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Doctor Strange

Re: Doctor Strange - Playtesting

So were we wanting 300 or 310 with the changes here?
Re: Doctor Strange - Playtesting

I’d like to go Defender if we’re going for one of those generic “I protect people” classes.

Is there value in creating a scholarly kind of class? Someone who’s deep in the books and kinda just doing stuff for knowledge’s sake. That’s a niche I could see a lot of our old Scientists fitting into, Strange as well.
Re: Doctor Strange - Playtesting

Scholar? Academic? Philosopher? Sage?
Re: Doctor Strange - Playtesting

Fwiw I’ve not joined the witch hunt against Sorcerer. I like it plenty fine. What does he do? He sorcels.
Re: Doctor Strange - Playtesting

Yeah, I wouldn't change out one little used class for a different little used class. Either open him up for some potential synergy or leaving him as a Sorcerer. Could have spells that let Sorcerers use them more effectively that way and Strange uses that spell better than say Constantine.

I would have thought the always on version of stat blocking would put him at 310 to start. It's clearly better than having it turned off by engagement.
Re: Doctor Strange - Playtesting

Spoiler Alert!

Team Test
Units: Falcon (190), War Machine (Avengers) (260), Spider-Man (250), Doctor Strange (300) (1000) vs Fantastic Four (1000)
Unit Summary: The dice didn’t go the way of the Avengers at all here and they didn’t have the turn efficiency to keep up with the Fan Four even with Mister Fantastic leading poorly. Strange had a big target on his head due to his negating their defensive boosts and he got taken down before his abilities could pay off.
Game Summary
Spoiler Alert!

  • Damage Done (Normal Attack): Inflicted [0] wounds.
  • EYE OF AGAMOTTO: Moved [0] Order Markers
  • MASTER OF THE MYSTIC ARTS: Nullified Reed’s defensive boosts a lot but his teammates failed to capitalize.
  • MAGICAL DEFENSE 1: Kept him around, but not that long.
Who won? List figures remaining in the winning army (include life remaining for heroes): Mister Fantastic with Full Life, Human Torch with 4/5 Life, and Invisible Woman with 3/5 Life win..
Team Test
Units: Flash JL (270), Black Canary JL (220), Green Arrow JL (210), Doctor Strange (300) (1000) vs Wasp (50), Captain America (240), Thor (430), Wolverine (280) (1000)
Unit Summary: Doctor Strange was a beast here and his team performed really well, they just exhausted their efficiency resources early on Thor and then Wolverine tore through them in end game.
Game Summary
Spoiler Alert!

  • Damage Done (Normal Attack): Inflicted [12] wounds on [Thor [6], Wasp [2], Captain America [4]]
  • EYE OF AGAMOTTO: Moved [1] Order Markers
  • MASTER OF THE MYSTIC ARTS: Useful for negating Cap’s bonus and height.
  • MAGICAL DEFENSE 1: Useful for staying power.
Who won? List figures remaining in the winning army (include life remaining for heroes): .Wolverine with 4/6 Life wins.
UNIT SUMMARY: He’s a bit map and match up dependent right now. I think his bag of tricks will be useful but will feel better once the Avengers have more turn efficiency around him. He went 0-2 here but it basically felt like 1-1 other than Wolverine doing gross things in end game.
Re: Doctor Strange - Playtesting

No prob. World of difference between the tests. I think the second team just set him up better for success and the map worked better for his kit as well. He seems like a Fan Four counter on paper but between Flame On and their overall turn efficiency, Fan Four is pretty solid at countering Magical Defense.
Re: Doctor Strange - Playtesting

If Doctor Strange has 3+ Life remaining, enemies within 6 clear spaces cannot add to their Attack or Defense or reroll any dice.

When an enemy without Magical Affinity attacks Doctor Strange, he never receives more than 1 wound.


Some small wording stuff. Reroll seems to be the correct spelling (no hyphen) according to Merriam-Webster. (We were not consistent on this at all in 1.0 and used both spellings interchangeably.) Then just correcting a comma placement and the symbol name.

I believe we list the symbols in alphabetical order too, though I'm not sure on that one.
Re: Doctor Strange - Playtesting

Yeah, symbols should be alphabetical. Good call.

Definitely support "reroll." :up:
Re: Doctor Strange - Playtesting

Spoiler Alert!

NAME OF THE TEST UNIT (Dr. Strange 2.0)
Army Test 1
- Give a brief preview. Starter Deck Avengers vs. Starter Deck Justice League.
Map: Enter Jurrasic Park (custom map)
Units: Capt. America, Hawkeye, Dr. Strange, Falcon, Wasp (1000) vs. Trinity (1000)
Spoiler Alert!

