• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

Colleges That Play Heroscape


Is a Quadradical
A throwaway comment by Loborocket about his son wanting to attend UConn because of the Heroscape tournaments there set me thinking. If you're going to be spending four years of your life (and tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars) at a college or university, shouldn't you at least check out the Heroscape scene there first?

We probably have lots of members here who are around the right age to be thinking about college and more who are currently at, or associated with, a college. It seemed a good idea to me to have a thread where we could list the colleges where there was significant Heroscape activity, and maybe a bit about the college too (you probably shouldn't be making college choices entirely for 'scape reasons). This means that potential students can talk to someone with whom they share at least one interest at a college to which they might consider applying. Maybe if you visit you can even get a game in.

If you post details of your college or university here, I'll update this first post with a list of information. I'm thinking that the name and state of the college, a contact at heroscapers.com, a paragraph about the college and a paragraph about Heroscape there is about the right amount of information to start with. It's not Princeton's The Best 368 Colleges or Colleges That Change Lives, but maybe some will find it useful.

Here's the list so far; keep 'em coming!

Colleges That Play Heroscape

Arkansas State University, Heber Spring, Arkansas.
Contact: RevDyer

Ashbury University, Kentucky.
Contact: Blatimus.
I should be starting back to school in the Fall Semester of 2011. Distractions! I need Distractions! Ok maybe I don't really need distractions but the option for Heroscape is always nice. ^_^

Brigham Young University, Utah.
See University of Utah

Broward College, Florida.
See Nova Southeastern University.

Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH
Contact: LeftOn4ya.

Christopher Newport University, Virginia
Contact: Billtog.
Billtog said:
[T]he Heroscape scene here at Christopher Newport University is growing. I'm a senior myself, but I just converted a couple of freshmen with deep pockets. Hopefully that'll do the trick for future students.

Columbia University, New York.
Contact: Heroscaper314.
Well, I see my college is not on the list, so I'll go ahead and throw it out there. I'll be off to Columbia University in New York in the fall, hopefully I'll find some 'Scapers there.

Florida Atlantic University, Florida.
See Nova Southeastern University.

Florida International University, Florida.
See Nova Southeastern University.

Germanna Community College, VA.
Contact: Pumpkin_King
Pumpkin_King said:
I'm going to be putting up posters at my community college (Germanna in VA) to see if there's interest.

High Point University, North Carolina.
Contact: tcglkn.
I'll be at High Point University in the fall. Hit me up if you want to play some Classic or C3G scape.

(Not planning on taking all my stuff with me, but I will if there is interest in starting a group)

Kentucky Christian University, Grayson, KY.
Contact: KCU Master 2007
KCU Master 2007 said:
Its only about 2 and a half hours from Louisville (where the tournament scene is picking up greatly and Louisville is the "headquarters" of OVAH). About 3 hours from Dayton, there's a tournament there every other month or so. I usually attend tournaments in both of these places depending on work schedule so I'm up for car pooling.

There is also a group of about 7-10 who play when we can on campus. Me and my fiance are always looking for a game too. So games aren't going to be hard to find there. Our group also likes to throw at least 1 all night game day a semester (sometimes 2) and I try to organize a small tournament every semester as well.

As far as Academics go, I guess you could say we're liberal arts with degrees in Nursing, History/Pre-Law, Teaching (Elementry, Middle, Secondary English and Social Studies, and Music for all levels), Psychology, Social Work, and numerous Ministry Degrees. We're very small, only about 500-600. Think that's everything.

Laramie County Community College, Wyoming.
Contact: Lafleurhero.
It is about a 20 minute drive from my store and Heroscape is huge in Cheyenne.

LeTourneau University, Texas.
Contact: Dualahorn.
Dualahorn said:
I go to Letourneau University in Longview Tx. We usually play once a week.

Look me up on stalkernet if you want to play, MY last name is Dublin.

