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Eastern Ohio Events - DISCONTINUED

Re: Eastern Ohio Tournaments

New Philadelphia, Findlay, and eastern Ohio, in general, is a bit too far for me, but I'm on the lookout if there are ever Cincinnati, Dayton, and possible Columbus events.

I'm happy there's such a strong scene out here and that there's been one for a while.
Re: Eastern Ohio Tournaments

New Philadelphia, Findlay, and eastern Ohio, in general, is a bit too far for me, but I'm on the lookout if there are ever Cincinnati, Dayton, and possible Columbus events.

I'm happy there's such a strong scene out here and that there's been one for a while.

I would be interested in hosting an event in Columbus at some point.

Announcements wise - Currently, the store owner is still waiting on a couple things before confirming our date.

I have a format planned out but I want to run a couple test games before I announce the full details.
Re: Eastern Ohio Tournaments

Format Announcement!!!

Wandering Monster
425 points, 18 hexes.

A neutral Unique/Uncommon Hero will start the game on the battlefield in a predetermined position. Each player may place up to one of their own numbered Order Markers on the Hero per round. They may also place the 'X' Order Marker on the Hero's army card to take a turn with the Hero "post-round" in initiative turn order. You may only attack the Hero if it has one of your opponent's revealed Order Markers on its card. Neither player controls the Hero except when taking a turn with that Hero.

Yngvild Pass will have the Frost Giant of Morh.
Stygian Rift will have Shurrak.
Invasion will have Krug.
Blackberry will have Jotun.
Fulcrum will have Torin.
Bad Moon Rising will have the Werewolf Lord.

Each link leads to a Google Drawing showing the predetermined spot for each Hero.

NOTE: I do need volunteers to provide the figures for each map. We can change them as necessary but these are the ones I'd like to use. :)
Re: Eastern Ohio Tournaments

In NYC we used a similar rule for a neutral monster. It adds a fun element to the game!
Re: Eastern Ohio Tournaments

Format Announcement!!!

Wandering Monster
425 points, 18 hexes.

A neutral Unique/Uncommon Hero will start the game on the battlefield in a predetermined position. Each player may place up to one of their own numbered Order Markers on the Hero per round. They may also place the 'X' Order Marker on the Hero's army card to take a turn with the Hero "post-round" in initiative turn order. You may only attack the Hero if it has one of your opponent's revealed Order Markers on its card. Neither player controls the Hero except when taking a turn with that Hero.

Yngvild Pass will have the Frost Giant of Morh.
Stygian Rift will have Shurrak.
Invasion will have Krug.
Blackberry will have Jotun.
Fulcrum will have Torin.
Bad Moon Rising will have the Werewolf Lord.

Each link leads to a Google Drawing showing the predetermined spot for each Hero.

NOTE: I do need volunteers to provide the figures for each map. We can change them as necessary but these are the ones I'd like to use. :)

I love the format, sounds like a ton of fun! I can provide Jotun x2, Shurrak, Frost Giant, Torin, and Werewolf Lord. Not Krug. Krug Toy Story 4'd me during my move and is nowhere to be found :(
Re: Eastern Ohio Tournaments

NOTE: I do need volunteers to provide the figures for each map. We can change them as necessary but these are the ones I'd like to use. :)

I can bring a Krug! I also have all the other figures besides Frost Giant if something comes up and orgsbane can no longer bring them.
Re: Eastern Ohio Tournaments

Format Announcement!!!

Wandering Monster
425 points, 18 hexes.

A neutral Unique/Uncommon Hero will start the game on the battlefield in a predetermined position. Each player may place up to one of their own numbered Order Markers on the Hero per round. They may also place the 'X' Order Marker on the Hero's army card to take a turn with the Hero "post-round" in initiative turn order. You may only attack the Hero if it has one of your opponent's revealed Order Markers on its card. Neither player controls the Hero except when taking a turn with that Hero.

Yngvild Pass will have the Frost Giant of Morh.
Stygian Rift will have Shurrak.
Invasion will have Krug.
Blackberry will have Jotun.
Fulcrum will have Torin.
Bad Moon Rising will have the Werewolf Lord.

Each link leads to a Google Drawing showing the predetermined spot for each Hero.

NOTE: I do need volunteers to provide the figures for each map. We can change them as necessary but these are the ones I'd like to use. :)

Oh my gosh, what an inspired idea!

