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Comics: what are you currently reading?

I take it you watched the Fan film. It was incredible.
Yeah, Judge Minty is actually why I went after a bunch of Dredd comics I have missed. The Minty comic is just like the Fan Film(actually the other way around) except it ends with Minty heading out into the Cursed Earth. So you never get to see the battle that is in the film.
Dredd actually goes through a similar experience. He gets a letter from a kid that asks questions about the Judge system. It hits Judge Dredd hard. He flashes back to Judge Minty and decides to follow in his footsteps and takes The Long Walk,(more like the long ride because they actually let Dredd take his Lawmaster with him).
This spins into a tale about Dredd at one point having to swim through acid. He is messed up, very badly but lives, but loses his memory. Eventually his memory returns and he learns that Dark Judges have returned so Dredd does also.
This sets up a confrontation with Kraken who has been given Dredd's identity for the Senior Judges feared the citizens may have panicked if they learned Judge Dredd has quit. After these developments we start to see Dredd with a little more compassion.

Another great story was a spoof of TMNT. The group was senior citizens who became Elderly Mud Wrestling Ninjas. Awesome. :) They do a lot of spoofs of other comics.
My local library has a ton of graphic novels, and since I live <5 minutes away, I've been taking advantage of it.

The best I've read are Ultimate X-Men collection 1, All-Star Superman (the movie is excellent as well), Flash: Rebirth and Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?. Green Arrow: Year One was a good read, but the TV show does the origin better IMO.

Superman: Earth One, Green Lantern: No Fear, Superman: Brainiac were all kind of disappointing. The former is obviously the basis for the Man of Steel movie. The latter two Geoff Johns works had a strong start, but the fights were underwhelming and the villains' motivations boring.
More Dredd!

I am really enjoying the tales of older Dredd. He has developed a conscience and even empathy, shown more through actions than words but it is there. The art varies at times but some of it is incredibly good.
He really works as a mentor for cadets and rookies. I have found all new respect for one of my all time favorite characters. I continue to be impressed by how it is all one continuous story starting in the 70s and still going today. They are able to re-visit classic stories and characters years later while creating whole new plot lines.
;) I just rewatched the Sylvester Stallone film, and Dredd is performing as a mentor there too for a short time!
Ugg. That movie was a travesty. The best part was the A.B.C. Warrior.
Check out the fan film Judge Minty on youtube! :)
I finished reading an amazing little comic called Super! by Unlikely Heroes Studio.

It's a smart and clever comic that makes fun of the usual tropes. Following the adventures of a team of C-list superheroes in a world where superheroes and villains are as common as grass or the air we breath. It was an incredible read and left me wanting more. More of that story, and more stories within that universe in general.

Plus: All the characters have really cool designs and the artwork is amazing.

*It's not a comic that is real suitable for younger readers, however.
My local library has a ton of graphic novels, and since I live <5 minutes away, I've been taking advantage of it.

That's how mine is too, which is SUPER WEIRD. I live out in the middle of nowhere, we're not supposed to have nice things! It's probably some type of witchcraft.

Anyway, thanks to said witchcraft I now have free access to comics and they're close to me, so I've been reading a fair bit. So far:

Batman Vol 1: Court of Owls and Batman Vol 2: The City of Owls-
Really loving the Court of Owls and the Talons (already working on some figures for them), the Talons are just badass. Overall some great books in my completely uneducated opinion. I HATE the stupid new twist to Mr. Freeze's origin though, and I'm not even sure why that was thrown into the last book. I always loved Freeze in BTAS, he was a tragic villain who you almost wanted to win sometimes (then they ruined everything with Cold Comforts or what ever the episode were he becomes a Robo-Dick is called). The new 52 one is just an insane whack-job, which was already covered by like 50% of Batman's villains.

Invincible (Book 1) Family Matters and Invincible (Book 2) Eight is Enough-
Liking Invincible so far, though it's a bit of an odd situation. See, I've already read summaries for basically the whole series already, so I know every big twist before it happens (and most of the little ones really). Honestly, it helps me keep track of the characters better though. It's kind of weird, there are a bunch of people that I know are going to become important latter, but are basically just extras now, if I didn't have my 'future knowledge' the few times they're mentioned I'd probably be going 'Who was that again?'.

Justice Society, Vol. 1
Which is a collection of old pre-crisis JSA stuff. I rented this to get some idea of what the heck Star-Spangled Kid's belt actually does, turns out the answer is 'whatever the hell it wants'. The book is just straight insane though, I'm tempted to do a blog on it just to show how nuts it is. The best part is everyone is a complete tool, which I though was just bad writing, but apparently it's actually a plot point in the next book. Unfortunately, Powergirl being an utter ***** is not part of these mental shenanigans it seems. Shame, she's actually a likable person in a lot of other stuff.
I ordered a 1 year scrip for the new Star Wars & Vader comic series. Both have been pretty good so far but it is still early.
The third volume of the reprint graphic novels of New Teen Titans (Wolfman/Perez) from the 1980s just came out, and its great, as the first two were. I never read these stories, and only had the later animated series to go with, but these are much better! I recommend them to anyone, at $19.95 a shot.

Soundwarp SG-1,

Long ago, I was a library kid too. You should ask around about who orders books at your library! If you get to know him/her, you might be able to suggest what else you'd like to see. (I have three pals who are or were librarians).
2000AD(mainly Judge Dredd) I am in the 900s now working towards the 1800s.

Just picked up about a dozen old issues of Alpha Flight.

