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End of Year 2015 Championship CONGRATS KEVINDOLA!


PuppetMaster & #2 Ranked CoNner
Site Supporter

OHS Invitational End-of-Year Tournament 2015

Spoiler Alert!

     FC       FCPyP       *FC*       FC      *FCPyP*     FCPyP      FC
          1 ──────────┐
                      │           Bengi  
  Bengi             i ├----------──────────┐
  ─────────┐ Bengi    │                    │
  VD     b ├──────────┘                    │
8 ─────────┘                               │          deroche   
  mtl                                    m ├----------─────────┐
5 ─────────┐ deroche                       │                   │
 deroche c ├──────────┐                    │                   │
  ─────────┘          │          deroche   │                   │
  sfrog             j ├----------──────────┘                   │ 
  ─────────┐ sfrog    │                                        ├─────────┐
  MegaS  d ├──────────┘                                        │         │
4 ─────────┘             sfrog              kdola              │         │
                      Lj ────────┐       Ln ─────────┐         │         │
              Cperk              │ Cperk             │         │         │
           Le ────────┐  Cperk   ├─────────┐         ├─────────┘         │
              SSG1    ├──────────┘         │ VD      │                   │
           Lf ────────┘  dok               ├─────────┘                   │
                      Li ────────┐ veg18   │                             │
              veg18              ├─────────┘                             │
           Lg ────────┐  veg18   │                                       │
              w099    ├──────────┘                                       │
           Lh ────────┘                                                  │ 
                         VD                                              │
                      Lb ────────┐ VD                                    │
                                 ├─────────┐                             │
                         dysole  │         │                             │
              mtl     Ll ────────┘         │ veg18                       │
           Lc ────────┐ MegaS              ├─────────┐                   │
              MegaS   ├──────────┐         │         │                   │
           Ld ────────┘          │ MegaS   |         │veg18              │
                         AU      ├─────────┘         ├─────────┐         │
                      Lk ────────┘           Bengi   │         │         │
  kinsth                                 Lm ─────────┘         │         │
3 ─────────┐ kinsth                                            │         │
  CPerk  e ├──────────┐                                        │         │
  ─────────┘          │          kinsth                        ├─────────┘
  AU                k ├----------──────────┐                   │
  ─────────┐ AU       │                    │                   │
  SSG1   f ├──────────┘                    │                   │
6 ─────────┘                               │          kinsth   │
  dysole                                 n ├----------─────────┘
7 ─────────┐ dysole                        │
  veg18  g ├──────────┐                    │
  ─────────┘          │          kdola     │
  w099              l ├----------──────────┘
  ─────────┐ kdola    │
  kdola  h ├──────────┘
2 ─────────┘
  • The winners of seasons 17-22 and the winner of the 2014 EoY event will be invited to play in the event.
  • The remaining invitations will be given to the highest-ranked players, based on their 2015 ranking at the end of Season 22.
  • The tournament will have up to 16 players. We will continue inviting players to play until we have 16 players, up to the 25th position on the 2015 rankings board. If we do not have 16 spots filled by then we will assign first-round byes to the top seeded players.
  • Players who have not submitted an army by 11:59 PM Eastern time on November 22nd forfeit their spot in the End-of-Year championship.
Format: Alternating First Crack/First Crack Pick Your Poison
  • For this event, each player will bring two 515-point armies. The two armies cannot share any figures. (C3V/SoV eligible, no Marvel. Submitted armies must contain at least 420 points, and cannot take up more than 27 spaces. Standard 24-space startzone restrictions* apply when placing armies. No figure maximum, aside from those space limits.)
Odd Rounds - First Crack
  • Before each game, there will be a dice-off, done by the tournament organizers. The winner of the dice-off chooses first army choice or second army choice.
  • The winner of the diceoff may not select one of their armies unless they defer selection to their opponent.
  • The loser of the diceoff will then choose whether to place his army first or second.
Even Rounds - First Crack Pick Your Poison
  • Before each game, there will be a dice-off, done by the tournament organizers. The winner of the dice-off chooses their opponent's army first or second.
  • The winner of the diceoff may not select one of their armies unless they defer selection to their opponent.
  • The loser of the diceoff will then choose whether to place his army first or second.
* Airborne Elite and Rechets of Bogdan count toward these limits.

Spoiler Alert!

