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D3 DDM comparison pictures *Updated 10-25*


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Site Supporter
Hi again. I've gotten hold of some of the DDM figures being reused in the D3 release and have taken some pictures if them with Heroscape figures and terrain. The purpose of these pictures is to give a sense of size of the new figures, its hard to gauge by looking at most internet pictures. So far I have the Bugbears, Ogre, Mezzos and one Death Knight. I should have the other DK, the Orcs, and Troll next week.


Ogre with Krug:

Ogre with DW9K: (base comparison)

Bugbears, there could be some stinger denial issues with the guy holding two weapons (BB gang leader)

Bugbears with other figures. They are smaller than the preview pictures made them look.

Mezzodemons. These guys look goofy in person. I hope the HS paint job corrects that.

Mezzos with classic buddies.

Lone DK. This guy is tiny.

He is also sitting on an invisible toilet.

These sculpts are all pretty bad. None of them match the original tone of Heroscape. Most of them are goofy, and not in the same lighthearted way Classic HS was. The Bugbears (two anyway) are the exception. They are fierce looking and very detailed. The problem is that they are over stylized and go far beyond the Classic HS look. The repainting should help, but I don't like the metallic colored paints they have been using on the DnD figures. It was used very sparingly in Classic and looks out of place.

Between the use of colors and level of detail, the new DnD based figures have a much different feel and look. The Classic figures are very cartoonish and appear nearly the same in the cartoons and comic books they have produced. To feature and of the D series figures the level of drawing and animation would have to be closer to that of a Graphic Novel.

I really hope the other figures look a lot better in person. This is by far the worst looking set of figures ever.


I have gotten four more figures and have pictures. I got the orcs and the other Death Knight. The troll will be here later this week and I'm negotiating for a better deal of the Giant and Dragon. I found some without cards for significantly less than the $50 they usually are combined.

I like two of the Orcs. The one with the mace is my favorite and I think he fits the classic look and feel. The second Death Knight looks cool but has scale issues.

Here are the orcs. Two look good and the other one is a purple gorilla.

With figures:

This guy has a chewing gum face. I think he's wearing an eyepatch. Paint could help him out a lot.

This guy is my favorite. I think he looks more like a classic figure than any other figure in the DnD releases. The other pictures I've seen make him look more detailed than he is.

This is just awful. Paint will help, but the look doesn't match the other two at all.

Another view.

Death Knight squad:

The second Death Knight:

Both DK with 4th Mass. They are very short Death Knights.

The conclusion I've come to is that squads need to be done by the same sculptor around the same time. Most the DnD squads look very disjointed and this is what I attribute it to.

****UPDATE 2****

I got the Ice Troll. He is smaller thank I expected.





****Update 3*****

Got the dragon and the giant.









Double ogre comparison for whoever requested it. The D2 ogre is much bigger but he is a warhulk so it makes sense.




Re: D3 DDM comparison pictures

Thanks, Hogg.

Something will have to be done with the bugbears so we get a matching set. The Death Knights are smaller than I'd expected, and that is an odd sculpt. Thanks for the profile pic. The Pulverizer looks fine, though. No need for him to be Krug-sized, I don't think.

I'm very excited about Eltahale and some of the others.

Thanks again & keep your fingers crossed.
Re: D3 DDM comparison pictures

I think DK looks smaller than he should do his pose. That's not an excuse, but I think it does need some consideration. The ogre looks great, the bugbears look great, not a big fan of the mezzos, and I like the DKs. I'm also fine with the more detailed figures. I think that's the good thing personally. Are you comparing to the original harder plastic figures or the post wave 5 figures? Which were also more detailed.
Re: D3 DDM comparison pictures

I think DK looks smaller than he should do his pose. That's not an excuse, but I think it does need some consideration. The ogre looks great, the bugbears look great, not a big fan of the mezzos, and I like the DKs. I'm also fine with the more detailed figures. I think that's the good thing personally. Are you comparing to the original harder plastic figures or the post wave 5 figures? Which were also more detailed.

