He should definitely get that. (#4)
The Process
Spoiler Alert!
To begin, a single person gives out a challenge in this thread. An example would be, “Write about an ambush of Jandar’s forces in the Ticalla.” This challenge is called the prompt. The prompt is often far lengthier than the example I just gave, but you get the idea. With the prompt, the person also gives a length limit (5000 words would be an example).
Once the prompt is given out, anyone who wants to enter writes a story to fit that prompt. Once they have finished writing the story and have it the way they want it, they post it here, in the thread. These stories are usually referred to as entries. All of the entries must be within the length limit, or they will not be counted.
The time limit for submitting entries is one month. The issuer of the prompt (called at this point the judge) may also grant extensions whenever he/she wants. All extensions will go until the next weekend.
Once the deadline has been reached and the judge is ready, he will evaluate all of the entries. Based on which is written the best, a winner will be selected. Second and third place will also be awarded. In the case of only one entry, that entry will win by default. Once the judge has made his decision, he posts it in the thread, for all to see.
The winner of first place becomes the new judge, and issues out the next prompt. The process then repeats.
Once the prompt is given out, anyone who wants to enter writes a story to fit that prompt. Once they have finished writing the story and have it the way they want it, they post it here, in the thread. These stories are usually referred to as entries. All of the entries must be within the length limit, or they will not be counted.
The time limit for submitting entries is one month. The issuer of the prompt (called at this point the judge) may also grant extensions whenever he/she wants. All extensions will go until the next weekend.
Once the deadline has been reached and the judge is ready, he will evaluate all of the entries. Based on which is written the best, a winner will be selected. Second and third place will also be awarded. In the case of only one entry, that entry will win by default. Once the judge has made his decision, he posts it in the thread, for all to see.
The winner of first place becomes the new judge, and issues out the next prompt. The process then repeats.
The Current Prompt can be found here.
The Rules and Technical Side-Notes
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As with any game or competition, there must be rules. This one is no exception. Below, I will attempt to compile the rules into an orderly fashion, based on what part of the competition they apply to.
Giving out the Prompt
Non-negotiable: If you win and are thus declared the next Judge, you have seven days after the declaration to announce the next prompt. If the prompt is not announced by then, anyone may give one out. That person then assumes the mantle of Judge.
Non-negotiable: When giving out the next prompt, please separate it in some form from the rest of your post.
This keeps things clear and prevents confusion as to what the prompt is. It is a standard that has come to be used in this thread.
Non-negotiable: Please include a length limit with your prompt. The limit should be in terms of words. The limit cannot be below 600 words. If you do not list a limit, it will be assumed there is none. Note that a page in Word of 12pt font, normal leading, is approximately 600 words.
Non-Negotiable: Revealing a future potential prompt is not against the rules. However, it must be revealed in public in this thread, where all possible contestants will be able to see it.
Entries and Entering
Judging and the Time Limit
The automatic due date is one month after the prompt is issued. (For example, if a prompt is issued on the 20, the due date becomes the 20 of the next month.)
Non-negotiable: If there are no entries by the due date, the judge will wait until there is at least one, and then judge. That entry will win by default.
Any writer can request an extension, but they may only do so:
The judge reserves the right to deny extensions, at his ownperil discretion.
Non-negotiable: If the individual who requested an extension is not heard from in any way for a week, his request will be ignored. If the time limit is up, the contest will proceed without him.
Non-negotiable: Please try to be unbiased in your judging.
Non-negotiable: If a contestant wins by default (that is, if there were no other contestants to challenge him) that win will not be counted in his competitive rating. (See Competitive Ratings, below)
If a writer decides to joint-write his entry with another author, that entry will count as belonging to both of them. Neither one may submit an additional entry as his own. Furthermore, if that entry places, the score will be given to both authors. If that entry wins, the authors should confer among themselves about who gets to give out the next prompt.
Non-negotiable: Judge the tales depending on how well they are written.
