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Dos and Don'ts of C3G Design for Fans and Allies


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I'm just reflecting a bit and think this would be a good idea for a thread for new designers out in the public. Basically anyone with wisdom to share is welcome to reply here on what does and doesn't make a good design. Maybe everything could be condensed into a quick guide for the welcome page.

These first few are mostly just a few things I picked up along the way from various Heroes and members that will help anyone new to the designing for the game.
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Re: Dos and Don'ts of C3G Design

I sometimes like to scour over all the cards in the library. Some of these cards are old and some of these designs might not actually pass today's standards for the game in its current meta or what have you if they were LDed today.

What to avoid: One thing on old cards that I think most find not worth putting on a card is highly specific counter-drafting, powers like Daredevil's (I) Criminal Intimidation or Wonder Man's Celebrity Status. While powers like this may be thematic, they will rarely come up in-game and are seen as taking up space that could otherwise be another more interesting power.
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Re: Dos and Don'ts of C3G Design

Basic things to know:

- As a general rule only about a maximum of 15 lines of power text will fit on the card art.

- Three powers is generally the average for Unique Heroes. Don't try to squeeze on four powers, at least not until you have led a few successful designs.
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Useful tidbit:

Does your character fit into a faction? Look at the roles the designs in that faction play, what is missing, what could be improved, what ground has already been covered?
Great tips!

Some high-level notes to consider:

1. It's a big library. What makes this card worth drafting and what armies do I want it to feel most worth drafting in? Is anything it's doing going to be more appealing to unthematic armies than thematic ones?

2. What is this going to feel like to play *against*? Is there anything about its power set that's going to make it feel like a slog or just generally unfun due to how much it shuts down the opposing player's ability to do anything on their turn?

3. How hard is it to keep up with or track the things going on mechanically? Is there anything that can be simplified or clarified (such as power triggers and timing)?

4. How swingy or luck-based is the card? Is it going to massively overperform in some games and massively underperform in others? Is there a way to make it feel less random?

5. Don't be a dick. How you express things during the design process is at least as important as what you express. Ask questions, ask follow up questions, and signal to folks that you've listened to and considered the answers. You don't always have to agree with them and should form your own opinion, but make sure you're showing your respect for them and you're welcoming of other perspectives than your own.
Re: Dos and Don'ts of C3G Design

What to avoid: One thing on old cards that I think most find not worth putting on a card is highly specific counter-drafting, powers like Daredevil's (I) Criminal Intimidation or Wonder Man's Celebrity Status. While powers like this may be thematic, they will rarely come up in-game and are seen as taking up space that could otherwise be another more interesting power.
I think it's worth mentioning that having a counter-draft element to a wider power often feels better than having a power that's exclusively focused on being a counter-draft. A lot of our electrical attacks, for example, hit Androids and Cyborgs harder. But they still work perfectly fine against most other units too.

- As a general rule only about a maximum of 15 lines of power text will fit on the card art.
I've heard this number, but I'd note that it also does vary depending on what device you're viewing the text on. (Mobile especially!)

This is a brilliant idea for a thread!
On the counter draft power thing, I'd say that minor soft counters are ok but not really exciting. It's when you get into long powers that are hard counters that you're really in the weeds.

Like Criminals rolling one less defense is ok. Largely irrelevant even when facing them and I'd check if you had something more important / interesting the character needs doing to do instead. But not terrible.

Spending 5 sentences on a power that only mind controls enemy Androids and such like that is not ok IMO. It either does nothing and is no fun for you, or screws over your opponent and is no fun for them. Nothing positive is added by that.
There are definite dos and don'ts, good buddy of wearing a bold striped shirt. A bold stripe shirt calls for solid colored or discreetly patterned suits and ties.