Recap: R1, moving up both armies, Hawkeye gets a shot off at Superman to end the round but it's blocked. R2, lots of fighting. WW used a marker to boost stats for the JL, but then Strange just turned those off. Round ends with Cap 3W, Hawkeye 2W, Falcon 1W, & Superman 2W. R3, Superman starts to focus on taking out Strange, Batman hands out a bunch of auto-wounds, resulting in Hawkeye going down. Wasp has engaged with WW to try and save Cap from her. Round ends with Cap 5W, Strange 1W, Falcon 2W, Superman 2W, WW 5W, & Batman 3W. R4, Cap should have put WW down, but Superman saved her. Then Cap fell. Batman should have fallen next, but Superman saved him too. Superman then managed to get the 3rd W on Strange and shut down his boost blocking power. Round ends with Strange 3W, Falcon 2W, Superman 5W, WW 5W, & Batman 3W. R5, WW can boost the JL. Superman lets Batman fall to Falcon so he can get Batman's last JL marker, then uses it to bond with WW. This doesn't quite work out as WW fails to finish off Strange with OM3 on his card, then Strange hits WW and Superman takes 1W to save her. Superman drops Strange to end the round. Round ends with Falcon 2W, Superman 6W, & WW 5W. R6, WW boosts the JL. Wasp takes out Superman. WW takes out Wasp. Falcon takes out WW.
- Does it pass, Yes or No? Yes, only question on mechanics was about the eye (see above).
- What should be the unit's point value? 300 seems to be in the right ballpark. The Avengers did win initiative in R2, R3, R4, R5, & R6 though and barely pulled out the victory. Him shutting down WW boosts in R2 caused her to not burn another JL marker until R5. Every JL marker ended up being used though by the end.
Army Test 2
- Give a brief preview. Just being honest here, I wanted to build two different armies for Strange using only Starter Deck cards that were On Deck or waiting for Art and it was a struggle. Ended up having to cheat a little and grab Raphael, who's technically not waiting for Art yet but it appears will be as soon as Nobody makes the call. Also wanted to pit him vs. another Starter Deck team and went with a different JL squad.
Map: Enter Jurassic Park (custom map)
Units: Baron Zemo, Dr. Strange, Radioactive Man, Raphael, Falcon (1000) vs. Black Canary, Green Arrow, Green Lantern, Hawkwoman (1000)
Spoiler Alert!

Recap: R1, both teams move up. R2, Ralph rushes forward and surprises Green Arrow. Black Canary comes to his rescue. Strange moves in. Ralph botches a 7 die defense roll and takes 3W, then flips behind a tree. Strange & GA took 1W each. R3, GA & BC dominate Strange & Ralph, taking them both out while only giving 2W to BC, she missed Cry roll. R4, Radioactive Man gives Hawkwoman 2W with his SA, missed on the damage die and the d20. GA activates and Zemo X traps him, I then rule BC can't use a JL marker since GA can't move. Might need to clarify the wording here. Hawkwoman hits Radioactive Man and restores a JL marker to GA. R4, Radioactive Man tries to turn the tide but can't and goes down with only GL taking 1W. GA regains another JL marker in the process. Zemo runs around trying to stay alive, can;t W anyone, JL closes in. R5, Zemo makes it up to even ground and takes out BC, it appears as though she's suppose to scream after she's defeated but that doesn't seem right, will need clarification. Did not roll for Justice Cry. OM1 lost. More fighting with no damage. R6, Zemo goes first, gives GL 1W, more fighting without damage, Hawkwoman swoops in at the end and takes out Zemo, giving GA a JL marker. R7, GA moves & shoots at Falcon first, then Falcon respond with a 4 skull roll and takes him out, then gives Hawkwoman 1W. Hawkwoman gives 2W back. Falcon shoots at Hawkwoman and gets counterstruck for 2W.
- Does it pass, Yes or No? I guess so? Kind of feel after 2 games that I wish his Eye power wasn't tied to him inflicting W's and instead was just something he could do passively. With just a single ranged attack he isn't really the guy you want to be attacking with all the time, other options should be better on your team. Since it's only moving an OM around and not removing it, it would be nice if it actually came into play.
- What should be the unit's point value? This match-up didn't feel like it was close at all, but that might have just been because GA & BC were rolling 75% skulls while mercilessly double teaming him and Ralph, to which they had no answers too. They struck first, had high ground most of the time, and got owned. GA only got one extra attack from his d20 power the whole game, so it wasn't like the d20 did them in. Leaning towards under 300 with no changes.
Re: Doctor Strange - Playtesting

For the Eye question, I think he inflicted the wound on Batman (Batman just never received it due to Superman). He definitely didn't inflict the wound on Superman (mechanically speaking). So I think he could look at Batman's OM but not Superman's.
Re: Doctor Strange - Playtesting

I think you ruled incorrectly on the Into the Fray/Adhesive X Trap interaction. Into the Fray is instead of a move phase. You don't have to be able to move to have a move phase, it's just that part of your activation. Adhesive X Trap only stops you from moving, not from having a move phase.

Black Canary was designed and tested (in 1.0 and 2.0 both) to trigger her cry on her own defeat. So that's worded that way intentionally. :)
Re: Doctor Strange - Playtesting

So what are we feeling here? 290?
Re: Doctor Strange - Playtesting

Just got my new modem today, so I'm just catching up on everything. If everyone else just wants to move on at 290, I'm okay with that. I'm not sure how much I'll use this design, he seems best as a counter draft figure to armies that rely on stat boosting effects, that feature MD units, or use a OM dump card that generates multiple activations. I guess that's where the spells can come into play, drafting some of them can better define his role in your team outside of those counter draft uses. So yeah, I'm good to go here as I don't see any dials to turn him up to 310. Already tried that after the initial and he's still feeling like 290 more than 300.
Re: Doctor Strange - Playtesting

Should we bump his range to 6 to match his aura?