When releasing the results of your judging, please insert the winner of first, second, and third place in spoilers. You may also include honorable mentions if you wish, but doing so will not elevate that writer's Competitive Rating.
Doing this will add to the clearness of your post, making it easy to read for others. It is simply a standard that has come to be used in this thread.
Non-negotiable: It is asked that upon judging, you read all of the entries, even if you have read them already.
The judge's decision is final.
Non-negotiable: Above all, have fun!
Please note that the current judge has the right to temporarily alter or ignore rules which are not preceded by 'Non-negotiable:', at his or her own discretion. These changes may be overwritten by me (TGRF) if they are deemed to harm the contest in any way.
Giving out the Prompt
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Non-negotiable: If you win and are thus declared the next Judge, you have seven days after the declaration to announce the next prompt. If the prompt is not announced by then, anyone may give one out. That person then assumes the mantle of Judge.
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By submitting an entry, you assure the other contestants that you will be around to judge. This is so that we do not sit around, idly twiddling our thumbs while we wait for your decision.
Non-negotiable: When giving out the next prompt, please separate it in some form from the rest of your post.
Spoiler Alert!
This keeps things clear and prevents confusion as to what the prompt is. It is a standard that has come to be used in this thread.
Non-negotiable: Please include a length limit with your prompt. The limit should be in terms of words. The limit cannot be below 600 words. If you do not list a limit, it will be assumed there is none. Note that a page in Word of 12pt font, normal leading, is approximately 600 words.
Spoiler Alert!
Please see the word limit, below. It is important to note that 600 words equals slightly over 1 page in Microsoft Word. It is also important to note that an entry can be well under that minimum. When you list a limit, you are listing a maximum only.
The limit you can give has no maximum. It could be 1,000,000 words for all I know. It could be infinity. If there is no limit listed, it will be assumed that there is no limit to how long the entries can be.
The limit you can give has no maximum. It could be 1,000,000 words for all I know. It could be infinity. If there is no limit listed, it will be assumed that there is no limit to how long the entries can be.
Non-Negotiable: Revealing a future potential prompt is not against the rules. However, it must be revealed in public in this thread, where all possible contestants will be able to see it.
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This prevents one contestant or a small group of contestants knowing what the prompt is ahead of time and being able to work on their entry longer than the other contestants.
Entries and Entering
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AI Policy: I have no problem with AI being used to help your entry, i.e. outlines, plot difficulties, premise ideas, etc. But please do not use an AI to write your entry for you.
You can only submit one entry. If you write more than one, you can post them all, but must note which one you are entering. If you do not note which one is entered, the judge must select one entry before reading any of them.
You cannot repost anything previously written, including an old entry or fan fiction of yours. You are allowed to write something new which is connected in some way to something previously written.
Upon completing your entry, please post it in this thread, separating it from the rest of your post by placing it in spoilers. If you do not know how to place spoilers, observe below:
Non-negotiable: There is a word limit on the entries. This limit changes and will be supplied with the prompt.
Rather than reiterate the arguments that led to this decision, I shall allow you to browse them for yourself. Keep in mind that it used to be that there was no length limit whatsoever.
This is the lengthy argument that started the whole thing off.
This argument occurred when the issue was revived.
This is where the current rule was first thought of.
So basically we decided to compromise so that everyone gets what they want.
Non-negotiable: You may edit your entry if an extension has been announced (see below), and you have already posted it.
Spoiler Alert!
Using AI to write your entry does nothing to help you as a writer, and also is unfair to the other competitors.
You can only submit one entry. If you write more than one, you can post them all, but must note which one you are entering. If you do not note which one is entered, the judge must select one entry before reading any of them.
Spoiler Alert!
It is unfair to have multiple shots of winning if everyone else just has one. We encourage writing, so if you have multiple stories, that's fine. But only one can be submitted.
You cannot repost anything previously written, including an old entry or fan fiction of yours. You are allowed to write something new which is connected in some way to something previously written.
