Seductive Self-Centered Self-Doubting Self-Righteous Self-Serving Selfless Sensitive Silly Sinister Sly Snarky Spoiled Spunky Stalwart Stubborn Subservient Supportive Taciturn Tenacious Treacherous Troubled Tyrannical Uncompromising Undisciplined Unfortunate Unstable Unyielding Uplifting Vengeful Vicious Vigilant Vindictive Violent Volatile Voluminous Vulnerable Warlord Wise Withdrawn Xenophobic

HoSS Personality

Adventurous Demanding Dutiful Imposing Persuasive Semi-Sentient Serene Simple Steady Superstitious Timid Unreliable Useful Weak Minded Willful

C3V/SoV Personality

Divided Dominating Enraged Inscrutable

Classic Personality

Bold Confident Dauntless Devout Disciplined Fearless Fearsome Ferocious Inspiring Loyal Menacing Merciful Merciless Militaristic Mindless Precise Rebellious Reckless Relentless Resolute Skittish Stoic Terrifying Tormented Tormenting Tricky Valiant Wild
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Bonding/Turns Power -
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Defensive Power -
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Enhancements/Auras Power -
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Miscellaneous Power -
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Movement Power -
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Special Attack Power

Terrain Power -
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Utility Power -
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Tier 1 Species

1. Alfar
2. Akathar
3. Arachnid
4. Arthain
5. Beast
6. Creature
7. Dragon
8. Dwarf
9. Giant
10. Goblin
11. Mahirim
12. Mercian
13. Mirdain
14. Ogre
15. Orc

16. Archer
17. Barbarian
18. Citizen
19. Criminal
20. Defender
21. Destroyer
22. Empath
23. Engineer
24. Genuis
25. Invader
26. Magi
27. Samurai
28. Savage
29. Thief
30. Warrior
Tier 2 Class

31. Assassin
32. Beastmaster
33. Chronomancer
34. Gladiator
35. Hero
36. Mystic Archer
37. Ninja
38. Poisonmancer
39. Pyromancer
40. Pyrorager
41. Ranger
42. Rogue
43. Stormrager
44. Technomancer
45. Warmage
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Bonding/Turns Power - Abilities by Species
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Defensive Power - Abilities by Species
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Enhancements/Auras Power - Abilities by Species
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Miscellaneous Power - D20 Abilities
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Movement Power - Abilities by Species
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Special Attack Power - Range of 1
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Utility Power -
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The figure used for this unit is a Mech Warrior figure from Solaris VII Heavy-Class Action Pack set. Its model name is Rifleman.

The figure used for this unit is Caravan Guard Angelfire #001 Wizards of the Coast set.

The figure used for this unit is Silver Sable #034 - #036 Mutant Mayhem Heroclix.


The figure used for this unit is Sakaaran Commander #007 Guardians of the Galaxy Gravity Feed Heroclix.

The figure used for this unit is U-Men #001 - #003 Mutant Mayhem Heroclix.
The figure used for this unit is HDC Trooper #004 - #006 Unleashed DC Heroclix.
The figure used for this unit is Nova Corpsman #003 Guardians of the Galaxy Movie Heroclix.

The figure used for this unit is Kobra Fanatic #014 - #015 Unleashed DC Heroclix.

The figure used for this unit is Crossbone #009 & #206 Invincible Iron Man and Invincible Iron Man Gravity Feed Marvel Heroclix.


The figure used for this unit is Amphibian Beast #001 Yugioh! Heroclix Series One.

The figure used for this unit is Dragon Piper #024 Yugioh! Heroclix Series One.


The figure used for this unit is a Troll from the D&D set. The name and model number is Skalmad, the Troll King Dangerous Delve #34.

The figure used for this unit is a Bladerager Troll from the D&D set. The name and model number is Bladerager Troll Dangerous Delves #7.

The figure used for this unit is Feral Troll from Auggies D&D Set. The name and model number is Feral Troll Tyranny of Goblins #2/12.
TOG Feral Troll.jpg

The figure used for this unit is Arclight figure from Uncanny X-men : Marvel set. Its model name is Arclight.

The figure used for this unit is Spellstiched Hobgoblin Zombie from the Wizards of the Coast D&D Set. The name and model number is Spellstiched Hobgoblin Zombie Deathknell #043.
The figure used for this unit is Giant Scorpion from Auggies Wizkids D&D Set. The name and model number is Giant Scorpion Tomb of Annihilation #029.


