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Comics: what are you currently reading?

Marvel is also on my naughty list because of their damn constant renumbering and restarting of their books. I know why they do it and I don't really care. It can be very difficult to collect if there are too many stops and starts. Incredible Hulk has *7* different starts and stops through the years with 6 of them coming from 1999 onward. Seriously???

- Raider30

One thing I love about Judge Dredd is that it is one continuous story. Starting in the 70s and still going strong. Every year that passes by here, one year passes in Mega-City. Dredd and especially Anderson are getting old and it will not be too long before they take the Long Walk into the Cursed Earth.
Yeah but they have technology that slows down the aging process. I believe he started service at around age 15, though I think physically he was closer to 20(as a clone I believe that they grow faster than a normal human during the first years of their life).

Psi-Judges are unable to use the anti-aging tech because it messes up their mental powers, so Judge Anderson is aging faster than Dredd though she is actually younger.
Thanks to Lord Pyre's incessant ranting about Invincible, I am currently reading it. And I have to say, very, very, very good read. :up:

There are a lot plot twist that you just don't see coming. I would say the plot twists are as unexpected as Captain Britain's ones but a hell of a lot more grounded in their nature. It has a great personal life coverage that is a bit of a cross between Blue Beetle (James Reyes) Astro City.

Definitely a great series to get into. I started 3 or 4 days ago & have been reading any moment my wife hasn't noticed me in one spot long enough to find something for me to do ;). I'm up to No 70 as I type this.

Thank you LP for a great recommendation.

:thumbsup: Love hearing about Invincible fans! :D
You'll have to pick up the Brit limited series', Wolf-Man, and Guarding the Globe vol. 1 and 2 when you're finished. ;) (Also the ongoing Invincible Universe, but that comes after the others.)

Sad day, Scarlet Spider ended last week. Amazing book, and interested to see where Kaine will go next. Still loving Superior Spider-Man, though! Been a fantastic comic!
Thanks to Lord Pyre's incessant ranting about Invincible, I am currently reading it. And I have to say, very, very, very good read. :up:

There are a lot plot twist that you just don't see coming. I would say the plot twists are as unexpected as Captain Britain's ones but a hell of a lot more grounded in their nature. It has a great personal life coverage that is a bit of a cross between Blue Beetle (James Reyes) Astro City.

Definitely a great series to get into. I started 3 or 4 days ago & have been reading any moment my wife hasn't noticed me in one spot long enough to find something for me to do ;). I'm up to No 70 as I type this.

Thank you LP for a great recommendation.

:thumbsup: Love hearing about Invincible fans! :D
You'll have to pick up the Brit limited series', Wolf-Man, and Guarding the Globe vol. 1 and 2 when you're finished. ;) (Also the ongoing Invincible Universe, but that comes after the others.)

Sad day, Scarlet Spider ended last week. Amazing book, and interested to see where Kaine will go next. Still loving Superior Spider-Man, though! Been a fantastic comic!

Man, A3N read in 3 or 4 days, what I've gotten up to in Invincible in a week's reading. Need to step up my game.
Thanks to Lord Pyre's incessant ranting about Invincible, I am currently reading it. And I have to say, very, very, very good read. :up:

There are a lot plot twist that you just don't see coming. I would say the plot twists are as unexpected as Captain Britain's ones but a hell of a lot more grounded in their nature. It has a great personal life coverage that is a bit of a cross between Blue Beetle (James Reyes) Astro City.

Definitely a great series to get into. I started 3 or 4 days ago & have been reading any moment my wife hasn't noticed me in one spot long enough to find something for me to do ;). I'm up to No 70 as I type this.

Thank you LP for a great recommendation.

:thumbsup: Love hearing about Invincible fans! :D
You'll have to pick up the Brit limited series', Wolf-Man, and Guarding the Globe vol. 1 and 2 when you're finished. ;) (Also the ongoing Invincible Universe, but that comes after the others.)

Sad day, Scarlet Spider ended last week. Amazing book, and interested to see where Kaine will go next. Still loving Superior Spider-Man, though! Been a fantastic comic!

Man, A3N read in 3 or 4 days, what I've gotten up to in Invincible in a week's reading. Need to step up my game.

It's kinda hard to stop when each comic ends with a question or a cliff hanger. That & the fact that having them all makes it easy just to keep going. :)
Man, I've been raving about Invincible on here for years! No credit for me? :p
I just managed to run through the entire V for Vendetta graphic novel in one sitting and was blown away by the story and the characters!

