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End-of-Year 2014 Championship - CONGRATS DOK


Can not ignore himself because of typo - Online HS

The Finals are Army Draft on Ticalla Sunrise.

The dok (27-10) v. vegies dad (28-12) pool of armies is:
* Varkaanan Darkclaws, Varkaanan Greyspears, Varkaanan Quickblades, Varkaanan Swiftfangs, Arktos, Marro Warriors
* Blastatrons x2, Gladiatrons, Major J15, Hoplitron x5, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [RotV]
* Heavy Gruts x3, Fen Hydra x2, Ornak
* Morsbane, Elaria the Pale, Haduc, Arkmer, Ulginesh, Myrddin
dok chooses to pick armies first or second. After armies are picked, vegies dad chooses who places first.

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ROUND 6 (Semifinals)
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OHS Invitational End-of-Year Tournament 2014
  • The winners of seasons 11-16 and the winner of the 2013 EoY event will be invited to play in the event.
  • The remaining invitations will be given to the highest-ranked players, based on their 2014 ranking at the end of Season 16.
  • The tournament will have up to 16 players. We will continue inviting players to play until we have 16 players, up to the 25th position on the 2014 rankings board. If we do not have 16 spots filled by then we will assign first-round byes to the top seeded players.
Format: Alternating Army Draft/Cut the Cake
  • For this event, each player will bring two 555-point armies with no more than 20 figures*. The two armies cannot share any figures. (C3V/SoV eligible, no Marvel.)
  • The event will roughly alternate between the following formats:
Army Draft
  • Before each game, there will be a dice-off, done by the tournament organizers. The winner of the dice-off chooses first army choice or second army choice.
  • Whoever has first army choice may choose any of the four armies (either of their two or either of their opponent's two). The other player may then choose from any of the other three armies.
  • The loser of the diceoff will then choose whether to place his army first or second.
Cut the Cake
  • Before each game, there will be a dice-off, done by the tournament organizers. The winner of the dice-off chooses either choice of the two armies used, or first choice between the two armies.
  • Whoever has choice of the two armies used will choose which two of the four armies will be used in that game.
  • The other player will then choose which of the two armies they want to play, leaving the other one for their opponent to play.
  • The loser of the diceoff will then choose whether to place his army first or second.
*An army can contain more than 20 figures, however only 20 figures may be placed on the battlefield each game. Airborne Elite and Rechets of Bogdan count toward these limits, as usual. Double-spaced figures only count as a single figure. Standard 24-space startzone restrictions still apply.

Pairing Format
  • There will be a double elimination bracket until four players remain. At that point we will go to single elimination for those four players.
  • The bracket is below:
     AD        CtC       *AD*       AD       *CtC*       CtC       AD
 1 ────────┐ kevd
   hs2010a ├──────────┐
16 ────────┘          │            kins 
   foudz            i ├----------──────────┐
 9 ────────┐ kins     │                    │
   kins  b ├──────────┘                    │
 8 ────────┘                               │           vegdd
   ixe                                   m ├----------─────────┐
 5 ────────┐ AU                            │                   │
   AU    c ├──────────┐                    │                   │
12 ────────┘          │            vegdd   │                   │
   weebr            j ├----------──────────┘                   │ vegdd
13 ────────┐ vegdd    │                                        ├─────────┐
   vegdd d ├──────────┘                                        │         │
 4 ────────┘             AU                  bengi             │         │
                      Lj ────────┐       Ln ─────────┐         │         │
              vegie              │ vegie             │ bengi   │         │
           Le ────────┐  vegie   ├─────────┐         ├─────────┘         │
              isloth  ├──────────┘         │ vegie   │                   │
           Lf ────────┘  kevd              ├─────────┘                   │
                      Li ────────┐ ssg1    │                             │
              ssg1               ├─────────┘                             │
           Lg ────────┐  ssg1    │                                       │
              dysle   ├──────────┘                                       │
           Lh ────────┘                                                  │ dok
              hs2010                                                     ├────
           La ────────┐  foudz                                           │
              foudz   ├──────────┐ smval                                 │
           Lb ────────┘          ├─────────┐                             │
                         smval   │         │                             │
              ixe     Ll ────────┘         │ megas                       │
           Lc ────────┐  weebr             ├─────────┐                   │
              weebr   ├──────────┐         │         │                   │
           Ld ────────┘          │ megas   │         │ kins              │
                         megas   ├─────────┘         ├─────────┐         │
                      Lk ────────┘           kins    │         │         │
   dok                                   Lm ─────────┘         │         │
 3 ────────┐ dok                                               │         │
   vegie e ├──────────┐                                        │ dok     │
14 ────────┘          │            dok                         ├─────────┘
   isloth           k ├----------──────────┐                   │
11 ────────┐ megas    │                    │                   │
   megas f ├──────────┘                    │                   │
 6 ────────┘                               │           dok     │
   bengi                                 n ├----------─────────┘
 7 ────────┐ bengi                         │
   ssg1  g ├──────────┐                    │
10 ────────┘          │            bengi   │
   smval            l ├----------──────────┘
15 ────────┐ smval    │
   dysle h ├──────────┘
 2 ────────┘

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Event Details and Rules:
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Re: End-of-Year 2014 Championship

The format was selected based on a poll of the top players, if anyone was wondering.
Re: End-of-Year 2014 Championship

What are the associated dates for this? (Signups open/close, Round 1 starts?)
Re: End-of-Year 2014 Championship

What are the associated dates for this? (Signups open/close, Round 1 starts?)

"Signups" can really only go from the end of Season 16 until all of the spots are filled. We'll put up a signup form in the next week or so for people who are definitely in to submit their armies.
Re: End-of-Year 2014 Championship

AU said:
"Signups" can really only go from the end of Season 16 until all of the spots are filled.

Well, that's somewhat true, as the rules outline that all the spots may not be filled. And along those lines...

AU said:
Players who have not played in at least 2 full seasons will not be invited unless they won a 2014 season or the 2013 EoY event. Dropping from a season subtracts one from this count.

The remaining invitations will be given to the highest-ranked players, based on their 2014 ranking at the end of Season 16.
[*]The tournament will have up to 16 players. We will continue inviting players to play until we have 16 players, up to the 25th position on the 2014 rankings board. If we do not have 16 spots filled by then we will assign first-round byes to the top seeded players.

I wanted to clarify what the 25th position is. From my understanding there is a top 25. Some of those top 25 are not eligible to participate in the EOY, but they are still ranked in the top 25 for 2014.

So does that mean that if there were 10 people in the top 25 who were ineligible to participate due to not having 2 full seasons, that there could only be a max of 15 EOY participants? Or are those in the top 25 removed from the ranking list if they don't have the requisite participation, meaning the actual 2014 top 25 are made up of only eligible players?

AU said:
We'll put up a signup form in the next week or so for people who are definitely in to submit their armies.

Ok, so it sounds to me like ~ Dec 1 or Dec 8 is a reasonable estimation for EOY to start.
Re: End-of-Year 2014 Championship

I wanted to clarify what the 25th position is. From my understanding there is a top 25. Some of those top 25 are not eligible to participate in the EOY, but they are still ranked in the top 25 for 2014.

So does that mean that if there were 10 people in the top 25 who were ineligible to participate due to not having 2 full seasons, that there could only be a max of 15 EOY participants? Or are those in the top 25 removed from the ranking list if they don't have the requisite participation, meaning the actual 2014 top 25 are made up of only eligible players?
Good question. It hasn't mattered nor do I think it will ever matter, so we didn't think to discuss it. Personally I'd cap it at #25 (currently capsocrates) no matter how many people were eligible.

AU said:
We'll put up a signup form in the next week or so for people who are definitely in to submit their armies.

Ok, so it sounds to me like ~ Dec 1 or Dec 8 is a reasonable estimation for EOY to start.
Around that week is what I'd guess, yeah.
Re: End-of-Year 2014 Championship

Submitted just on the off chance that 4-5 people drop out... never hurts to plan ahead :razz:
Re: End-of-Year 2014 Championship

Is this a double elimination bracket like last year, or the "3-1 to make single elimination playoff" that is used in normal seasons?
Re: End-of-Year 2014 Championship

Is this a double elimination bracket like last year, or the "3-1 to make single elimination playoff" that is used in normal seasons?

Good question. OP seems to read as "3-1" to me.

In any case, I'm signed up!
Re: End-of-Year 2014 Championship

Is this a double elimination bracket like last year, or the "3-1 to make single elimination playoff" that is used in normal seasons?

Good question. OP seems to read as "3-1" to me.

In any case, I'm signed up!

Not sure what you're referencing, Mega, but we will be doing a bracket like last year.
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Re: End-of-Year 2014 Championship

Is this a double elimination bracket like last year, or the "3-1 to make single elimination playoff" that is used in normal seasons?

Good question. OP seems to read as "3-1" to me.

In any case, I'm signed up!

Not sure what you're referencing, Mega, but we will be doing a bracket like last year.

There's no mention of double elimination in the OP. It reads just like a standard event.

EDIT: I see you've added it now. Good.
Re: End-of-Year 2014 Championship

FWIW, Double Elimination means you need to go have one loss or fewer to make the "playoffs", as well. The semis and finals are the playoffs of the EoY.
Re: End-of-Year 2014 Championship

When are armies due? I'm definitely in!
Re: End-of-Year 2014 Championship

Hooray ! Thanks everyone for organizing this giving me the chance to play in such a great event. :D

I thought it was the top 16 players, when I read the ranking thread it says i'm in 16th place right?

Just like Dysole said, it's only the 2014 rankings. I'm not even in the overall ranking (never really did well before this year), but did it anyways, cause I had an overall good record in 2014, making the playoffs in season 15.
Re: End-of-Year 2014 Championship

Sparkle is 4-1 and at #18. I assume that is due to Strength of schedule?
Re: End-of-Year 2014 Championship

Sparkle is 4-1 and at #18. I assume that is due to Strength of schedule?

Well, to some degree, yes, but also if you look below him a bit you'll notice his 4-1 is actually better (if a little short on games) than pretty much everyone below him.

He's not next in line after HS2010 because he didn't play the required two full seasons, though.
Re: End-of-Year 2014 Championship

Seeding is set:

  1. kevindola
  2. dysole
  3. dok
  4. vegies dad
  5. ixe
  6. megasilver
  7. bengi
  8. kinseth
  9. foudzing
  10. soundwarp sg-1
  11. infectedsloth
  12. awesomeunleashed
  13. weebaer
  14. vegietarian18
  15. simval
  16. heroscaper2010

Still a few people who need to get their armies in. Deadline is Sunday night.