Spoiler Alert!
The purpose of this contest is to help you get better at writing, or simply provide a writing outlet. Neither of these goals are being met if you just repost something.
Upon completing your entry, please post it in this thread, separating it from the rest of your post by placing it in spoilers. If you do not know how to place spoilers, observe below:
Spoiler Alert!
Enter this code:
Do not include the spaces within the brackets.
[ spoiler] Insert your text here. [ /spoiler]
Non-negotiable: There is a word limit on the entries. This limit changes and will be supplied with the prompt.
Spoiler Alert!
Rather than reiterate the arguments that led to this decision, I shall allow you to browse them for yourself. Keep in mind that it used to be that there was no length limit whatsoever.
This is the lengthy argument that started the whole thing off.
This argument occurred when the issue was revived.
This is where the current rule was first thought of.
So basically we decided to compromise so that everyone gets what they want.
Non-negotiable: You may edit your entry if an extension has been announced (see below), and you have already posted it.
Spoiler Alert!
Some people will tend to write in a hurry to meet the deadline, and thus make mistakes in their writing. This is a chance to correct those mistakes. Be clear; when I say edit, I mean edit. Do not rewrite your entry. You may add a word or a sentence perhaps here and there, but never a whole paragraph. Be aware that the judge has likely already read your story, as well as perhaps other contestants, and will know if any changes have been made.
Judging and the Time Limit
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The automatic due date is one month after the prompt is issued. (For example, if a prompt is issued on the 20, the due date becomes the 20 of the next month.)
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A due date ensures that writers do not have all the time in the world to procrastinate, which can result in an extreme lack of writing.
Non-negotiable: If there are no entries by the due date, the judge will wait until there is at least one, and then judge. That entry will win by default.
Spoiler Alert!
This rule has been inserted in an effort to keep the prompts flowing. Previously, prompts were lasting for over three months because we were waiting for three entries. This rule will give rise to some default winners (aka, only one entry), but it ensures that the thread will remain active.
Any writer can request an extension, but they may only do so:
- Twice.
- Because they are working on an entry, or plan to in the near future.
- Because they are speaking for someone who is incapable of requesting an extension. This counts as an extension for the person being spoken for, not the person doing the speaking (for the purposes of the first bullet).
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Extensions are sometimes needed, but we don't want to go overboard with them. Take into account the time of others' when requesting an extension.
The judge reserves the right to deny extensions, at his own
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Someone does need to be in charge of making sure the prompt doesn't drag on forever, and that might as well be the judge.
Non-negotiable: If the individual who requested an extension is not heard from in any way for a week, his request will be ignored. If the time limit is up, the contest will proceed without him.
Spoiler Alert!
This rule is in place so that writers can't keep the contest on hold indefinitely (because we will invariably be lax on enforcing extension deadlines).
Non-negotiable: Please try to be unbiased in your judging.
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Need I insert one here?
Non-negotiable: If a contestant wins by default (that is, if there were no other contestants to challenge him) that win will not be counted in his competitive rating. (See Competitive Ratings, below)
Spoiler Alert!
It makes no sense if an author's competitive rating goes up simply because there was no one to compete against. The competitive rating is made to reflect how well the author places above other authors.
If a writer decides to joint-write his entry with another author, that entry will count as belonging to both of them. Neither one may submit an additional entry as his own. Furthermore, if that entry places, the score will be given to both authors. If that entry wins, the authors should confer among themselves about who gets to give out the next prompt.
Spoiler Alert!
This rule is rather self-explanatory.
Non-negotiable: Judge the tales depending on how well they are written.
Spoiler Alert!
Remember, this competition is to decide who the best author is. You aren’t looking for length or certain events that speak only to you, you are looking for writing quality. Bad grammar, spelling errors, poor dialogue, all of these and others detract from the quality of the writing and the experience of the reader, and all should detract from the placement of that entry. Good twists, originality, development of characters, all of these and more will add to the quality of the entry. These should add to its placement.