I am thinking mostly about the earlier figures, but have taken the later ones into consideration too. Its most noticable with the wolves. The Anubians and Khosumet really look like cartoon characters. They have the narrow waists like on TMNT and everything. The Wolves of Badru aren't much more detailed even though they are from a much later wave. But the Werewolf Lord is very stylized. The level of detail in the swirling and depth of the fur stands out in comparison.
Re: D3 DDM comparison pictures

This is by far the worst looking set of figures ever.

I was thinking the same thing. Not a very aesthetically pleasing wave. I think Seige is the best of the bunch. Rest are the same quality as the Deepworm Drow in my opinion.
Re: D3 DDM comparison pictures

Thanks for the pics. Generally I'm missing the size of the old figs. The new DnD leftovers are just a little too small to be impressive. Compare the new figs to any old Kyrie fig and it's just embarrassing. I really feel that WotC need to start considering the size differences and making compensation for it in some way. For example, the Goblin Cutters from D2 should've been a 6-8 fig squad (still packaged with the Ogre) to make their tiny size more of a novelty and less of an issue.

Everyone's wondering if there's a DnD wave 4, whereas I'm wondering if there deserves to be. Hopefully I'll be totally shown up by an awesome terrain release (snow, lava, quicksand, dungeon add-on, whatever) and will have to eat my words. Hopefully.

Re: D3 DDM comparison pictures

Thanks for the pics. Generally I'm missing the size of the old figs. The new DnD leftovers are just a little too small to be impressive. Compare the new figs to any old Kyrie fig and it's just embarrassing. I really feel that WotC need to start considering the size differences and making compensation for it in some way. For example, the Goblin Cutters from D2 should've been a 6-8 fig squad (still packaged with the Ogre) to make their tiny size more of a novelty and less of an issue.

Everyone's wondering if there's a DnD wave 4, whereas I'm wondering if there deserves to be. Hopefully I'll be totally shown up by an awesome terrain release (snow, lava, quicksand, dungeon add-on, whatever) and will have to eat my words. Hopefully.


I agree about the Goblins. That pack didn't have enough plastic per dollar. I'm worried about the Icewind pack too. The Troll and MoH look pretty small, with the Giant being the only real large figure.

I don't think there's enough models for a D4 unless they've been saving some good sculpts. Or they use a lot more unreleased sculpts.
Re: D3 DDM comparison pictures

I kinda like the mezzo on the left. The dual wielding bugbear looks awesome. Eltahale looks good and Siege with that big sword is just way sweet. Moltenclaw is awesome. I see him being one of the big reasons D3 Heroes will go out of stock.
Re: D3 DDM comparison pictures

Thanks for the comparisons Hogg! You've got a point, these sculpts do look somewhat corny, and the squads (perhaps with the exception of the mezzos) don't fit together at all. Not to mention the fact that they are starting to have to use unreleased figs. They are clearly scraping at the bottom of the barrel for this wave, but in my opinion that is good news. WotC will have start considering original sculpt classic scape very soon at the rate they're going.
Re: D3 DDM comparison pictures

Thanks for the comparisons Hogg! You've got a point, these sculpts do look somewhat corny, and the squads (perhaps with the exception of the mezzos) don't fit together at all. Not to mention the fact that they are starting to have to use unreleased figs. They are clearly scraping at the bottom of the barrel for this wave, but in my opinion that is good news. WotC will have start considering original sculpt classic scape very soon at the rate they're going.

I hope you're right, but I'm having some serious doubts. While procrastinating this afternoon, I once again visited the WOTC website and looked at all of the DnD minis collections. Of course, those pages have no scale or size reference - so it's impossible to tell what could "work" with 'scape. Though lately, it seems less and less important to the powers at hand.

I think we'll see more of this shoehorned recycling. I believe this for two reasons:

1) New bases. There is more opportunity to fit characters onto a large round (instead of a peanut), and the smaller bases keep 'other' gamers within market reach.

2) The former production schedule. Now, this may going out on a limb - but I noticed something interesting. When WOTC was in full swing with their DnD mini line, they were cranking out 3 collections a year. For 2010, we 'scapers have had a new master set and three waves... Coincidence?