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Bonding/Turns Power - Abilities by Species
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Defensive Power - Abilities by Species
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Enhancements/Auras Power - Abilities by Species
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Miscellaneous Power - D20 Abilities
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Movement Power - Abilities by Species
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Special Attack Power - Range of 1
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Utility Power -
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Tier 2 Class
1. Burglar - More agile thief & less bandit
2. Outlander - Axe wielding assassin
Tier 2 Class
3. Legionaire - Better soldier
4. Devastator - Better melee soldier
Tier 2 Class
5. Archon - Better evangelist
Tier 2 Class
6. Protagonist - Tougher infiltrator
7. Vanguard - Mounted infiltrator
Tier 2 Class
8. Kelpie Lord - Upgraded kelpie rider
Tier 2 Class
9. Shinobi - Ninja assassin
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New Species
Archer Beast Citizen Cleric Creature Darklord Deity Demi-God Empath Engineer Fighter Genius Grey Orc Hivelord Lover Marauder Mystic Oni Outlaw Overlord Pirate Psychic Ruler Savage Scrapper Thief Visionary Wanderer Warrior
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New Class

Archon Chaos Lord Conscript Drifter Duelist Egomaniac Fool Icon Inquisitor Magus Megalomaniac Over-seer Partisan Pathfinder Pugilist Shinobi Strider Warmage
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New Personality

Abrasive Accurate Adept Affectionate Afraid Amazing Assiduous Awful Bad Baleful Blunted Bright Brutish Callous Caring Cautious Coarse Comfort Composed Courageous Decisive Demented Despicable Devastating Dreadful Ecstatic Egregious Erotic Exquisite Exotic Extravagant Flagitious Frightful Fun Friendly Generous Gooey Helpful Heroic Horrendous Ignorant Incredible Innocuous Inspirational Intrusive Irresponsible Jealous Keen Kind Logical Lumpy Mad Magnificent Melodramatic Motivated Narcissist Oblivious Optimal Overefficient Perfidious Presumptuous Provisional Quality Rancid Reasonable Reconciled Refined Refreshing Responsible Rugged Self-Absorbed Self-Deluded Self-Efficient Self-Egotistical Self-Obsessed Selfish Sentimental Serious Smart Sour Spectacular Spiteful Splendiferous Stealthy Stolid Subjugation Superior Sweet Tactical Terrific Traitorous Ultimate Uncooperative Unforgiving Unsupported Unworthy Upbeat Vain Voluptuous Voracious Waning Worthy Wrathful Youthful Zeal
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New Class

Acolyte Aegis Alchemist Anbu Argent Arkon Arch-Duke Arch-Mage Arch-Cleric Arch-Paladin Arch-Wizard Assassin Lord Automatron Axe Lord Axe Squire Bandit Bandit Lord Barbarian Barbarian King Basher Battle-Magus Beast Master Berserker Lord Blade Master Blade Seer Bow Lord Bow Master Brigand Brigand King Captain Colonel Chronomage Chronomancer Chronorager Cockatrice Conjurer Cryomage Cryorager Deceiver Demi-God Detective Devastator Dominator Dreadnaught Electrician Elementalist Elite Empress Fighter Master Grand Archer Grand Colonel Grand Hunter Grand Infantry Grand Knight Grand Raider Grand Squire Grand Warrior Gryphon Gryphon Rider Half-Giant Half-Psychic Harquebus Hater High Commander High Lord High Squire Infantry Izumi Jarl Jester Kaiser Knight Kaiser Raider Kaiser Squire Kelpie Rider Knight-Assassin Knight-Sage Kozuke Lancer Lavamancer Lieutenant Lord Champion Lord Major Machine Master Hunter Master Knight Master Raider Master Squire Merchant Monster Monstrosity Mountain King Nightshield Night-Archer Ninja Commander Ninja Lord Night Master Nightingale Octopi Oni Oni-Archer Oni-Knight Oni-Shinobi Oni-Sage Outlander Overboss Overseer Poisonmancer Protagonist Psychiatrist Pyrorager Reaper Runelord Samurai Lord Samurai Master Shadowkeeper Shadowlord Seneschal Shadow Lord Shinobi Master Shogun Spear Lord Specialist Spellwarden Stormrager Supreme-Guard Supreme-Major Survivalist Tactician Tank Tagawa Technician Technomancer Techno-Ninja Technopath Templar Terror-Archer Terror-Assassin Terror Squire Terrorlord Terrorshield Thief Master Traveler Treasure Hunter Troop Leader Vartan Warmage Warrior Master Waster Weapon Master Windlord Wizard-King Yari Young Master