TG Pool:
Spoiler Alert!

Event Details and Rules (note EoY scheduling rules):
Spoiler Alert!
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Re: End of Year 2015 Championship

I'll be entering... AND WINNING!
Army of One

I pulled from one general for my stuff.

~Dysole, who figures it can't be too hard to guess what general based on that
Re: End of Year 2015 Championship

Is this tournament single elimination?

No, we will be using the same format as the last two EoYs. It's double elimination until only 4 people are left (two of them 3-0 and the other two with 1 loss). Then the slates are wiped clean and it's single elimination for those top 4.

Here's last year's bracket for comparison's sake:
Spoiler Alert!
Re: End of Year 2015 Championship

Sorry for the trouble, but I remember making my armies when this post first came out, but I'm not sure if I ever got around to entering them. Can one of the moderators check if I actually entered the armies? I don't want to miss the deadline on accident.
Re: End of Year 2015 Championship

Sorry for the trouble, but I remember making my armies when this post first came out, but I'm not sure if I ever got around to entering them. Can one of the moderators check if I actually entered the armies? I don't want to miss the deadline on accident.

You are in!
Re: End of Year 2015 Championship

I'm sorry fellas, but I am going to be unable to participate. My wife and I just had a baby and my schedule is all out of whack. I appreciate the invite, but hopefully somebody else will get a chance to participate.
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Round 1 is First Crack on If You Can't Take the Heat....

dok (22-5) has a first round bye.

The kevindola (18-8) v. william099 (9-12) pool of armies is:
* Heavy Gruts, Death Chasers of Thesk, Blade Gruts, Marrden Nagrubs, Nerak the Glacian Swog Rider, Swog Rider, Tornak, Wo-Sa-Ga
* Dreadgul Raiders, Roman Legionnaires, Knights of Weston, MacDirk Warriors, Guilty McCreech, Valguard, Finn the Viking Champion, Eldgrim the Viking Champion
* Protectors of Ullar x3, Syvarris, Capt. John Varan
* Microcorp Agents x3, James Murphy, Mika Connour, White Wyrmling
kevindola chooses to pick armies first or second. After armies are picked, william099 chooses who places first.

The Kinseth (18-8) v. Chris Perkins (10-11) pool of armies is:
* Emperor Andask, Blade Gruts x4, Nerak the Glacian Swog Rider, Siege, Kira Jax
* Rygarn, Prince al'Kahora, Red Ants of Aunstrom x4, Sonlen, Marcu Esenwein
* Cyprien Esenwein, Sonya Esenwein, Marro Warriors, Mezzodemon Warmongers x4, Isamu
* Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [RotV], Marro Stingers x5, Kaemon Awa, Otonashi
Kinseth chooses to pick armies first or second. After armies are picked, Chris Perkins chooses who places first.

The MegaSilver (15-10) v. superfrog (7-5) pool of armies is:
* Azurite Warlord, Armoc Vipers x4, B-11 Resistance Corps
* Mok, Axegrinders of Burning Forge x4
* Protectors of Ullar x3, Atlaga the Kyrie Warrior, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [RotV], Isamu
* Asterios, Havech Eradicators x4, Seleena
MegaSilver chooses to pick armies first or second. After armies are picked, superfrog chooses who places first.

The mtl1998 (15-10) v. deroche (9-9) pool of armies is:
* Capuan Gladiators x3, Spartacus, Van Nessing
* Goblin Cutters x3, Nilfheim, B-11 Resistance Corps, Martial La Hire
* Anubian Wolves x4, Death Knights of Valkrill x2, Khosumet the Darklord, Marcu Esenwein
* Warforged Soldiers x4, Martial La Hire, Siege
deroche chooses to pick armies first or second. After armies are picked, mtl1998 chooses who places first.

The Soundwarp SG-1 (13-10) v. awesomeunleashed (9-6) pool of armies is:
* Minions of Utgar x3, Runa, Elaria the Pale
* Zetacron, Venoc Warlord, Venoc Vipers x6, James Murphy, Marcu Esenwein
* Bramcephys, Syvarris, Kelda the Kyrie Warrior, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [RotV], Marcu Esenwein
* Sonya Esenwein, Iskra Esenwein, Skeletons of Annellintia x4
awesomeunleashed chooses to pick armies first or second. After armies are picked, Soundwarp SG-1 chooses who places first.