Also latest issue of Knights of the Dinner Table(#222).
The Great Comic Book Read!

Recently, the son of one of my old pals moved out to the West Coast. I had given him most of what was left of my comic collection (I stopped reading in the early 80s, having started with the Silver Age), hopefully so he could sell them off and make some money for himself, but he never did. So he dropped them off here after all these years, with newer issues from the mid 80' and the 90's, and a few later ones he'd collected himself. Most of the really old ones from when I was a kid had not been saved at all, but it was still a considerable mass of stuff.

So now, after a knowledgeable pal was sepaerating out what might be valuable to sell, I've thrown many out. However, I've saved 150 or so just to read before chucking. These included old FF, Thor, and a huge amount of latter day X-Men. Since I've never read most of them, I started to do so.

Among the stuff I never read before, but learned about through wikipedia, include The Infinity Gauntlet, and because they really seemed to have milked it, some from Warlock and the Infinity Watch, the Infinity War, and the Infinity Crusade. Since Superscape has revived my interest and I've learned about such more recent adventures (see my own two part Infinity Gauntlet scenarios in Marvel Maps and Scenarios), this is a lot of fun.

There's some other miscellaneous of other stuff including some DC like Green Lantern and etc. So after reading the three Avatar the Last Airbender comic series I just picked up (see my new sepaerate thread on this) I'm plunging into the regular comic universes this Thanksgiving weekend.

When I get finished, I'll be researching prices for other issues, some of which will be eventually posted up on ebay. Being low tech, I don't really do much on the computer myself. But not too long ago I finally sold off some of my board games for the first time by sending them off with a pal to Canada (its a long story). So now I'll finally make something off my 20 years of comic buying too.

Finally moving into the 21st Century, I've backed about 4 Kickstarters. I have yet another friend who buys me stuff online and elswhere, bundling our purchases together for discounts. He just made his biggest score with some KS boardgame exclusives for Blood Rage, whose retail version is soon set to come out (I'd missed the KS for it).

I used to just get rid of things, but now I'm finally starting to get some cash back. And in the case of the comics, a nostalgic read as well. Of course, I've always kept my own much smaller trove of the really old or most beloved comic mags which I may never sell at all.
So now, after a knowledgeable pal was sepaerating out what might be valuable to sell, I've thrown many out. However, I've saved 150 or so just to read before chucking. These included old FF, Thor, and a huge amount of latter day X-Men. Since I've never read most of them, I started to do so.

If this includes any of the Walt Simonson Thor, you owe it to yourself to read them. Simonson's Thor is one of my all-time favorite runs. It's an really an epic in superhero garb.
There's been a lot more chatter in C3G over recent comics lately, so I'm bumping this thread as a place for discussion. What's everyone reading?

I'm still reading my way through the entire Marvel Ultimate Universe (because...why not?), and I'm getting ever closer to Ultimatum. I know that and Ultimates 3 are very infamous in the comic community, but I'm actually anxious to read them. I love alternate universes that try for big changes and events, even if the actual execution is lackluster.

The current titles that I purchased this week are: Black Panther #2, Vision #7, Ultimates #7, and All-New X-Men #9. I balked a little at the $4.99 price point for the latter, but the larger size swayed me. It's been the best of the current X-Men titles, but that's not saying a ton right now.

Black Panther is off to a solid, but not great start. I like what I've read of Ta-Nehisi Coates' non-fic work, and he's clearly a fan of Panther, so I'm in for a few issues at least.

Vision is excellent, and it's easy to see why Tom King is the hottest writer around. I feel like the book is a little overhyped, but it's very, very good.

Man, Ultimates is great though, even if #7 was just a "set-up issue." It's a big, bold, and (thanks to Kenneth Rocafort) beautiful book. Al Ewing loves to play around meta side of things, and he's going to town here. Lots of fun.
I'm really digging the new Black Widow series by Waid and Samnee, which was a no-brainer purchase for me after their stellar run on Daredevil. So far it's a less game-changing series than Daredevil was, both narratively and visually, but it's still very well done superspy adventure stuff, basically the Bourne series in comic form.

I haven't checked out that Vision series yet, but I've heard great things.
I also got Black Panther (which isn't quite living up to expectations yet) and Ultimates (which is just the sort of high-concept stuff I love; Anti-Man is so cool, and I love their take on Carol). Unfortunately my store didn't get their copies of Vision this week...

When it comes to the Ultimate universe, I did something pretty similar last year (though I cut a lot of the chaff). I honestly think Ultimatum #1 is an awesome, awesome comic - like, one of the few "event books" to really justify the title. It's an EVENT. Things quickly fall apart after that, though. By the end it's earned its reputation.

Also, for those who are interested, Humble Comics Bundle: Garth Ennis is currently live. You can get all twelve volumes of The Boys digitally for only $15. I've heard good things, so I took the plunge - which I did on Irredeemable when they ran that bundle, a decision I do not regret in the least.
I'm really digging the new Black Widow series by Waid and Samnee, which was a no-brainer purchase for me after their stellar run on Daredevil. So far it's a less game-changing series than Daredevil was, both narratively and visually, but it's still very well done superspy adventure stuff, basically the Bourne series in comic form.

I haven't checked out that Vision series yet, but I've heard great things.

That sounds interesting.
I'm reading the old "New Teen Titans" by Wolfman and Perez from the 80s for the first time, in their reprinting graphic novel editions--four of them so far. Its going in the other direction from the cancelled TV series based on them, which sadly has degenerated into Teen Titans Go, a kiddie satire at best.