I like how you've also matched the heroes to their maps: Frost Giant on the snow map, Shurrak on the lava map, and the Werewolf Lord on the Moon map. (@GameBear, don't miss this.) :toast:
Eastern Ohio NHSD Tournament - 10/8/22

We are finally officially set for the 8th! We are capped at 16 players (8 maps) so sign up ASAP! We still need someone to bring Fulcrum. The next maps to be added will be Stonework (Charos) and Song of the Walrus (Su-Bak-Na). I will need someone to provide those maps and figures as well. Hopefully as players sign up, they will be able to help provide those alongside attending.

I do have an extra Tundra set from my collection I can provide if that makes it easier to get those two maps built. We would just need a single RotV and SotM then. The figures are also fairly popular (even though I don't own them) so I'm sure it won't be too difficult to get those provided as well.
Re: Eastern Ohio NHSD Tournament - 10/8/22

I have confirmed my +1, and I very suddenly have a possible +4! I sent out a group chat to everyone I used to play with locally, and was super surprised to see all of them respond really positively. I’ll try to get a yes or no ASAP so you can get the numbers figured out.

Also, I can bring bring Stonework. Song of the Walrus is possible if you provide Tundra, but I’m suddenly concerned with the amount of space I might have available in my car lol, so if someone else can claim it, that would be for the best until I figure out how many I’m bringing
Re: Eastern Ohio NHSD Tournament - 10/8/22

I have confirmed my +1, and I very suddenly have a possible +4! I sent out a group chat to everyone I used to play with locally, and was super surprised to see all of them respond really positively. I’ll try to get a yes or no ASAP so you can get the numbers figured out.

Also, I can bring bring Stonework. Song of the Walrus is possible if you provide Tundra, but I’m suddenly concerned with the amount of space I might have available in my car lol, so if someone else can claim it, that would be for the best until I figure out how many I’m bringing

That is awesome! Just confirming - is that a +4 in addition to the +1 or just 3 more? No worries either way, and like you said, confirmations are the important thing.

Regarding maps, not sure how you were planning on transporting them (assembled or not), but we do have setup time between 11-12 so if it helps you save room you can bring them unassembled.

I sent out some mass PMs yesterday to Ohioans/Pittsburgh area players that have been on site since after the return announcement. I’ve only heard back from one player who won’t be able to attend but hopefully it works out for someone. I hate to turn people away because of an attendance limit so I will talk to the store owner about getting some more tables. Of course, we might be limited by map provisions so perhaps it’ll work itself out. I would be willing to sit out if we need an extra slot (running the event would be less stressful for me that way anyways).
Re: Eastern Ohio NHSD Tournament - 10/8/22

Also, I can bring bring Stonework. Song of the Walrus is possible if you provide Tundra, but I’m suddenly concerned with the amount of space I might have available in my car lol, so if someone else can claim it, that would be for the best until I figure out how many I’m bringing

I can bring the Swarm set for Song of the Walrus. Alas I have no Tundra so @heroscaper2010 I'd still need you to provide the Tundra. I can also bring Charos & Su-Bak-Na.

Edit: On further thought, if it would be easier I can bring Stonework instead of, or in addition to the Swarm set, I could do that as well.
Re: Eastern Ohio NHSD Tournament - 10/8/22

Also, I can bring bring Stonework. Song of the Walrus is possible if you provide Tundra, but I’m suddenly concerned with the amount of space I might have available in my car lol, so if someone else can claim it, that would be for the best until I figure out how many I’m bringing

I can bring the Swarm set for Song of the Walrus. Alas I have no Tundra so @heroscaper2010 I'd still need you to provide the Tundra. I can also bring Charos & Su-Bak-Na.

Edit: On further thought, if it would be easier I can bring Stonework instead of, or in addition to the Swarm set, I could do that as well.

Definitely need the Swarm set (unless someone else signs up that can bring everything for the map). You and orgsbane can work out who brings Stonework. I don’t care as long as it’s brought. :D
Re: Eastern Ohio NHSD Tournament - 10/8/22

That is awesome! Just confirming - is that a +4 in addition to the +1 or just 3 more? No worries either way, and like you said, confirmations are the important thing.

Regarding maps, not sure how you were planning on transporting them (assembled or not), but we do have setup time between 11-12 so if it helps you save room you can bring them unassembled.

That would be a +4 possible in addition to my +1 confirmed. Like I said, I was surprised!