The dysole (12-10) v. vegietarian18 (6-12) pool of armies is:
* Taelord the Kyrie Warrior, Torin, Marro Drudge x4
* Othkurik The Black Dragon, Brunak, Warden 816, Garrett Burns, Ornak
* Marrden Hounds x2, Othkurik The Black Dragon, Kee-Mo-Shi, Mezzodemon Warmongers
* Deepwyrm Drow x2, Sujoah, Wyvern, Estivara
dysole chooses to pick armies first or second. After armies are picked, vegietarian18 chooses who places first.

The vegies dad (11-11) v. bengi (5-8) pool of armies is:
* Marro Gnids x3, Ana Karithon, Mind Flayer Mastermind, Kumiko, Johnny "Shotgun" Sullivan
* Tomb Skeletons x4, Werewolf Lord, Erevan Sunshadow, Shiori, James Murphy
* Goblin Cutters x4, Blue Wyrmling x3, White Wyrmling x2, Black Wyrmling x2, Heirloom
* Dreadgul Raiders x4, Valguard, Guilty McCreech, B-11 Resistance Corps
bengi chooses to pick armies first or second. After armies are picked, vegies dad chooses who places first. Send PMs to vegietarian18 to schedule games with his dad
Re: End of Year 2015 Championship

Undefeated in the playoffs in 2015 and planning to keep it that way. Looking forward to a great season
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Re: End of Year 2015 Championship

I love this game when I get timely, hot dice.

(basically, I love this game about every tenth match :p)

Good game, mtl1998.
Re: End of Year 2015 Championship

William (Microcorp) vs. Me (Protectors of Ullar) starting now

EDIT: I got the win with 3 Ullars and John Varan left.

Syvarris opened and took out 2 Microcorp in the first round. Micros risked lava to get height and put 3 wound on Syv, but 2 Microcorp died to lava. Syvarris died in the next round having caused the death of 4 Microcrop.

Protectors and Microcorp gunned it out next with the Protectors winning the battle (lava claimed a 3rd Agent). Murphy blasted away a couple more Kyrie before getting shot down leaving Mika against 4 PoU and Varan. She only reached one before the kiting Kyrie and combined arbalest finished her off. gg William099
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Re: End of Year 2015 Championship

It's all been leading up to this. My first playoff game of 2015 starts now
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Re: End of Year 2015 Championship

MegaSilver and I just played, me with my Eradicators, and him with his Axegrinders.

My defense dice and my d20 were hot, and his dice were not. I had only lost 4 Eradicators at the end.
Round 2 is First Crack Pick Your Poison on Common Ground.

The kevindola (19-8) v. Dysole (13-10) pool of armies is:
* Heavy Gruts, Death Chasers of Thesk, Blade Gruts, Marrden Nagrubs, Nerak the Glacian Swog Rider, Swog Rider, Tornak, Wo-Sa-Ga
* Dreadgul Raiders, Roman Legionnaires, Knights of Weston, MacDirk Warriors, Guilty McCreech, Valguard, Finn the Viking Champion, Eldgrim the Viking Champion
* Taelord the Kyrie Warrior, Torin, Marro Drudge x4
* Othkurik The Black Dragon, Brunak, Warden 816, Garrett Burns, Ornak
kevindola chooses to pick armies first or second. After armies are picked, Dysole chooses who places first.

The Deroche (10-9) v. superfrog (8-5) pool of armies is:
* Anubian Wolves x4, Death Knights of Valkrill x2, Khosumet the Darklord, Marcu Esenwein
* Warforged Soldiers x4, Martial La Hire, Siege
* Protectors of Ullar x3, Atlaga the Kyrie Warrior, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [RotV], Isamu
* Asterios, Havech Eradicators x4, Seleena
Deroche chooses to pick armies first or second. After armies are picked, superfrog chooses who places first.

The William099 (9-13) v. vegietarian18 (6-13) pool of armies is:
* Protectors of Ullar x3, Syvarris, Capt. John Varan
* Microcorp Agents x3, James Murphy, Mika Connour, White Wyrmling
* Marrden Hounds x2, Othkurik The Black Dragon, Kee-Mo-Shi, Mezzodemon Warmongers
* Deepwyrm Drow x2, Sujoah, Wyvern, Estivara
vegietarian18 chooses to pick armies first or second. After armies are picked, William099 chooses who places first.

