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Facelift of Valhalla Map


Marcel Marceau

I made 2 years ago a kind of puzzle with the map of Valhalla (remember, this one) and to make it, I had to erase the... anyway !

Since this project, a new one appeared : to do a face-lift of the old map of Valhalla presented by Hasbro !
The objective is to make a more realistic and colored map of Valhalla. And in bonus, to put on it every information we have about the actual geography of Valhalla (regions, citys, battlefields...).

For that, I used the original map, the updated map in the Ticalla Jungle extension, and a few other sources (rule books, scenarios...). Nothing should be missing !

So here it is, and you can also download it at full size : the map fits in a 11" x 17" page in 300dpi... perfect to print !
Link to download is here. ("Download" at the top right of the page)

(clic on the image for a BIG sized version ! :D )
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Re: Face-lift of Valhalla's World

Awesome! :D

I would give you +rep if I could but I'm all out for today. :(
Re: Face-lift of Valhalla's World

Thanks !

I just changed 2-3 details (added the name of a Sea, changed the color of the little hexes...).

And many thanks to AliasQTip that gave me the idea of doing this, when I saw an unfinished blue map of Valhalla that he made. ^_^
Re: Face-lift of Valhalla's World

Printing it off, pinning it to my wall.
Well done!

My only questions are the following.
What maps are Jandar's Summoning Circle and Ruins of Rennoc?
Re: Face-lift of Valhalla's World

Wow, I'm glad to read this ! :)

Ruins of Rennoc are mentionned in the official scenerio from VW (you can find it here).
Jandar's Summoning circle is not linked to a specific map, it is only mentioned in Thormun's Journal.
The first map released by Hasbro used only places linked to battlefields that they created for the rulebooks, but more places were quoted after, mainly in the bio. and in Thormun's Journal.

I'll update the map each time I'll find new places. :)
Re: Face-lift of Valhalla's World

Update :
Added Bay of Sorron's, Yealand Valley, Uncharted Swamp and Gronnd Lake.
Source : Ticalla Jungle interior box.
Re: Face-lift of Valhalla's World

Is it known where Morindan is? Would it be safe to assume it is in Bleakwoode somewhere?
Re: Face-lift of Valhalla's World

It just needs dotted lines between Haukeland and Ticalla, and Haukeland and Ekstrom, and you've got a good Risk-type map....

(Awesome map!)
Re: Face-lift of Valhalla's World

It just needs dotted lines between Haukeland and Ticalla, and Haukeland and Ekstrom, and you've got a good Risk-type map....

(Awesome map!)

Ahah that's true ! And easy to do also... :p

*Why I didn't see this post before ?!*
Re: Face-lift of Valhalla's World

I gave it a try, see here!

Do you have a higher-resolution version of the map? It would be great to have a 300 dpi version to work with. Thanks for the great map!
Re: Face-lift of Valhalla's World

Well, the problem is that to make this map, I just started with the original one found on the internet and enhanced it... ^^

So if I haven't a good quality map to start the work with, I can't make a HQ version. :x

I'll see if I can make something with a better quality...
Re: Face-lift of Valhalla's World

Do you have a higher-resolution version of the map? It would be great to have a 300 dpi version to work with. Thanks for the great map!

For which size would you want to print the map ?

Because 300 dpi... that's okay, but it depends on the size you want. ^_^
New update, just for you guys... ;)

I edited the map for a better quality.

Better ? Precisely, now the map is at 300 dpi to fit in a 11 x 17 inches page ! (size suggested by IshMEL ;) )

I added a link to download in the OP, just enjoy. :)

*now I'll print it for a nice poster :cool: *
Very cool! Can't wait to get started on the next RiSkape map. However I can't seem to download the full-sized version? I hit "More" and there's no "Download" option.
Very cool! Can't wait to get started on the next RiSkape map. However I can't seem to download the full-sized version? I hit "More" and there's no "Download" option.

I hate google+... :x
No download option, anywhere ? I'll upload the image with box.net ASAP...

About Riskcape, I made a version without the bridge in the see. Also, with this size of the map, I was wondering if itwon't be interesting to cut each region into 2-3 territories, to create more territories ? Because if I remember well, there is not only 20 territories on the original risk map... not sure if it's pertinent. :?:

Thanks for your comment. :)
I just discovered this thread after linking to it from the Book of Xualtiaca Ants . . .

WOW! BRAVO! Thanks @DanieLoche for producing an EXCELLENT map of Valhalla. I also printed it to hang on my wall and also feel really stupid (in spite of my many years of higher education) for *NOT* paying closer attention to all of the details in the many scenarios that were published for HS, and one of my first thoughts upon viewing it was also - I wish I could play RISK on it, even though there is a serious bottleneck between Kinsland and Volcarren. My cartographic skills are limited to the traditional, non-digital, literal cutting and pasting; +1 Rep given to you good sir. Thanks for enhancing the 'Scaping Community.
This is a great update. Someone needs to take a virtualscape of all the official maps and combine them and add more hexes based on the drawing into one humongous virtualscape file (probably 10+ million hexes). Below is closest I found was this from ages ago, but it would be sweet to have one giant render in 3d, even if it would take even the most modern gaming PC ages to render.
This map is great. My next thought is to connect the different races to their geographic locations. Any tips for this? Getting a list of the races isn't hard, but connecting them to the physical map is an interesting task. Just wondering if this has ever been addressed.