Marlboro College, Vermont.
Contact: Ollie
Ollie said:
The College: A small liberal arts college in rural Vermont with around 320 students and 40 faculty. An emphasis on student-directed study and clear writing, with a wide range of degree fields in the Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences and Natural Sciences (the Math is especially good ;)). Students spend their senior year engaged in a "Plan of Concentration," working one-on-one with a professor (or professors) in their chosen field(s).

The Heroscape: There were a couple of tournaments in 2008 and should be at least one in 2009. Semi-regular Heroscape and Guitar Hero sessions on Saturday afternoons and other 'scaping on an ad hoc basis. Also, we're in the heart of NESA territory, so most months there is a tournament within a couple of hours' drive.

Mississippi State University
Contact: KingArthur1976

Minnesota State University Moorhead, Minnesota.
Contact: Anonymous.
I don't go to this college but my dad teaches there.

Minnesota State University Moorhead has a Heroscape Club.

Moody Bible Institute, Chicago, IL.
Contact: EternalThanos86
EternalThanos86 said:
I know we have a few players at Moody Bible Institute. I live off-campus, and there is another Scaper in the dorms (10th floor, I believe).

New England Conservatory of Music, Boston, MA.
Contact: Frylock.

Northwest Christian University, Eugene, Oregon.
Contact: Dysole.
There's a small group of us at Northwest Christian University in Eugene, Oregon. I'm a sophomore majoring in Mathematics currently attending there.

NCU is a small private liberal arts college with about 500-600 students and about 30 full-time faculty. There are degrees offered in a variety of fields including Ministry, English, Teacher Education, Business Administration, and Mathematics. The college is also very community based.

As for Heroscape, there's about four of us that try and play when our schedules allow us to and we know people who have played before and we usually can get one of them to play. Not much is organized in the way of tournaments, but it has been discussed. Oh, and be forewarned that we usually tend to play big epic games. ;) You can put me down as a contact.


Incidentally, there is a lot more of us that play Heroscape at Northwest Christian. It's not surprising for us to have 8 to 10 people every time we play which is becoming more and more frequent almost biweekly (once every two weeks not twice every week).

Nova Southeastern University, Florida.
Contact: 1Mmirg
1Mmirg said:
While I teach further south, in Miami, the game shop we play at is next to Nova Southeastern University and directly across from Broward College. We have had people from Florida Atlantic University and Florida International University come as well (though they are a bit further away, not too bad of a drive).

Again, to be clear, we haven't played on any of these campuses, but students from all of these have come to our games at War and Pieces in Davie, literally right next to BC and NSU. We have done at least one tourney a year and average an organized game day every month or two, but War and Pieces is pretty much always open for some Scape.

Purdue University, Indiana.
Contact-to-be (maybe): S1r_Art0r1us, Schulzy.
S1R_ART0R1US said:
It's close to GenCon :D
...we've got a gaming group at and about Purdue University. You can put me down as a contact, as well as linking this thread.

University of California, Berkeley
Contact: Typhon2222
Add me as a contact for U.C. Berkeley. Games can be found at my apartment once or more per week. Warning: we typically play two-on-two team games. Players involve a good smattering of grad students and motivated undergrads in Art History, Classics, History, Archaeology, and Philosophy, with the occasional appearance of Engineers, Mathematicians, and Architects. But all 'Scapers of any stripe are welcome, as long as you don't mind a preponderance of fantasy units and bad Monty Python imitations. :D

University of Central Arkansas, Conway, Arkansas
Contacts: LongHeroscaper, RevDyer

University of Connecticut, Connecticut.
Contact: Aeston

University of Houston Clear Lake
Contact: Sweetcurse, Elflord
Sweetcurse said:
elflord runs games at the University of Houston Clear Lake on fridays every now and then.

University of Miami, Florida.
See Nova Southeastern University.

University of South Dakota
Contact: fomox
fomox said:
The state's flagship university; large enough to offer over 100 academic programs, but small enough to provide small class sizes and lots of professor-student interaction. We draw students from Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska, and (of course) South Dakota, and have hundreds of ways for students to find a niche on campus without being so large that you feel lost in the crowd. Several great study abroad programs, too. I really love it here, and our students seem to as well.