And usually, each DnD collection was 60 minis! Each Heroscape expansion is far far smaller. There is (probably) a ton of stuff WOTC can still reuse.
Re: D3 DDM comparison pictures

I have seen the the Mezzos and there paint job does a lot for them. It looks different in the preveiw picture. And Seige one word discribes him prefectly. AWESOME. My brother won him at NHSD in MA.
Re: D3 DDM comparison pictures

The Mezzos do look like they got a much more "natural-looking" (more of a matte brown in stead of a glossy black) paint job:


Left/top (depending on your display) is DDM, right/bottom is D3.
Re: D3 DDM comparison pictures

Updated first post with Orcs and second Death Knight.
Re: D3 DDM comparison pictures *Updated 10-19*

Wow, the second DK is just... pathetic, there is no other word to describe it, that's even worse than the drow when it comes to scale problems. I was never a fan of the orcs ever since their preview went up, totally lacking cohesiveness. Yep, I stand by what I said earlier, WotC really is scraping the bottom of the Barrel on this one.
Re: D3 DDM comparison pictures *Updated 10-19*

The conclusion I've come to is that squads need to be done by the same sculptor around the same time. Most the DnD squads look very disjointed and this is what I attribute it to.

Thank you! Great post. I think you've hit it on the head why I've been bothered by D&D scape. Sculpt reuse can be inexpensive (re: CHEAP), but it takes away from that thematic creative process.

Re: D3 DDM comparison pictures *Updated 10-19*

Wow, that this really puts the new set in perspective a lot better. I think I have to agree with the assertion that this is indeed the worst looking wave to date.

Thanks for taking the time to post the pictures. Were you able to get the dragon yet? He is is the only thing that still looks moderately aesthetically pleasing.
Re: D3 DDM comparison pictures *Updated 10-19*

Thanks for taking the time to post the pictures. Were you able to get the dragon yet? He is is the only thing that still looks moderately aesthetically pleasing.
Hey, hold on there, tiger!

I may not be thrilled with a couple of these, but (a) there are a *bunch* more to come, including Eltahale, who looked *awesome* in theGuru's preview photo and the other uncommon & unique heroes, most of whom looked really good as well. Plus (b) what you're looking at here is the old paints. As you can see from dok's phto - thank you dok! - better paint makes a difference. I expect the bugbears in particular will benefit from the 'Scape paint job they'll be getting.

Patience, people...
Re: D3 DDM comparison pictures *Updated 10-19*

Thanks for the photos! I agree that some of these sculpts are a little sketchy but that the repaint will do a lot to fix that. The bugbear with the mace is a good example. When we were evaluating possible sculpts that they might use this guy was my biggest fear. He looked really terrible. Now that I've seen the repaint I actually kind of like him.

I've been having trouble understanding the Orc Eye of Gruumsh's face though. I actually really like the sculpt (he's the Izumi orc!) but I don't understand his head. Does he have a full-faced closed helmet? A visor with his face showing below? A helmet without a visor with his eyes showing through? A helmet with his whole face showing? Every time I see him, including searches on the web, his head looks like a heap of scrap metal in a random pile. "Chewing gum face" captured it perfectly.
Re: D3 DDM comparison pictures *Updated 10-19*

Thanks for taking the time to post the pictures. Were you able to get the dragon yet? He is is the only thing that still looks moderately aesthetically pleasing.

The Dragon and Frost Giant will be next week. I should have the Ice Troll tomorrow.

I've been having trouble understanding the Orc Eye of Gruumsh's face though. I actually really like the sculpt (he's the Izumi orc!) but I don't understand his head. Does he have a full-faced closed helmet? A visor with his face showing below? A helmet without a visor with his eyes showing through? A helmet with his whole face showing? Every time I see him, including searches on the web, his head looks like a heap of scrap metal in a random pile. "Chewing gum face" captured it perfectly.

His face is exposed and he is wearing an eyepatch. The detail is terrible but paint may help.
Re: D3 DDM comparison pictures *Updated 10-19*

Even with this pictures, I don't think this wave looks so bad. I think the Orcs, Mezzos and Bugbears still look quite good. The Death Knights do look a bit small, and I was shocked to see how short the Ogre was. His pictures made him look much larger.

Thanks again for the comparison pics.
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Re: D3 DDM comparison pictures *Updated 10-19*

Hey A Train long time no see.
But im disappointed with this wave excluding a select few figures.