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Colorado Events: Past Present and Future

Hey on a side note, bonesnap, can you check your guys stuff and see if you picked up an extra mohican at that event at EG awhile back? I cant find one of mine. Thanks

Also I am missing a fyorlag, can someone bring me 2 squads of fyorlags please, i dont have enough as it is? Thanks

Personally I think I like Around the Bend better just cause of it's fun shape.

I'm all set to go with my map. If anybody has any last second map requests I'll check the thread in the morning. (If you do have a last second request make it a small one with few pieces.)

See ya'll tomorrow!
I can bring one squad of Fyorlags; all I got.
Hey on a side note, bonesnap, can you check your guys stuff and see if you picked up an extra mohican at that event at EG awhile back? I cant find one of mine. Thanks

I checked our stuff, but we don't have it. I'll check with Mad Celt and see if he does. I'll let you know as soon as I know.
I feel real dumb. I forgot my zetacron and spiders. Anyways I came back for the zetacron and forgot the spiders. They were on the table by the display case. If I could jus know who picked them up that would be great.
I had a great time and am sorry I had to leave early. I'll have to play with the others next time. Everyone have a safe time until our next event.
I picked up a squad of spiders from the table; I'm not sure if they were the ones I loaned you or a second squad. I'll check my stuff and let you know.

  1. dok 4-0 (Thanos, Cuttersx5, Ne-Gok-Sa) - wins over kpucblek, GeneralRolando, Troy, and Elginb
  2. kpucblek 3-1 (Romans x3, Mittens, Mohicans x3, Brave Arrow, Moltenclaw) - wins over Troy, Elginb, and Connor
  3. GeneralRoloando 3-1 (Venocs x4, Snipers x2, Taelord, Zetacron, Syvarris) - Wins over Connor, Seth, and Daniel
  4. Troy 2-2 (Thanos, Zombiesx5, Theracus) - wins over Elginb and chief
  5. Elginb 2-3 (Red Skull, Ogre Warhulk, DW8k, Air Elemental x6, Theracus, Otonashi) - wins over Daniel and Seth
  6. Connor 1-2 (Charos, TKN, grubsx2, Raelin SotM, Finn) - win over chief
  7. Seth 1-2* (Iron Man, Nakitas, Microcorpx1, Snipersx1, James Murphy, Zetacron) - win over Daniel
  8. Daniel 1-3 (WoA x2, Syvarris, Kozuke, Izumi, Hawthorne, NGS, Warden 816, Otonashi) - win over chief
  9. chielf 0-3 (Wyvern x3, Spiders x3, James Murphy, Shotgun Sullivan, Frost Giant)
* Seth also played a game against a walk-on, Scott, but I'm not counting that one since I gave Scott Nilfheim, not remembering the B+ restriction.

P.S. Here is the Auggie's sale I mentioned to a couple of you.
Hey, guys! It was a blast! I'm totally exhausted, but I had a great time. I'll be posting a battle report a little later...
Thanks for the standings Dok. I put yours on your yellow box, so if you picked up another set laying on the table, those are mine. they would have been on the very edge of the white table by the display case I believe. Whoever did end up with them, just shoot me a PM. Thanks, chief.
Thanks guys for the day. It was lots of fun. It seemed to go by so quickly! And... sorry we had to leave early-ish.

I had a great time playing with Connor, Elginb, and Rosencrantz.
And I had a GREAT time having it handed to me by dok. Man, that was a demoralizing defeat! And thanks for the Auggies link. These are GREAT deals!

And special thanks to Enchanted Grounds.

It's always great fun playing.
Lots o fun day!

So, afterward Conner and I went home and played another game without restrictions. I was doing okay till he Mind Shackled with NE-Gok-Sa! Q10 has betrayed me! NOOOOO!
Sure enough... six spiders in my stuff. I'll get you those spiders back next time, chief.

Elginb... I think DW8k, Shotgun Sullivan, Shadesx5 would have been pretty good...
Sure enough... six spiders in my stuff. I'll get you those spiders back next time, chief.

Hey Chief, while we're at it... I think 2 of the spiders we brought home were yours and dok probably has 2 of ours. (We mark ours with a "B" on the bottom.) Two of the ones I brought back have no B. No biggie, unless you don't want a B on the bottom of yours. So, whenever you make it happen, I'll also bring these 2.

By the way... I love the little Heroscape community we have. It's great how people are so willing to loan out figures. Now, if we could just figure out how to get together more often!
I'm curious: did anybody think the games took longer because of the higher price point for the armies? I got in maybe one less game than normal, but I think that had more to do with us wrapping up before 5:00 than anything else (don't we usually go until 6?). I really think the 24-hex limit kept game lengths under control. Anyway, I bring this up just so that we might consider even larger point values in the future...
i think it depends. Overall, it seemed like games were wrapping up pretty quickly. But a few took forever, like my first one. Anyways, I do agree, with a hex limit, it does force us to draft less figures (ex more heroes or higher cost heroes rather than tons of squads) So yes, even with high point values, I do think that the hex limit does keep the games shortened. Just my :2cents:
Hey Chief, while we're at it... I think 2 of the spiders we brought home were yours and dok probably has 2 of ours. (We mark ours with a "B" on the bottom.) Two of the ones I brought back have no B. No biggie, unless you don't want a B on the bottom of yours. So, whenever you make it happen, I'll also bring these 2.
Yep. I have one full squad of my own, plus two spiders with a "B" on the bottom, plus one that belongs to Jeff. We'll get it all sorted out.

Number of figures and number of wounds matter more than points, for sure. Some figures also just slow games down (rats, Thanos) while others speed things up (Braxas, Fire Elementals), but that doesn't have much to do with points, either.

Here's my battle report.
I did like playing with you guys before and looking forward to playing you all again. Maybe a future tournament I can join up with the group. I noticed some of you want some heavies. I currently have 6 sets and I might be willing to part with 2 of them. I am thinking 4 sets of heavies is enough.
My wife and I will be in Denver for a week and I will have broad swathes of "me-time" from Monday the 20th through Friday the 24th. My only limitation will be that I have to pick her up from the hospital at 5:30 each day, but if anyone's available for some casual 'Scaping before or after that time I'd love to get together and roll some :skull:s!