And I'm up for Heroscape anytime I'm not teaching. (Maybe even then...:))

University of South Florida, St Petersburg, Florida.
Contact: Syvaris
Syvaris said:
I am trying to get it to "catch" here at University of South Florida St.Pete campus. Been lugging a pack full down to the student lounge and playing with friends. I hope I can nab some new scapers/people with interests in similar hobbies.

University of Utah
Contacts: The B.I.V., UtahScott
The B.I.V. said:
UtahScott's the man around here for organized play and probably wouldn't ming being the contact for the University of Utah and BYU. I'm also a graduate of the University of Utah (who incidentally just won the Sugar Bowl) and am close to Weber State University as well...I'm up for informal games....

University of Wisconsin---Steven's Point,
Contacts: Queenmojo, Nukatha.
Queenmojo said:
I'm pretty much it for Heroscape here, but I've established a fairly regular play group of about 4-5 people. It's not much, but we have fun.

University of Wyoming, Wyoming.
Contact: Tai-Pan, Lafleurhero
Tai-Pan said:
I don't know if there are other Scapers there, but both myself and my sister play and will be there next year.
It is about a 40 minute drive from here but I know this is the closest game store to it and there is still always scape going on here.

Waldorf College, Forest City, IA.
Contact: Codeman
Codeman said:
I am looking at moving the 2009 Tree Town Open V to Waldorf College. We would be playing in the Atrium which would be a great venue. 3x the room of the Super Bowl. More tables and chairs than we would need and a PA system (the last two NHSD I had to bring in additional tables and a portable PA to the Supper bowl )

I would also expect to get some Waldorf students to attend the TTO with it being held in their back yard the Atrirm.

Weber State University, Utah.
See University of Utah

Western Kentucky University, Kentucky.
Contact: tyguy94920, MegaSilver.
tyguy94920 said:
Western Kentucky University's Honors Dorm now has a bit of a 'scaper group started by me.

Nothing strong, but it's better than nothing
Although LongHeroscaper is more qualified than me (since he is on the faculty of UCA) to comment.

I have played HeroScape on the campuses of the University of Central Arkansas, Conway, Arkansas; and Arkansas State University, Heber Springs, Arkansas campus.
For the next couple years there will be Heroscape games played near the University of Findlay in Northeast Ohio. I don't know if it will happen on campus, but Drake guards the desk in my office.
It seems as though there is plenty of Heroscape played in Madison, Wisconsin, though, as a University of Minnesota alum, I can never recommend that anyone should be a Badger.;)
Updated. Let me know whether you're OK with being listed as a contact. Land-based AE, is that University of Wisconsin?
While I teach further south, in Miami, the game shop we play at is next to Nova Southeastern University and directly across from Broward College. We have had people from Florida Atlantic University and Florida International University come as well (though they are a bit further away, not too bad of a drive).

Again, to be clear, we haven't played on any of these campuses, but students from all of these have come to our games at War and Pieces in Davie, literally right next to BC and NSU.

I'm happy to be a contact for the area.
I'm assuming it is the University of Wisconsin, but I would not want to be any more involved than that. We have several other posters on here who live in Madison and one of them would certainly be more qualified to help out here than I am.
I'm assuming it is the University of Wisconsin, but I would not want to be any more involved than that. We have several other posters on here who live in Madison and one of them would certainly be more qualified to help out here than I am.

Thanks, next time you speak to one of them maybe you could point them to this thread?

Updated with 1Mmirg's entries. Thanks everyone.
You rock, Ollie. Great list. I should have added something like, "we have done at least one tourney a year and average an organized game day every month or two, but War and Pieces is pretty much always open for some Scape."
You rock, Ollie. Great list. I should have added something like, "we have done at least one tourney a year and average an organized game day every month or two, but War and Pieces is pretty much always open for some Scape."

