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Darth Vader's Maps

Darth Vader

Well-known member
Ice Mountain Fortress

This map used about 9 RotV, an SotM, 6 RttFF, 5 FotA, 1 BftU 1 TT, 1 VW, and a lot of extra wave tiles. This map really wasn't too tough to build, it probably took my brother and I an hour to complete. The coolest part of this map in my opinion was that the castle and mountains sat in the middle of the map, and players had to move through the castle to reach their opponent

Front View


This view shows both ends of the map.

The Ancient River
This map used about 6 Rotv, 5 RttFF, 1 FotA 1 TT and 1 VW

This map was designed as a 2 vs 2, 500-700 point map. The idea was to create two fronts near the river, at the small bridges. This map was a ton of fun to play on, because the entire map was used, and it didn't take long for the first shots to be fired. The map is simple to build, and I was able to recreate the basic concept several times by memory.

The Ancient River was by far the best multiple map we have ever thrown together. It made for excellent, front based battles. It was extremely playable, and fairly had a decent melee/ranged balance.


Overhead view.

River view. (Sorry, the pic didn't come out too well)

Castle Valley

This Map used 9 RotV, 6 RttFF, 1 TT, 5 FotA, and 1 VW.

This was one I built just for fun. It really wasn't too playable, but we did have fun trying it out.




I hope you enjoyed these maps. I thought that these maps were really cool and I had a ton of fun building them.

I intend on adding too this thread when I become artistically and cartographically inspired again.
Incredible work! The mountain fortress looks great-the small perches of snow in the middle are a great touch.
Ice mountain looks beyond insane. Though removing or weakening the doors might be necessary for playability's sake. Overall cool stuff though.
The ice mountains were simple, if you have enough terrain. We started with stacks of 24 hexes, then moved to two connected stacks of 7 hexes. We added some stacks of two and threes to make it look natural.

Once you got the mountain as high as you like, cap it off with tundra. Then stick a castle in the middle. Its that easy. We left the doors open so you could move right into it, but most of the battle took place in the castle, which was what we were trying to make happen. I plan on rebuilding it in the near future.
I got around to building another map today. This one is based off of Middle Earth's Great River Anduin, featured in the Fellowship of the Ring. For a while now I've had the statues of the Kings sitting around, and I was goofing around with them when I became inspired to make this map. I included the section with the statues of the Ancient Kings of Gondor, and I also included the section right before the waterfall.

It was kind of a trick to make, but I think it worked out in the end. Here's what I got so far.






