• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

Custom HeroScape Terrain Tutorials by Type & Creator

Onacara said:
Grungebob said:
Onacara said:
I would like to say that i love this diea but i think that adding all of the tutorials to one thread is going to be a pain...mainly because with all of the pics that this one thread will accumulate it will take a long time for them to all open up (maybe its just my connection tonight or the site but its taking a long time and my screen keeps "moving" as each pic loads
OK I give up. I deleted the copy of Grishnak's tutorial. Forget about having the tutorials all here on display. BC, you move forward with your idea and we will have 2 indexes in the terrain section.

Sorry GB....perhaps we could make a downloadable tutorial "book" for folks...I usually do my custom work out in my workshed and dont have a computer there to follow things step by step...you think that would work?

EDIT: I would actually like to take on this project...sort of a CODEX but just for Custom Terrain and stuff. We could have tutorials and Shop Tips and things like that. Thoughts?

The more I think about this the more I want to do it...so I think I am just going to go for it...maybe do a teaser edition to gage the interest level. I already started working on the format and have a name picked out....and a domain name set up for the website. If anyone would like to hop on board or has any ideas please send me a PM. Also if you are a custom creator and have a tutorial or a shop tip you would like to share let me know also.
Hmmm. Are you going for an online magazine style format Big O?

Having people submit articles would manage a lot of the work for you. It could also generate more interest in things like the speed terrain contest. Just a suggestion.
Renquist said:
Hmmm. Are you going for an online magazine style format Big O?

Having people submit articles would manage a lot of the work for you. It could also generate more interest in things like the speed terrain contest. Just a suggestion.

That sort of the idea..a downloadable full color magazine as well as a printer friendly version.

I have been working on this since I said it the other night.

CUSTOMS PATROL (this is the working title)

Monthly articles would include...

PLASTIC SURGERY-Step by Step instruction on how to modify a miniature figure.

MOD SQUAD-Our team will show several ways to modify the same figure.

FLOCK OF AGES-Step by Step instruction on how to turn your plain plastic hexes into realistic looking landscape.

TERRAIN IN VAIN- So you tried your hand at creating a custom piece of terrain and it did not come out like you planned or you are stuck half way through and need help to finish it? Let our team help.

FOREIGN EXCHANGE PROGRAM-Showcasing the work of our friends in other parts of the world.

OUT OF THE BOX-Spotlight on items/parts that are designed for something else that can be used without modification.

LOCK, STOCK AND APPLE BARRELL-This section will be all about supplies and tools. Here we will do product reviews for paints, glues, etc. as well as give tips on how to stock your workshop/toolbox including storage solutions and ideas.

MARVELOUS-This section will be dedicated exclusively to Customs designed for use with MarvelScape.

YOUNG GUNS-Spotlight on work created by the kids.

UNTITLED- Step by Step instruction on creating buildings, bridges, towers and other structures.

UNTITLED- Step by Step instruction on creating other game elements/destructible objects. (i.e. boats, portals, cages, etc)

UNTITLED- Tips and Tricks

UNTITLED- Creator of the month. We will spotlight the work of one creator every month.

Along with this we will try to have a Q&A section…a monthly contest...and more stuff.

I want to format this in a way where it will be a full color downloadable periodical like the Codex but will also be available in printer friendly format.

Any volunteers and/or ideas are welcome. Please email me at AJRacano@aol.com. Please put CUSTOMS PATROL in the subject line.
Malechi said:
robopesant said:

Wrong thread. You even state you never made, nor thought of, doing a tutorial!

Try this thread ... Nevermind, you're already listed in that thread. Perhaps letting the author of that thread know where your consolidated thread is ...
:frustrated: :duh: Ohh Im such an idiot... My bad. :oops:
Has anyone done a tutorial on flocking the rock tiles? I want the rock tiles to actually look sort of like rock instead of looking like they are covered in purple or gray fuzz.
Just wanted to say that I think this is one of the most useful and, for me, most frequently visited threads on heroscapers.com

I'm just beginning to customize my heroscape collection and this has been the best source for me to quickly and easily find directions and pics of what I'd like to attempt.
Keep up the great catalogue calvin