Definitely recommend it!
Here's an awesome deal on Invincible, highly recommended comic. (Heck, it's a must-read!) Every issue up to the "new beginning" teased for issue 111. Not sure how long it's going for, so jump on it!


And in other news, been reading David Mack's Kabuki. VERY artsy, but really awesome. Definitely not for everyone, and even I thought it dragged on at some points, and got lost (The mental ward series was a bit much on my brain, haha!). Definitely recommended, but definitely not for everyone.
(I think this is the best place for this, apologies if it isn't)

Out of pure boredom I happened to download the 'Blackest Night' collection thing on comicsology (which only included the main comics actually called 'Blackest Night' 1-whatever, none of the tie-in stuff). Totally hated it, it was pretty much just a spattering of random meaningless scenes slapped together until we finally got to the Deus Ex Machina that actually worked. The wikipedia summary actually made it sound interesting, until it turned out it was less a summary and more an exact play by play. "The bad guy turns Superman into a zombie! Fortunately he doesn't do anything" "The Rainbow Lanterns deputize a bunch of people! To no affect what so ever!"

I did like zombie Firestorm though, he was funny.

So what I'm wondering is do any of the tie-ins make the story... not suck? I'd assume the Green Lantern ones are actually important (given it’s mostly a Green Lantern story), but I don't know if they would significantly alter the reading experience. I'd just like some opinions before I waste any more money.
Sinestro War > Blackest Night. Definitely avoid Brightest Day.
"I love it when people underestimate me!"
--Power Girl

;) POWER GIRL: POWER TRIP the DC Graphic Novel covering work 2005-10 by Geoff Johns, Justin Gray, Jimmy Palmiotti, Amanda Conner, and Paul Mounts, featuring the much maligned but well endowed character as she battles through the forces of both super villains and the metafictional reboots that have plagued her with multiple versions, origins, and relatives through the years! Who is she really? What is reality, and can it be punched? 'Peej' gets a life, and fights on!

"A wonderful reminder of how strong these characters can be when they're given a chance to shine under a talented artist's pen."
--Publisher's Weekly

8) Superscape continues to lead me back to the comics I've missed since the Eighties: I research newly available characters that catch my eye from their card and/or figures on the internet, and then pick up my first ever books on some of them that interest me. Just got four such half price DC graphic novels (which I haven't read yet) at the last local second hand bookstore left anywhere nearby. Its down the hill from me in Brooklyn Heights--in the recently revived DUMBO (Down Under The Manhattan Bridge) neighborhood of Brooklyn. This is near the start of the brand new Brooklyn Bridge Park on the waterfront--which actually starts under the Manhattan Bridge, just to confuse the tourists!

1. The Question (Renee Montoya): The Five Books of Blood hunts down books of criminal religion. Recently in a discussion about rebooting comic heroes as different races/sexes/sexual orientation/etc., I said that as an old Silver Age fan, I was against it for my favorite old established characters, but it was fine for new ones, or for pursuing the already established but usual minor character types already out there but not very developed. So here come the adventures of a Gay Hispanic Woman who has taken over the role and title from the first guy (so beloved in the old Justice League Unlimited animated series) who eventually died of cancer!

2. The Outsiders: Checkmate Checkout go illegal underground. Geo-Force, Metamorpho, Mr. Terrific, Nightwing, and others.

3. Jonah Hex: Guns of Vengeance in varied adventures (not politically correct, according to the back cover).

4. Hawkgirl (Kendra): Hath Set[/B] with Hawkman, Superman, Batman, Oracle, and Darkseid's Female Furies! She battles the ancient Egyptian immortal sorceror who originally cursed them, with help from cousin Shayara!
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Judge Dredd.
There are tons of Dredd comics I have missed over the years.
There is some great writing and artwork and best of all is that it is one continuous story. One favorite was Dredd training his clone Kraken, and the cadet calling him an old man. At this point Dredd has been on the job 25 years(plus 15 years of academy training), usually working 24-36 hour shifts, getting 10 minutes of Hyper-sleep and going back out on the streets.

Some incredible re-matches with the Dark Judges including one where Batman and Joker arrive in Mega-City One.
So much goodness. There is even a Zombie Apocalypse storyline.