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Comics: what are you currently reading?

I mostly read Transformer comics, particularly More than Meets the Eye (one of the two current ongoings) which is an awesome comic and lets a lot of Transformers get some limelight after 20 plus years of being background characters at best. I also read the Robots in Disguise (the other current ongoing) on occasion. Just to keep up with current TF universe though, I don’t particularly like the comic and it’s nowhere near is good as MtMtE in my opinion. I read the spotlight issues (one-offs that ‘spotlight’ a certain character) when the subject interests me. Also started reading Regeneration 1, which is a continuation of the original Marvel comic from the 80s.


You know, TF comics also have multiple universes. They follow the path of Marvel more closely since they started as Marvel comics. I do like how Marvel created their universe separation, unlike DC.

~MegaSilver, getting two IDW TF Volumes this Saturday. :D

The main reason I like Marvel better than DC is that Marvel doesn't kill a superhero and then say "Wait that was from an alternate universe." Ruins it for me, at least Marvel doesn't do that to my knowledge. Ranting aside I've been reading some of the Teen Titans comics lately.
At Marvel, they're usually just clones that they kill off. :p
I've been reading New 52 - Green Lantern, Green Lantern Corps and Justice League. Also, Uncanny Avengers is really good.
Blackest Night is excellent stuff. That and Sinestro War is the best of the bunch when it comes to GL stuff, IMO.

Brightest Day is completely missable, though. Don't let the end of Blackest Night convince you otherwise.

I've never read anything GL but the characters do have me curious with all the c3g designs and my son watching the cartoon...what would be a good place to start.
I don't know how old your son is, but most of the recent GL comics are targeted for a teen audience. There is often murder portrayed. My son is a bit too young for this content so he's been reading the GL comic series based on the Cartoon Network cartoon. It only ran for 10 issues or so, but it really enjoyed it and it was age appropriate.
I mostly read Transformer comics, particularly More than Meets the Eye (one of the two current ongoings) which is an awesome comic and lets a lot of Transformers get some limelight after 20 plus years of being background characters at best. I also read the Robots in Disguise (the other current ongoing) on occasion. Just to keep up with current TF universe though, I don’t particularly like the comic and it’s nowhere near is good as MtMtE in my opinion. I read the spotlight issues (one-offs that ‘spotlight’ a certain character) when the subject interests me. Also started reading Regeneration 1, which is a continuation of the original Marvel comic from the 80s.


You know, TF comics also have multiple universes. They follow the path of Marvel more closely since they started as Marvel comics. I do like how Marvel created their universe separation, unlike DC.

~MegaSilver, getting two IDW TF Volumes this Saturday. :D

The main reason I like Marvel better than DC is that Marvel doesn't kill a superhero and then say "Wait that was from an alternate universe." Ruins it for me, at least Marvel doesn't do that to my knowledge. Ranting aside I've been reading some of the Teen Titans comics lately.
I like Marvel and DC equally and I think it's fair to say that both entities kill and revive their characters. What superhero characters have died and never returned in any way? I can only think of one...
Spoiler Alert!
:lol: That list would be tough to keep up with - they'll probably have to pull off half the names within a year the way characters die and come back.
There's a very lengthy list of them in that link, actually.
I just had to look it up. Here is a wikipedia page with characters who stayed dead (and ones that came back).

I don't see any Marvel characters, on the list of those who have died and come back. Might be because of what Batman said earlier with those that die in Marvel being clones.

I think you missed it. There's a bunch of Marvel characters on the Resurrection list.

I did miss that, whoops.:roll:
Blackest Night is excellent stuff. That and Sinestro War is the best of the bunch when it comes to GL stuff, IMO.

Brightest Day is completely missable, though. Don't let the end of Blackest Night convince you otherwise.

I've never read anything GL but the characters do have me curious with all the c3g designs and my son watching the cartoon...what would be a good place to start.
I don't know how old your son is, but most of the recent GL comics are targeted for a teen audience. There is often murder portrayed. My son is a bit too young for this content so he's been reading the GL comic series based on the Cartoon Network cartoon. It only ran for 10 issues or so, but it really enjoyed it and it was age appropriate.

No the GL was for me...He's barely old enough for the cartoon but he watches it sometimes. Just watching the cartoon with him and seeing all the C3G releases revolving around GL got me interested to read more. He's currently now officially in love with the tiny titans so I may actually get to read something on my own.

Thanks for the heads up on the series based on the cartoon I will look into it for reading with my son. Most of the comics based off of the cartoon series seem to be OK, at least the ones we've found.

Blackest Night is excellent stuff. That and Sinestro War is the best of the bunch when it comes to GL stuff, IMO.

Brightest Day is completely missable, though. Don't let the end of Blackest Night convince you otherwise.

I've never read anything GL but the characters do have me curious with all the c3g designs and my son watching the cartoon...what would be a good place to start.

It's pre-New 52, but as I understand it most of the GL stuff carried over, so I'd start with the graphic novels and pick up Green Lantern: No Fear by Geoff Johns, which I believe collects the start of his run. :)
Thanks Bats I will look into that one.
:lol: That list would be tough to keep up with - they'll probably have to pull off half the names within a year the way characters die and come back.
I had similar thoughts when I first looked at it. When I first searched there was a hit for a blog entry mentioning how Sabertooth died and has quietly been dead for a year (no idea when the page was written), but I couldn't find any mention of him on that wikipedia page. That said I was a little surprised that there were so many dead dead characters and not so many alive dead characters.
Yeah, but if you take all of the dead dead characters who were replaced by other heroes with the same name (just a different secret identity), it cuts it down significantly. That's how these comic companies update their characters for changing times, while still taking advantage of the name recognition.
Check out some 2000AD.
Dredd has been one continuous story since the 70s.
Every year that passes in real life, a year passes for Dredd.
Lucky for him he has high tech to slow the aging process but he is getting old. Anderson is really pushing it. As a telepath, the anti-aging interferes with her powers, so she ages at a normal rate.
Having never read any Spidey comics, if I were to pick up a graphic novel here or there for some side reading, any recommendations on where to start?
Having never read any Spidey comics, if I were to pick up a graphic novel here or there for some side reading, any recommendations on where to start?

Marvel Essentials: The Amazing Spider-Man Volumes

I'm currently reading Volume 7, as that was the earliest version I could get.
