I am planning to upload this map to my own map thread soon (with credit to @Dignan, assuming he gives his blessing for me posting it there) along with the .hsc. Right now the remix has nowhere to "live" so unless Dignan wants to post it here in his thread I think that makes sense.Hello @caps ,your remix looks very good, I kinda want to review it again but I have no scape anymore and can only play online soi I need to do the top-down view etc...
If you are up to do some online playtesting hit me up!
What a cool map!
It is interesting how the ladder towards the middle over lava creates a nice Raelin perch that, AFAICT, is only attackable by melee from lava (or perhaps from tall enough figures, through the battlement that faces the lone low-level swamp tile.
The level 6 ladder perches on the side could also be nice spots for Raelin.
Anyway, I really like the map! Very distinct aesthetically and looks like it has some pretty interesting gameplay.
I love the look and feel of this map, Dignan. In particular, I love your use of ladders. Obviously, the two-rung ladders are cool, and allow for gaining height in unique ways. But I also love the subtle use of the single ladders; on a map with so much height variation, those really help figures climb a lot faster — both by reducing the number of moves to climb two levels and also allowing them to stop mid-climb.
And also, I gotta commend any map that uses the flag!
Yeah I think that's useful.Also, I'm experimenting with showing the startzones in my images better. Here is a test on one idea I had. Let me know if this is an improvement, feedback, etc.
Risky outpost is in the map pool for our Peoria tourney this coming weekend...I'm excited to give it a go!
Cool- very unique! I like the minor asymmetry you did with the big tree and the split 3-hex/1-hex outcrops.Update 6/16/23
Finally got around to uploading another map. We used this one at the recent draft tournament and we've enjoyed having on the table for the past few months. After a little bit of tweaking, I think we finally have it running well. Hope you enjoy it.
Map: Respite
Date Uploaded: 06/16/23
Requires: 1 RotV, 1 BftU, 1 RttFF
Update 10/19/23
This map is probably my most revised map of all time. I've been working on a variation of this map since the summer. Now I have completely torn it down and started over several times, but this last iteration has gone through several different changes. We even played it last week at our NHSD tournament and I made additional changes after that. I think I just have to stop here before I tear it down again and start over.
Map: Verdant
Date Uploaded: 10/19/23
Requires: 1 RotV, 2 RttFF
Although you are missing a grass two hex and water in the blue start zone, right now it’s only 22 spaces. I assume it’s supposed to be symmetric to green’s?
Updated file has been uploaded. Thanks again for the catch, Cleon.
Updated file has been uploaded. Thanks again for the catch, Cleon.
Update 6/7
Added a new single tundra and RotV map to the list. This one is slightly asymmetrical, but it's not noticeable during game play. I've been trying to get more out of each expansion lately and also use heavy snow more often. This one surprised a few of the playtesters in my group, as they didn't expect much when they sat down to this one. It's rather unassuming, but we've found the gameplay to be pretty compelling.
Map: Fissure
Date Uploaded: 6/07/09
Requires: 1 RotV, 1 TT - Heavy Snow, Normal Ice