Edit: On further thought, if it would be easier I can bring Stonework instead of, or in addition to the Swarm set, I could do that as well.

if you could bring the Swarm set that would be great, mine isn’t complete so I think I’d have to make some substitutes
Re: Eastern Ohio NHSD Tournament - 10/8/22

Hey does anyone in the Ohio group have contact info for @Raudulfr Shieldcrusher? Working with his old trading card PDF and would love to get the template from him if he still has it. I know he was in Ohio so thought this was the best place to ask
Re: Eastern Ohio NHSD Tournament - 10/8/22

Luckily for my car space, my possible players had some scheduling conflicts, so I will only be bringing +2, for a total of three including myself :)
Re: Eastern Ohio NHSD Tournament - 10/8/22

Hey does anyone in the Ohio group have contact info for @Raudulfr Shieldcrusher? Working with his old trading card PDF and would love to get the template from him if he still has it. I know he was in Ohio so thought this was the best place to ask

Unfortunately no. A lot of the old Ohio guard are inactive/irresponsive and have never attended any of these events. :(

Luckily for my car space, my possible players had some scheduling conflicts, so I will only be bringing +2, for a total of three including myself :)

Sounds good! Looking forward to meeting and seeing everyone!
Re: Eastern Ohio NHSD Tournament - 10/8/22

We've got a few spots left so make sure if you want to attend that you let us know!

We are capped at 16 so please, please let us know if you are attending. Again, we would love to see as many people as possible at NHSD to celebrate the return of 'Scape!

Depending on numbers, I may not play in the event. This would be a good thing for me as I would be able to focus more on event quality (organization, photos, and connecting with everyone). This also would allow an extra person to sign up.

We are also planning to make this a monthly event with the next event November 5th!
Re: Eastern Ohio NHSD Tournament - 10/8/22

Yngvild Pass (by heroscaper2010) - Brought By: heroscaper2010

Requires: 1 RotV, 1 TT (normal snow and ice)
Dagmar and Yngvild

Stygian Rift (by Typhon2222) - Brought By: heroscaper2010

Requires: 2 BftU and 1 VW
Lodin and Ulaniva

Invasion (by LongHeroscaper) - Brought By: heroscaper2010

Requires: 1 SotM, 1 FotA, and 1 TJ
Kelda and Wannok

Stonework (by heroscaper2010) - Brought By: orgsbane

Requires: 1 RotV
Zawit and Lodin

Blackberry (by superfrog, modified by heroscaper2010) - Brought By: heroscaper2010

Requires: 2 M:TCB and 2 RttFF
Holdir and Lorja Ivor

Song of the Walrus (by Typhon2222) - Brought By: Awaken515 (TT provided by HS2010)

Requires: 1 SotM, 1 TT (normal snow and ice)
Dagmar and Kelda

Fulcrum (by Dignan) - Brought By:

Requires: 1 RotV and 1 TJ

Bad Moon Rising (by Gamebear) - Brought By: Awaken515

Requires: 2 BftU and 1 FotA
Ulaniva and Valda

Spoiler Alert!
Wow, @heroscaper2010, thanks for choosing both Stygian Rift and Song of the Walrus. It's an honor. :bowdown:

And your 3D renderings of the maps look fantastic. Great camera angles on them all! SR and SotW have never looked so good before.
Re: Eastern Ohio NHSD Tournament - 10/8/22

@heroscaper2010 So happy to see you’re organizing a new event and hopefully more in the future. My oldest is a senior in high school and this will be homecoming so I won’t be able to make it out this time but do hope to reconnect for a future event. Have fun!
Re: Eastern Ohio NHSD Tournament - 10/8/22

I am unable to attend. Apologies for not answering sooner. Great idea and I look forward to hearing how it went. Have fun!
Re: Eastern Ohio NHSD Tournament - 10/8/22

I was looking through the rulebook on this but couldn't find an answer - can figures move through a neutral figure? Will your figures be able to move through the monster on your turn or will they need to move around it?
Re: Eastern Ohio NHSD Tournament - 10/8/22

I was looking through the rulebook on this but couldn't find an answer - can figures move through a neutral figure? Will your figures be able to move through the monster on your turn or will they need to move around it?

It’ll act as a “3rd” player’s figure when one of the two players is not taking a turn with it. So you will not be able to move through it (except with special powers like Phantom Walk obviously). When you are taking a turn with it, you’ll be able to move it through your own figures.

Similar rules for leaving engagement attacks. You will take leaving engagements from it but it won’t take leaving engagements from your figures while you are taking a turn with it.