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Favourite Short Story

JC McMinis

New member
With the favourite fantasy book thread it got me thinking about alot of the short stories I have read over the years. What is you fave. It can be fantasy, sci-fi, whatever.

I'm going to list my top 5

#5 At Moonset Blackcat Comes by Gary Gygax (featured in Dragon Magazine #100)
#4 The Frost Giant's Daughter by Robert E. Howard
#3 The Doom That Came To Sarnath by H.P. Lovecraft
#2 The Rats In The Walls by H.P. Lovecraft

and my all time
#1 The Thing In The Crypt by Robert E. Howard
The Lottery by Shirley Jackson. I read it in 7th/8th grade and still remember it. They made a tv movie of it in the 90s but as always the written word is better.

Lately I have been reading some Phillip K Dick short stories, including paycheck which is the "title" of the compilation, and they are all really good.
cinderella- Disney movie I was in 10th standard when i read it and that's the cutest and romantic story, i evea read in my life.
That's really good and fantastic.
A Sound of Thunder was such a cool short story to me as a kid, especially the version in the Dinosaurs anthology with the William Stout illustrations. Nowadays it's a part of the anthology some of my independent studies students read and I find it leaves more time-related quandaries than anything else.

As a teen, John Updike's A&P was a memorable and relatable tale.

As an adult one of the more notable short stories I recently read was Stephen King's The Man in the Black Suit in his collection, Everything's Eventual.
I'd have to say my favorite short story is probably 'The Colour out of Space' by H.P. Lovecraft. I've got a whole book of his stuff but still have yet to finish it.