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Archer Tier 2 Class
Alfar Dwarf Grunt Mahirim Mercian Mirdain Officer Orc
Beast Tier 2 Class
Akathar Bear Beastman Crog Eodrin Spider Troll

Cleric Tier 2 Class
Infiltrator Chronomancer Poisonmancer Pyromancer Stormmancer Technomancer Protagonist Specialist
Fighter Tier 2 Class

Brawler Grand Champion Hater Lancer Runelord Squire Waster Vanguard
Marauder Tier 2 Class
Battle-Magus Chronomage Cryomage Demi-God Elementalist Pyrorager Stormrager Warmage

Mystic Tier 2 Class

Bow Seeker Devastator Dominator Gryphon Rider Kelpie Rider Outrider Soulstrider Windlord
Thief Tier 2 Class

Assassin Lord Detective Jester Night Master Outlander Shinobi Spectre Tactician
Warrior Tier 2 Class

Champion Devastator Executioner Gladiator Leader Protector Samurai Warlord
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Special Attack
Antipersonnel Pistol Special Attack Upgraded Class
Range 2. Attack 3+Special.
After moving and before using this special attack, roll the 20-sided die to add attack to your Army Card:
  • If you roll a 16-17, add 1 additional attack dice.
  • If you roll a 18-19, add 2 additional attack dice.
  • If you roll a 20, add 3 additional attack dice.
Do increased damage.
Armor-Piercing Pistol Special Attack Upgraded Class
Range 2. Attack 3+Special.
After moving and before using this special attack, roll the 20-sided die to subtract shields from the defending figure:
  • If you roll a 16-17, subtract 1 shield.
  • If you roll a 18-19, subtract 2 shields.
  • If you roll a 20, subtract 3 shields.
Do increased damage against armored targets.

Armor Slayer Special Attack Upgraded Class
Range 1. Attack 2+Special.
After moving and before using this special attack, roll the 20-sided die to subtract shields from the defending figure:
  • If you roll a 16-17, subtract 1 shield.
  • If you roll a 18-19, subtract 2 shields.
  • If you roll a 20, subtract 3 shields.
Do increased damage against armored targets.
Farbow Special Attack Upgraded Class
Range 2-4. Attack 3.
You can only use this special attack against a non-adjacent figure.​
Great Hammer Special Attack Upgraded Class
Range 1. Attack 2+Special.
After moving and before using this special attack, roll the 20-sided die to subtract shields from the defending figure:
  • If you roll a 16-17, subtract 1 shield.
  • If you roll a 18-19, subtract 2 shields.
  • If you roll a 20, subtract 3 shields.
Do increased damage against armored targets.
Handaxe Special Attack Upgraded Class
Range 1-2. Attack 2.
When <Name> uses this special attack, you can also use special attack against an adjacent figure.​
Long Bow Special Attack Upgraded Class
Range 2-3. Attack 2.
You can only use this special attack against a non-adjacent figure.​
Long Spear Special Attack Upgraded Class
Range 1-3. Attack 3.
When <Name> uses this special attack, you can also use special attack against an adjacent figure.​


Can only have 1 Weapons power per Card.

Admantine Claws Upgraded Class
Figures subtract 3 from their defense dice when attacked by <Name> with an adjacent normal attack.
Plasma Weapons Upgraded Class
When <Name> attacks with a normal attack, he may attack one additional time. Figures roll 1 fewer defense dice for every wound marker caused by <Name>'s normal attack.
Poison Weapons Upgraded Class
When <Name> attacks with a normal attack or a leaving engagement attack. At least 1 wound is inflicted roll the 20-sided die. If roll a 16 or higher, add 1 additional wound to the defending figure.

