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Colorado Pooled Draft Event - January 15th

Which, if any, of the following events would you attend?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Re: Colorado January Event poll

Yep, Marvel is allowed at all our events unless it's explicitly not allowed.

I'm still hoping to hear back from Generalrolando and chief about their attendance and/or whether they can bring some lava/tundra maps.
Re: Colorado January Event poll

There's a slim chance that I might be able to make this, just because the film-shoot I had scheduled for Saturday is completely falling apart. If it does fall through, and if I can arrange transportation, I might join you guys...
Re: Colorado January Event poll

We'd love to have you there, Elginb!

Tolamos says he really wants to come, but isn't sure he'll make it yet. chief said he'll let me know today. I haven't heard from Generalrolando.

Even if it's just the four of us we can still get three games in each before you guys have to leave. Worse things could happen...

EDIT: chief is in.
Re: Colorado January Event poll

Elginb might come? Sweet!

I just heard from General Rolando that he will NOT make it. Bummer.
Re: Colorado January Event poll

I haven't heard that anyone in Cheyenne is interested in going. They are very hyped about the tournament in Cheyenne though. Most of them have never been able to play in a tournament before. I already have 3 donations for the prize table. Even Kayla is getting excited and thinking of army builds. She wants to buy her own 'scape as well, even though she can use mine.
Re: Colorado January Event poll

Yeah so our confimed list is myself, chief, revlo, kpucblek, and Daniel, with Tolamos and Elginb as possibles. No word from Dylan&Longshot. Let's also not forget that last time we played at Valhalla's we had a walk-on.

I can bring three maps, but I don't have tundra or lava. I was tentatively planning to bring Fulcrum, Burial Marsh, and Elggbeater. kpucblek/Daniel, if you guys want to bring something else (or just some material to build a freestyle map with) that would be good, just in case end up with 8+ people.
Those three sound great. I've never played Burial Marsh. Look forward to it.

As for what we bring... How about Ticalla Sunrise? See it here.

See you at 10.
Hey guys. Good games today. Too bad we were so few, but we had a lot of fun. Doc, I hope to see your battle report posted. ;)
Hope you guys had lots of fun today. I am very disappointed that I was unable to come. Maybe next time.
Doc, I hope to see your battle report posted. :wink:

I bet you do!


dok 2-1 (Arrow Gruts x4, Swog Rider x3, Ice Troll Bezerker, Nerak, Krug, Mimring, Sahuagin Raider, Otonashi, Omnicron Snipers x2, Omnicron Repulsors x3): Wins versus chief and Daniel, loss to kpucblek
kucblek 1-1 (Cyprien, Crixus, Capuans x2, Me-Burq-Sa, Grok Riders x2, Nakita Agents, Gorrilinators x2): win over dok, loss to chief
Daniel 1-1 (Warforged Soldiers x2, Omnicron Snipers x2, Granite Guardians x2, Quasatch Hunters x2, Marcu, Otonashi, Siege, Heirloom): win over chief, loss to dok
chief 1-2 (Mezzodemons x4, Deadeye Dan, Wyvern x3, Fyorlag Spiders x2, Master of the Hunt, Theracus, Siege): win over kpucblek, loss to Daniel and dok