The MegaSilver (15-11) v. mtl1998 (15-11) pool of armies is:
* Azurite Warlord, Armoc Vipers x4, B-11 Resistance Corps
* Mok, Axegrinders of Burning Forge x4
* Capuan Gladiators x3, Spartacus, Van Nessing
* Goblin Cutters x3, Nilfheim, B-11 Resistance Corps, Martial La Hire
mtl1998 chooses to pick armies first or second. After armies are picked, MegaSilver chooses who places first.
Round 2 is First Crack Pick Your Poison on Common Ground.

The dok (22-5) v. Bengi (6-8) pool of armies is:
* Goblin Cutters x5, Krug, Laglor, Command Courier
* Xualtica Fire Ants x5, Othkurik The Black Dragon, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [RotV], Marcu Esenwein
* Goblin Cutters x4, Blue Wyrmling x3, White Wyrmling x2, Black Wyrmling x2, Heirloom
* Dreadgul Raiders x4, Valguard, Guilty McCreech, B-11 Resistance Corps
Bengi chooses to pick armies first or second. After armies are picked, dok chooses who places first.

The Soundwarp SG-1 (13-11) v. Chris Perkins (10-12) pool of armies is:
* Minions of Utgar x3, Runa, Elaria the Pale
* Zetacron, Venoc Warlord, Venoc Vipers x6, James Murphy, Marcu Esenwein
* Cyprien Esenwein, Sonya Esenwein, Marro Warriors, Mezzodemon Warmongers x4, Isamu
* Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [RotV], Marro Stingers x5, Kaemon Awa, Otonashi
Chris Perkins chooses to pick armies first or second. After armies are picked, Soundwarp SG-1 chooses who places first.

The Kinseth (19-8) v. awesomeunleashed (10-6) pool of armies is:
* Emperor Andask, Blade Gruts x4, Nerak the Glacian Swog Rider, Siege, Kira Jax
* Rygarn, Prince al'Kahora, Red Ants of Aunstrom x4, Sonlen, Marcu Esenwein
* Bramcephys, Syvarris, Kelda the Kyrie Warrior, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [RotV], Marcu Esenwein
* Sonya Esenwein, Iskra Esenwein, Skeletons of Annellintia x4
awesomeunleashed chooses to pick armies first or second. After armies are picked, Kinseth chooses who places first.
Re: End of Year 2015 Championship

An absolute nail biter with CP earlier today. It came down to Otanashi vs Isamu.

Chris Perkins revealed OM 2 on Isamu
Chris Perkins rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
KS rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
The turn/action of Chris Perkins is done.
KS revealed OM 2 on Otanashi
KS rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
Chris Perkins rolled 4 on the d20
Chris Perkins rolled 1 shields with 2 total dice

Is that a record for a close as it gets in heroscape? 10pts vs 10pts to end it?

~Feeling like Admiral Ackbar after the Super Star Destroyer blows up.
Re: End of Year 2015 Championship

Just finished my match against superfrog.

Very very close game, lots of back and forth throughout the match until the end when his attack dice stalled out for a few rounds. Fun game.
Re: End of Year 2015 Championship

Note again the scheduling rules for this event:
Spoiler Alert!

The timer on round 2 began on Friday, so round 2 ends the evening of Friday, December 11.
Re: End of Year 2015 Championship

Round 2 is First Crack Pick Your Poison on Common Ground.

The dok (22-5) v. Bengi (6-8) pool of armies is:
* Goblin Cutters x5, Krug, Laglor, Command Courier
* Xualtica Fire Ants x5, Othkurik The Black Dragon, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [RotV], Marcu Esenwein
* Goblin Cutters x4, Blue Wyrmling x3, White Wyrmling x2, Black Wyrmling x2, Heirloom
* Dreadgul Raiders x4, Valguard, Guilty McCreech, B-11 Resistance Corps
Bengi chooses to pick armies first or second. After armies are picked, dok chooses who places first.

Set for Tuesday at 8 Mountain/9 Central/10 Server.

kevindola and I going at it. He has orcs. I have humans.

~Dysole, battle of the eight armies
Re: End of Year 2015 Championship

Well, I'm out. So ends my absolute worse showing in an End of the Year Tourney. Honestly, I think this is my last time doing an online event, I'm kind of over the whole thing.