My local library has a ton of graphic novels, and since I live <5 minutes away, I've been taking advantage of it.
That's how mine is too, which is SUPER WEIRD. I live out in the middle of nowhere, we're not supposed to have nice things! It's probably some type of witchcraft.
Anyway, thanks to said witchcraft I now have free access to comics and they're close to me, so I've been reading a fair bit. So far:
Batman Vol 1: Court of Owls and Batman Vol 2: The City of Owls-
Really loving the Court of Owls and the Talons (already working on some figures for them), the Talons are just badass. Overall some great books in my completely uneducated opinion. I HATE the stupid new twist to Mr. Freeze's origin though, and I'm not even sure why that was thrown into the last book. I always loved Freeze in BTAS, he was a tragic villain who you almost wanted to win sometimes (then they ruined everything with Cold Comforts or what ever the episode were he becomes a Robo-Dick is called). The new 52 one is just an insane whack-job, which was already covered by like 50% of Batman's villains.
Invincible (Book 1) Family Matters and Invincible (Book 2) Eight is Enough-
Liking Invincible so far, though it's a bit of an odd situation. See, I've already read summaries for basically the whole series already, so I know every big twist before it happens (and most of the little ones really). Honestly, it helps me keep track of the characters better though. It's kind of weird, there are a bunch of people that I know are going to become important latter, but are basically just extras now, if I didn't have my 'future knowledge' the few times they're mentioned I'd probably be going 'Who was that again?'.
Justice Society, Vol. 1
Which is a collection of old pre-crisis JSA stuff. I rented this to get some idea of what the heck Star-Spangled Kid's belt actually does, turns out the answer is 'whatever the hell it wants'. The book is just straight insane though, I'm tempted to do a blog on it just to show how nuts it is. The best part is everyone is a complete tool, which I though was just bad writing, but apparently it's actually a plot point in the next book. Unfortunately, Powergirl being an utter ***** is not part of these mental shenanigans it seems. Shame, she's actually a likable person in a lot of other stuff.