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Fan Fic Contest - Are you the best writer?

The stories have been read. Judgements have been made. The results are in:

Third Place
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Second Place
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First Place
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Congrats to our winner! You may give out the new prompt at your convenience!

Congrats @Dustwind! Well done! I really enjoyed your story as well. Your jokes were good and I cracked a smile, but I woke up the landlord's baby when the kids hit X the first time. The buildup was perfect.

I haven't has a chance to read TAF's story yet but I will! Your work is always riveting.

Thanks for the compliments and feedback TG. I knew there was something off about the ending. I may try to rework it and get your feedback on that. I think I have an idea for a better ending. It is sorta based on something else I wrote. Just very loosely. The character, "Baldric of Hornshelm" is from another short story I wrote in response to a writing prompt on Reddit. That prompt asked for a story about a knight returning home with a kidnapped princess and the princess tries to seduce the knight. The prompter notified me later (clearly trying not to laugh) that the knight was supposed to be returning with a princess he'd SAVED who was trying to seduce him out of GRATITUDE, but I took the prompt literally. It performed rather well and I recycled the character/personality inspiration for this prompt.

Here's that story, in case you feel like reading a bit more. The technical aspects on this one were pretty good also (I think?).

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The problem with this prompt is that it gave me too many ideas for premises, and it took too long to ultimately settle on one :lol:

As the winner Dustwind, you must come up with the next prompt! Writing is easy, judging is hard!

I've updated the rules so that judges have seven days to give out a prompt - three is a bit short, given how long it takes us to go through a challenge these days. If no one has a prompt idea by Saturday, we can give Dustwind a bit more time - it's Christmas after all. But by the Saturday after next, I would like to have the competition running again.

@Elven Lord
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I've updated the rules so that judges have seven days to give out a prompt - three is a bit short, given how long it takes us to go through a challenge these days. If no one has a prompt idea by Saturday, we can give Dustwind a bit more time - it's Christmas after all. But by the Saturday after next, I would like to have the competition running again.

@Elven Lord
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Thanks for the feedback! Brutally honest, is the only type that's worth a damn thing imo. There wasn't a word limit but there was a time crunch. I was rushing a bit and wrote the whole thing in about an hour. I definitely could've woven in more dialogue setting the stage, telling the reader who these people are and how they got on the road. Maybe why Baldric's king chose him for this mission. At the same time, it was meant to be styled in a parody of low fantasy with relatively truncated characters (this guy is bold, that girl is hot, etc) to focus more on the seduction theme required by the original prompt.

Also, prompt ideas? Is this from back when someone suggested that people throw out prompt ideas and the judge picks one or offers one of their own? If so, here's a prompt idea off the top of my head.

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OK! That took way too long for me to complete! I did a big chunk of work in the initial day of inspiration, then lost access to my laptop for seven days, then got stuck with writer's block regarding the ending, then got dissatisfied with what I'd written and rewrote the entire thing—not the plot, just writing the same thing again for the sake of it.

Irregardless, here is my entry. I did still make it sooner than EL! :lol:

It clocks in at 4916 words. I tried to stay true to the prompt and focus on characterization and dialogue given the limited locations—or location rather. The only lore you need to know is that it involves some new AoA characters: units from the new Genera Revna who are morally ambiguous. And that new Marro Pirate Bok-Bur-Na. Revna Pirates, Utgar Pirates, Pirate synergies, whatever. That's about it.

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Hope you liked it!

This might be your best story yet TAF. It's as good or better than your others, with one key difference...I was able to follow it from start to finish. :D
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Lol, that prompt made me laugh. Don't know if I could write the story, but still...

No, I should have clarified: if the judge doesn't appear to issue the next prompt, anyone can assume the mantle of judge and issue the next prompt. Dustwind technically has until this Saturday, but I'm open to giving him an extra week to issue a prompt due to the holidays. Unless someone has a killer prompt idea we all like by Saturday.

Lol, that prompt made me laugh. Don't know if I could write the story, but still...

No, I should have clarified: if the judge doesn't appear to issue the next prompt, anyone can assume the mantle of judge and issue the next prompt. Dustwind technically has until this Saturday, but I'm open to giving him an extra week to issue a prompt due to the holidays. Unless someone has a killer prompt idea we all like by Saturday.

Oh I see. Yeah, he's new. I don't want him to lose out on the chance to rest on his laurels. And I just moved to a new city so as far as that goes, I won't be free to write much for another couple weeks anyway.

I'm glad you liked the prompt. I figured it might be too much. An entire book could be written on that prompt, but it is an amusing idea ;D
Oh I see. Yeah, he's new. I don't want him to lose out on the chance to rest on his laurels. And I just moved to a new city so as far as that goes, I won't be free to write much for another couple weeks anyway.

I'm glad you liked the prompt. I figured it might be too much. An entire book could be written on that prompt, but it is an amusing idea ;D
Yeah, I'd probably put my entry after the actual prompt happened, centering it on some resistance cell or something. ;) Totally understand about the move; hope everything made the transition well.

Yeah, I'd probably put my entry after the actual prompt happened, centering it on some resistance cell or something. ;) Totally understand about the move; hope everything made the transition well.

Too much made the transition well. I was like, "How do I have so much shit?" So now we're throwing away like half of it tomorrow and putting a bunch up on facebook marketplace for sale.
Too much made the transition well. I was like, "How do I have so much shit?" So now we're throwing away like half of it tomorrow and putting a bunch up on facebook marketplace for sale.
I feel your pain. I still have boxes in my room from our move over 5 years ago.

He hasn't been on since the 11th, so...

I say we give him to Saturday, then see what prompts we have/who wants to judge the next round.

Sooooo, no Dustwind yet. I guess the baton passes to our second place winner?
Sooooo, no Dustwind yet. I guess the baton passes to our second place winner?
Technically it goes to whoever has a good prompt we all like. I kind of like your prompt, but I also don't have an idea for a story. So...

We shall try again! (a few times maybe)

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I'm fond of the very first prompt or the derelict craft one, should Dustwind not return.

Of course none of this would've happened if TGRF had simply judged better! :lol:

I'm fond of the very first prompt or the derelict craft one, should Dustwind not return.

Of course none of this would've happened if TGRF had simply judged better! :lol:

Gotta be real. I'm kind of proud of myself for those two. LD

And lol ;D
I'm fond of the very first prompt or the derelict craft one, should Dustwind not return.

Of course none of this would've happened if TGRF had simply judged better! :lol:

I like those two best as well. I would vote for the first if I had to choose.

Either way, it seems that we are in agreement that EL has good prompts. @Elven Lord you may assume the mantle of judge and select a prompt at your convenience.

Alright guys. Let's do this. It seems like you both like the one about love so let's do that.

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Dudes, it just occurred to me this whole time we should've been keeping some sort of track record for authors who post here. Judging is a great award, but having some metrics like how many responses people submitted and how many times they won might spice things up a bit...or bias the next judge hmmm.