Only Axe Lord can use these powers.
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Only Blade Master can use these powers.
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Only Survivalist can use these powers.
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Only Technopath can use these powers.
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Hero Spotlight:
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-Rulings and Clarifications-

-Combinations and Synergies-

Synergy Benefits Received
Synergy Benefits Offered
C3V and SoV Custom Synergies
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Hero Spotlight:
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-Rulings and Clarifications-

-Combinations and Synergies-

Synergy Benefits Received
Synergy Benefits Offered
C3V and SoV Custom Synergies
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Hero Spotlight:
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-Rulings and Clarifications-

-Combinations and Synergies-

Synergy Benefits Received
Synergy Benefits Offered
C3V and SoV Custom Synergies
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Hero Spotlight:
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-Rulings and Clarifications-

-Combinations and Synergies-

Synergy Benefits Received
Synergy Benefits Offered
C3V and SoV Custom Synergies
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Hero Spotlight:
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-Rulings and Clarifications-

-Combinations and Synergies-

Synergy Benefits Received
Synergy Benefits Offered
C3V and SoV Custom Synergies
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Hero Spotlight:
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-Rulings and Clarifications-

-Combinations and Synergies-

Synergy Benefits Received
Synergy Benefits Offered
C3V and SoV Custom Synergies
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Hero Spotlight:
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-Rulings and Clarifications-

-Combinations and Synergies-

Synergy Benefits Received
Synergy Benefits Offered
C3V and SoV Custom Synergies
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Re: Heroscaper 101 customs. [Updated]

Dude War Hydra is way too broken, do you know how unlikely it is to roll 5 skulls and have war Hydra roll blank rolls. You're straying back to making absurdly broken units again, one of those Hydra's can basically wipe out an entire army by itself. You really need to cut back on the abilities. It should not have the resilience ability to begin with and also fire spray special attack should only be an attack of 3 tops, without counting as double hits, maybe small and medium figures roll 1 less defense would be a better alternative to double hits.
Re: Heroscaper 101 customs. [Updated]

Dude War Hydra is way too broken, do you know how unlikely it is to roll 5 skulls and have war Hydra roll blank rolls. You're straying back to making absurdly broken units again, one of those Hydra's can basically wipe out an entire army by itself. You really need to cut back on the abilities. It should not have the resilience ability to begin with and also fire spray special attack should only be an attack of 3 tops, without counting as double hits, maybe small and medium figures roll 1 less defense would be a better alternative to double hits.

Guess you haven't seen Screwattack Top 10 Warhammer Monsters on Youtube.
Re: Heroscaper 101 customs. [Updated]

The resilience ability is the big issue in my opinion, it is very unlikely a figure will score an attack of 5 while the Hydra rolls no defense, so I say that should be removed entirely. Second the 3 attack on the fire spray ability should not count as double attack, instead just have 3 attack dice and have opponents small and medium figures roll 1 less defense dice. Instead of Resilience ability should be replaced with reach, allowing it to attack up to 2 spaces. That's just my two cents on what would make this model fair to an extent without being full on broken.
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Automatron Tier 2 Class
Deceiver Devastator Dominator Guildmaster Protagonist Psychiatrist Technomancer Technopath
Conscript Tier 2 Class
Militia Rifleman Cannoneer InfiltratorGunslinger EliteSpectre Tactician
Drifter Tier 2 Class
Blade Strider Bow Knight Gryphon Rider Hater Kelpie Rider Outlander Specialist Vanguard
Grunt Tier 2 Class
Pugilist Striker Bulwark Adept EvangelistReaper Technician Terrorlord
Magus Tier 2 Class
Arkon Chronomage Cryomage Elementalist Pyrolord Runelord Stormlord Warmage
Monster Tier 2 Class
Detective Lancer Infiltrator Nightingale Poisonmancer Shinobi Survivalist Waster
Partisan Tier 2 Class
Battle Master Captain Dreadguard Grand Hunter Lavamancer Spear Lord Treasure Hunter Windlord
Wayfarer Tier 2 Class
Aegis Bastion Captain Outrider Sentry Shadowkeeper Terrorshield Traveler
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Asking for any advice on what a hero needs to be effective in the C3G & regular heroscape. Haven't made any units yet but I'm working on something. Example : Sub-Zero has Cryomancer as species & Warrior as a class, kind of like two classes in one card or something. Might need some help when comes to creating an effective custom.
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Power Combiner

Adamantium + Golden + Silver = Adamantine

Silver + Golden = Nth Metal

Cobalt + Titanium = Vibranium

Cobalt + Golden = Uru Metal

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Re: Heroscaper 101 customs. [Updated]

Fun stuff! Toxic breath is a really long range AOE. 9 life is huge, but only 4 defense on a 210 point figure, so not too bad.