:up: Added.
I go to Kentucky Christian University in Grayson, KY. Its only about 2 and a half hours from Louisville (where the tournament scene is picking up greatly and Louisville is the "headquarters" of OVAH). About 3 hours from Dayton, there's a tournament there every other month or so. I usually attend tournaments in both of these places depending on work schedule so I'm up for car pooling.

There is also a group of about 7-10 who play when we can on campus. Me and my fiance are always looking for a game too. So games aren't going to be hard to find there. Our group also likes to throw at least 1 all night game day a semester (sometimes 2) and I try to organize a small tournament every semester as well.

As far as Academics go, I guess you could say we're liberal arts with degrees in Nursing, History/Pre-Law, Teaching (Elementry, Middle, Secondary English and Social Studies, and Music for all levels), Psychology, Social Work, and numerous Ministry Degrees. We're very small, only about 500-600. Think that's everything.

Btw, this is a good idea Ollie. I'd be happy to be a contact. If I can't answer a question, I'll find the answer or point you to someone who can answer it.
I suppose that, from an intellectual point of view, picking an educational institution for its Scape scene beats choosing one for the strength of its football team. ;)
Feel free to contact me about a game if you're in town but the fall semester will always be a busy time for me.
A throwaway comment by Loborocket about his son wanting to attend UConn because of the Heroscape tournaments there set me thinking.

To set the record straight... I think my son's comment came more form the fact he liked the campus feel of UCONN and said it looked like a place where smart people went. It probably does not hurt that he got to play Heroscape there too. ;-)

Not to take away from UCONN but he is easily impressed with a campus like that at age 9. He has never seen such a place with so many buildings that are "a school".

Bigger must be better right?
Iowa State University is in my hometown. Sadly, I don't know anyone else here that plays.:(
Emory & Henry College in Emory, VA has quite a few 'scapers. I graduated in '07 but many of the people I played with still attend, and I know from visiting that many freshmen started playing last year; hopefully the legacy will continue. Only 1000ish students go there, so if on the off chance anyone reading this goes to E&H, you should be able to find the 'scapers without too much problem.

TheBomar is registered on the boards but hasn't posted in a while. He is a junior at E&H this year. He would be a good contact if anyone has any questions about Heroscaping at Emory.
I am looking at moving the 2009 Tree Town Open V to Waldorf College. We would be playing in the Atrium which would be a great venue. 3x the room of the Super Bowl. More tables and chairs than we would need and a PA system already in place (the last two NHSD I had to bring in additional tables and a portable PA to the Supper bowl )

I would also expect to get some Waldorf students to attend the TTO with it being held in their back yard the Atrirm.
A throwaway comment by Loborocket about his son wanting to attend UConn because of the Heroscape tournaments there set me thinking.

To set the record straight... I think my son's comment came more form the fact he liked the campus feel of UCONN and said it looked like a place where smart people went. It probably does not hurt that he got to play Heroscape there too. ;-)

Not to take away from UCONN but he is easily impressed with a campus like that at age 9. He has never seen such a place with so many buildings that are "a school".

Bigger must be better right?

That explains why he was less impressed with Marlboro! We definitely go with the smaller must be better approach.

Updated with the latest entries; thanks all. Let me know if you want any changes made to your entry.
I know we have a few players at Moody Bible Institute. I live off-campus, and there is another Scaper in the dorms (10th floor, I believe).

UtahScott's the man around here for organized play and probably wouldn't ming being the contact for the University of Utah and BYU. I'm also a graduate of the University of Utah (who incidentally just won the Sugar Bowl) and am close to Weber State University as well...I'm up for informal games....

University of South Dakota
Contact: fomox

The state's flagship university; large enough to offer over 100 academic programs, but small enough to provide small class sizes and lots of professor-student interaction. We draw students from Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska, and (of course) South Dakota, and have hundreds of ways for students to find a niche on campus without being so large that you feel lost in the crowd. Several great study abroad programs, too. I really love it here, and our students seem to as well.

And I'm up for Heroscape anytime I'm not teaching. (Maybe even then...:))