I mostly read Transformer comics, particularly More than Meets the Eye (one of the two current ongoings) which is an awesome comic and lets a lot of Transformers get some limelight after 20 plus years of being background characters at best. I also read the Robots in Disguise (the other current ongoing) on occasion. Just to keep up with current TF universe though, I don’t particularly like the comic and it’s nowhere near is good as MtMtE in my opinion. I read the spotlight issues (one-offs that ‘spotlight’ a certain character) when the subject interests me. Also started reading Regeneration 1, which is a continuation of the original Marvel comic from the 80s.
You know, TF comics also have multiple universes. They follow the path of Marvel more closely since they started as Marvel comics. I do like how Marvel created their universe separation, unlike DC.
~MegaSilver, getting two IDW TF Volumes this Saturday.
The main reason I like Marvel better than DC is that Marvel doesn't kill a superhero and then say "Wait that was from an alternate universe." Ruins it for me, at least Marvel doesn't do that to my knowledge. Ranting aside I've been reading some of the Teen Titans comics lately.