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Fourth World Workshop (New Gods/Apokolips)

What about letting Omega Beams hit army cards and you then destroy someone from that army card for the 6+ and 16+ effects? Like it would stack on top of each other to net two kills. Forex:

Once per round, instead of taking a turn with Darkseid, if he is not engaged with any Hero figures, you may choose a figure within 6 spaces. Roll the 20-sided die, subtracting X from the roll, where X is the chosen figure's Life number.
If you roll 6 or higher, at the end of the round, destroy a figure from the chosen figure's army card; and
If you roll 16 or higher, immediately destroy a figure from the chosen figure's army card.

Not a great anti-squad power, but it at least makes it something you might use against squads. I don't think you can go too heavy with squad killing since they're already being majorly crippled by the anti-life power.
Seems strange to me that Anti-Life Equation doesn’t affect commons. What if it instead destroyed a one life figure fot each revealed OM on Darkseid’s card?
My best guess is AC would not be affected because it says Defense dice and not just Defense.
I don’t believe Wolverine’s claws actually lower the Defense Number, they just subtract dice from the defense, which (yes) is different.
Okay cool. That certainly limits the number of units it’s useful against. It does mean he’s immune to Desaad though, which is neat.
Have we drawn that distinction before? I always took the intent of Ultron's Adamantium Tough to be that Adamantium Claws didn't work against him.
My intent with Darkseid was that it only effects things that change the number itself - so Wolverine would reduce his defense dice rolled, but an opponent's Darkseid wouldn't reduce his defense number.

No idea about Ultron's authorial intent, though.
I believe it was meant to stand up to Adamantium. @Spidey'tilIDie might recall better.

Actually, I went back and read like 12 pages to find this, Ultron is specifically intended to counter powers on Darkseid, Sinestro, Wolverine, and Punisher. Anything that would lower his Defense roll since he is an Event Hero with 4 Defense.
Gotcha. Yeah, we might need to revisit the wording on ULTRON.




LIFE = 7

MOVE = 4

POINTS = 300


After revealing an Order Marker on Granny's card, instead of taking that turn with Granny, you may take a turn with any Unique Hero you control within clear sight of Granny.

When attacking with a Common or Unique figure within 4 clear sight spaces of Granny, roll 1 fewer die and add one automatic skull to whatever is rolled. After attacking with that figure, if it did not inflict a wound, roll one unblockable attack die against that figure. Darkseid is never affected by Tough Love.

Opponents can never take temporary or permanent control of figures you control within clear sight of Granny.



Kind of a rough draft. I like Granny as the OM hub for Apokolips, and I think trading an attack die for an automatic skull reflects the sort of training regiment you'd expect from her. And I think there's some cool stuff you can do with a blanket protection against losing control of your figures. Just spitballing before bed, really!
The way I was thinking about it was making the Female Furies feel almost like a mini-faction within the larger Apokolips faction. So I was thinking something like this;
After revealing an Order Marker on Granny's card or Darkseid's card, instead of taking a turn with that figure, you may take a turn with up to two Unique Heroes you control with the Apokoliptian Grappling special power.
I feel like you could actually combine the two takes into something solid;
After revealing an Order Marker on Granny's card or Darkseid's card, instead of taking a turn with that figure, you may either take a turn with a Unique Hero you control or up to two Unique Heroes you control with the Apokoliptian Grappling special power. Figures taking a turn with Female Furies must be within clear sight of Granny.
Then modify Tough Love to somehow make it more punishing to constantly use those double turns?

I will say it seems like we'll have a crapton of attack dice stuff going on with this faction. Darkseid decreases them, and the current Desaad draft rerolls them. Personally I think it might make just a bit more sense to give Granny the rerolls and cut that from Desaad.

Just one more spitball, but what if (going off the idea of Granny being the OM management one) we really played off that crushing conformity feeling?
Opponents can never take temporary or permanent control of figures you control within clear sight of Granny that have no Order Markers on their card.
I like "not having OMs on your card" as a representation of the sort of mindless slavery that Granny tries to train into her recruits.
Digging this general direction. Would really love to see Granny and Desaad both LDed in the near future. :up: