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Enchantress (Amora) (MoE)


C3G Landlord
Site Supporter
Enchantress (Amora) (MoE)


Card PDF




LIFE = 5

MOVE = 5

POINTS = 320

During setup, you may choose an allied Unique Hero with Super Strength and a Range of 1 to be Enchantress's Bodyguard. If Enchantress would receive 1+ wounds from an attack while her Bodyguard is adjacent to her, you may have her Bodyguard receive those wounds instead.

Before activating Enchantress, you may choose a Unique Hero within 4 clear spaces of Enchantress and roll a d20. Add 4 if the chosen Hero is Enchantress's Bodyguard. On a 15+, take control of that Hero and activate it, then return control. You may not activate additional figures this turn.

When an enemy without Magical Affinity attacks, Enchantress ignores all but 1 wound.

WORLDS COLLIDE: One of the more powerful magic-wielders in Asgard, Enchantress found herself joining the Masters of Evil just so she could antagonize Thor.

Resources and Rulings
  • The suggested figure for this unit is a Heroclix figure: Clobberin' Time #096 / Enchantress
  • See this card's wiki page for synergies and strategies!
  • Legacy design: Yodaking
  • Card art: Arkham
  • Comic creators: Stan Lee & Jack Kirby
  • 2023-11-03 - Non Functional wording update on Magical Defense
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I believe the wording here is up to date with everything we've done thus far. As always, double check me on this. Otherwise this could be a quick one as nothing much is really changing from 1.0 here. Oh, is SS one word or two?
Three quick things:

1. "You may not take any additional turns with any other figures you control other than Enchantress." This needs to be updated to "activate any other figures". I don't think the "you control" part is needed. Could say "this turn" if you want for clarity.

2. I would call it Magical Affinity not the Magic Symbol (same as we call it Super Strength earlier, not the Super Strength Symbol).

3. You could massively simplify Magical Defense language like so:

When an enemy without Magical Affinity attacks Enchantress, she never receives more than one wound.

That said, in this brave new world of Magical Affinity being a thing, it's worth asking whether we want to keep Magical Defense here or not.
Thanks for the feedback, I'll make the updates.

I'm still in favor of keeping MD here as it plays into the bodyguard wound transfer bit. You can attack her base defense of 5, knowing that you are limited to 1W in damage, and she can move it to Executioner/Thor/Hulk/etc. Or you can attack the bodyguard, who should have a higher base defense, but could result in dealing multiple W's.
Sounds good. I haven't played her too much, but if it feels essential to the design, no issues with keeping it. :)
Type on the first and this read clunky to me.

During setup, you may choose an allied Unique Hero with Super Strength and a Range of 1 to be Enchantress's Bodyguard. If Enchantress would receive 1 or more wounds from an attack while her Bodyguard is adjacent to her, you may have her Bodyguard to receive those wounds instead.

Before activating Enchantress, you may choose a Unique Hero within 4 clear spaces of Enchantress and roll a d20. Add 4 to the roll if the chosen figure is Enchantress's Bodyguard. If you roll 15+, take temporary control of that Hero and immediately activate it. You may then not activate any figures other than Enchantress.
Thanks for the feedback, I'll make the updates.

I'm still in favor of keeping MD here as it plays into the bodyguard wound transfer bit. You can attack her base defense of 5, knowing that you are limited to 1W in damage, and she can move it to Executioner/Thor/Hulk/etc. Or you can attack the bodyguard, who should have a higher base defense, but could result in dealing multiple W's.

I can't remember the design and it's probably not relevant here but just in case...

Wasn't there a discussion once about if a MD sent wounds somewhere else is it just the one she would have taken or is it all the wounds that she would have taken if she didn't have MD. Like does MD only kick in when she's actually taking the wounds?
Updated Brawn. I added in 'then' to your red text as it seemed like it was needed, but if dropping that helps you I can take it back out. Otherwise, not sure how else to phase it and I'm open to ideas.

As for the MD question, as far as I know MD kicks in first if it can be applied, determine the W's being received, then decide who gets them. At least that was the intent I had from the get go and how I've been playing it since the initial. The power really isn't very good if it doesn't work that way as everyone would attack her 5 defense to deal W's to the 7 defense bodyguard.
Updated Brawn. I added in 'then' to your red text as it seemed like it was needed, but if dropping that helps you I can take it back out. Otherwise, not sure how else to phase it and I'm open to ideas.

As for the MD question, as far as I know MD kicks in first if it can be applied, determine the W's being received, then decide who gets them. At least that was the intent I had from the get go and how I've been playing it since the initial. The power really isn't very good if it doesn't work that way as everyone would attack her 5 defense to deal W's to the 7 defense bodyguard.

I agree with your intent. I'm just making sure it's clear to all because I remember it being an issues somewhere. Maybe it was an Aaron Cash thing, I'm not sure.
Probably just want something like "You may not activate additional figures this turn" for the clunky part.
Updated Brawn. I added in 'then' to your red text as it seemed like it was needed, but if dropping that helps you I can take it back out. Otherwise, not sure how else to phase it and I'm open to ideas.

As for the MD question, as far as I know MD kicks in first if it can be applied, determine the W's being received, then decide who gets them. At least that was the intent I had from the get go and how I've been playing it since the initial. The power really isn't very good if it doesn't work that way as everyone would attack her 5 defense to deal W's to the 7 defense bodyguard.

I agree with your intent. I'm just making sure it's clear to all because I remember it being an issues somewhere. Maybe it was an Aaron Cash thing, I'm not sure.

That reading makes sense to me. It's wounds she would've received, and she wouldn't receive multiple due to Magical Defense. The way Magical Defense is worded, it's not "if she would receive" it's that she never receives more than one.
Updated Brawn. I added in 'then' to your red text as it seemed like it was needed, but if dropping that helps you I can take it back out. Otherwise, not sure how else to phase it and I'm open to ideas.

As for the MD question, as far as I know MD kicks in first if it can be applied, determine the W's being received, then decide who gets them. At least that was the intent I had from the get go and how I've been playing it since the initial. The power really isn't very good if it doesn't work that way as everyone would attack her 5 defense to deal W's to the 7 defense bodyguard.

I agree with your intent. I'm just making sure it's clear to all because I remember it being an issues somewhere. Maybe it was an Aaron Cash thing, I'm not sure.

That reading makes sense to me. It's wounds she would've received, and she wouldn't receive multiple due to Magical Defense. The way Magical Defense is worded, it's not "if she would receive" it's that she never receives more than one.

I get it, I just want to make sure that accurate for more than just the three of us that want it to be that.
It's really bugging me that I can't remember who or what triggered me thinking about this. I'm sure SW or Ronin will pop in and either remember or let me know that I'm thinking of an entirely different interaction with a different set of powers.

I just want to do my best to make sure as many loopholes or muddy interactions are fixed.
Probably just want something like "You may not activate additional figures this turn" for the clunky part.

Thanks Bats! Updated and it's even shorter so another win. This one I was a little worried about on text size/card space compared to the others I have move through the conversion process.
It's really bugging me that I can't remember who or what triggered me thinking about this. I'm sure SW or Ronin will pop in and either remember or let me know that I'm thinking of an entirely different interaction with a different set of powers.

I just want to do my best to make sure as many loopholes or muddy interactions are fixed.

I also vaguely recall some discussion on MD and wounds received somewhere. Can't say where/when/who it was in relation to though.
I don't think are any weakness/resistance uses here, so ....

I propose Enchantress for Art!

YK - yea
Eric - yea
Nobody - yea
Bats - yea
T - yea
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It's really bugging me that I can't remember who or what triggered me thinking about this. I'm sure SW or Ronin will pop in and either remember or let me know that I'm thinking of an entirely different interaction with a different set of powers.

I just want to do my best to make sure as many loopholes or muddy interactions are fixed.

I also vaguely recall some discussion on MD and wounds received somewhere. Can't say where/when/who it was in relation to though.

For posterity. I think it was Wong I was thinking about with the interaction issue but that wording was changed from this...

- Anytime Wong is adjacent to his Master and Wong's Master rolls defense dice against an attack, you may choose to have Wong receive the wounds instead of his Master.
+ Anytime Wong is adjacent to his Master and Wong's Master rolls defense dice against an attack, before using any other special power, you may choose to have Wong immediately receive all wounds from the attack instead of his Master.

So it seems that the default was that MD kept it to one wound and then transfer and this was worded so that Wong took all the wounds.

So at least that puts my mind at rest.