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Classic League XI - Random Draft - CONGRATS EARTHLING

Re: Classic League XI - Random Draft (Delta) - Championship!

Championship Game is scheduled for 9pm CDT on Wednesday the 24th.
Consolation Game

No strikes

[B]Dysole                  Shurrig
Red Wyrm
                        Major X17
Red Wyrm
Drow Chainfighter

I put my OMs all on Zombies while he led Romans. I quickly set up a pod in the center of the map and while he tried to make some inroads to me I was able to bring back zombies pretty much as fast as he killed them. Jotun came out to play while I had two zombies down and three engaged with his last three Romans. Jotun only ever got one Throw the entire game and got onslaughted pretty hard. He took 4 disengages to grab Kelda (only got 1 of the 3 I needed) and finally got a throw with 1 life remaining but one of the Zombies blocked and moved to high ground before finishing off Jotun and the last bunch of Romans. Pelloth danced around a little bit but was eventually caught by zombies and killed via normal attacks while I engaged X17 before he had OMs put on him. After killing Pelloth it was just a game of Onslaughts and I took out X17 with 4 zombies remaining and everybody else in my start zone.

~Dysole, appreciative for the game with Shurrig
Congrats to @Earthling on winning the first random draft event.

It was definitely a unique Finals match. A lot of cat and mouse in the early rounds until Kaemon went down.
How did the draft go?

Earthling - Strike [s]Marro Drudge[/s]

Sir Heroscape		Earthling

Kaemon Awa
			Obsidian Guards x4
Kyntela Gwyn
Shades of Bleakwoode x4	
			Ninjas of the Northern Wind
			Mika Connour
			Evar Scarcarver

Spoiler Alert!
That's unexpected!

You should take a look at the Sir Heroscape live rerun, the reaction of the Drudge ban is kinda priceless. That's like when in chess when you prep for an opening that your opponnent usually plays, you spend one hour memorizing best lines and traps and then your opponnent start with another move lol.