When releasing the results of your judging, please insert the winner of first, second, and third place in spoilers. You may also include honorable mentions if you wish, but doing so will not elevate that writer's Competitive Rating.
Spoiler Alert!
Doing this will add to the clearness of your post, making it easy to read for others. It is simply a standard that has come to be used in this thread.
Non-negotiable: It is asked that upon judging, you read all of the entries, even if you have read them already.
Spoiler Alert!
If you read an early entry, it has time to settle in and be considered. As a judge, you will want to see all entries in an even light, and that means having read them all at roughly the same time. First impressions do change.
The judge's decision is final.
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A judge's decision is not open for debate. You can ask why you placed where you did, but you cannot request the entries be re-evaluated. Doing so would delay the next prompt by an indefinite amount of time.
This is a competition, but the reason it exists is to improve your writing skills. If you think the judge wasn't fair in placing your entry, feel free to ask him about it in a PM. It may be there was something he didn't like that you would have never thought of.
This is a competition, but the reason it exists is to improve your writing skills. If you think the judge wasn't fair in placing your entry, feel free to ask him about it in a PM. It may be there was something he didn't like that you would have never thought of.
Non-negotiable: Above all, have fun!
Spoiler Alert!
Have fun writing. If you get stuck, or are having other problems, take a break, do something else, clear your mind, then come back later and tackle the issue anew. As the author of several fan fictions, I can say it truly helps. This is a competition, a game, not a life and death struggle. If you can’t seem to get the story to come out just right, either post it or leave it, and join in on the next prompt. Remember, there can never be too many entries!
Please note that the current judge has the right to temporarily alter or ignore rules which are not preceded by 'Non-negotiable:', at his or her own discretion. These changes may be overwritten by me (TGRF) if they are deemed to harm the contest in any way.
Competitive Ratings
Spoiler Alert!
Everyone who submits entries for this competition automatically has a Competitive Rating. This is a rating of how well that writer does in this competition. The ratings are as follows, from best to worst:
The lower the number, the better the author.
It is important to note two things: Your rating can be found under the 'Competitive' tab of the fan fiction index. Also, your rating will not be counted until you have submitted over three entries that were not default wins.
You can win prizes - in the form of unique titles - for placing well in the competition. The titles you can win can be found below:
If you qualify for a title, I will send you a PM letting you know. You can opt out of changing your title if you want to at that time. Additionally, if you qualify for several titles, you can choose which one you would like to be displayed.
1 - The author averages first place.
2 - The author averages second place.
3 - The author averages third place.
It is important to note two things: Your rating can be found under the 'Competitive' tab of the fan fiction index. Also, your rating will not be counted until you have submitted over three entries that were not default wins.
You can win prizes - in the form of unique titles - for placing well in the competition. The titles you can win can be found below:
Spoiler Alert!
Competitive Fan Fiction Champion - The best ranked writer in the competition.
Competitive Fan Fiction Master - The writer with the most first place wins.
Fan Fiction Prompt Master - The judge whose prompt secured the most entries.
Competitive Fan Fiction Master - The writer with the most first place wins.
Fan Fiction Prompt Master - The judge whose prompt secured the most entries.
Note: In the case of a delinquent judge, some of the more veteran participants in this contest may begin to refer to such things as bazookas, slabs of rotting meat, and giant pencils. To find out what they are talking about, click on the following links. These are all in this thread.
The original post, and also the one concerning giant pencils.
The bazookas post.
The post concerning rotting slabs of meat followed the same lines, and was aimed at SoA by Tornado, if memory serves. I cannot find it. If anyone does, let me know.
Thanks for reading my incredibly long explanation and have fun writing!
Note: I (TGRF) reserve the right to make changes to this competition's structure at any time, and to make executive decisions in order to keep the contest going. This can include delaying aspects of the competition while those changes are put in place, if necessary. I will seek the opinions of the writers here before implementing any large change.
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