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Classic League XI - Random Draft - CONGRATS EARTHLING

Re: Classic League XI - Random Draft (Delta) -Round 1 thru 1

Just to make sure I understand the new common rule, is the below mock draft correct?

Xiegfried picks first and picks Q10,
Vydar picks 3x Ashra.
Xiegfried now gets 3 picks in a row?


Unless Xiegfried also picks multiple commons. And then it depends where in his pick order he takes them.
Re: Classic League XI - Random Draft (Delta) -Round 1 thru 1

Also, just for clarity and to make sure everyone understands how the draft dynamics could work....I don't want someone to be surprised and frustrated.

If Player 1 opens up with Squad x4.

Player 2 can go Hero-Hero-Hero-Squad x4

That would be valid. So consider carefully before making a multiple common unit selection.
Draft Is Done

We're already finished with ours.

I chose to pick first. Swarm chose to strike nothing. Playtime TBD.

Dysole           Swarm
Red Wyrm
                 Raelin 2.0
Red Wyrm
                 Kozuke Samurai
Red Wyrm
                 Black Wyrm
Red Wyrm
                 Black Wyrm
Black Wyrm
                 Black Wyrm
Black Wyrm
Black Wyrm
Zettian Guards

~Dysole, who really wanted to take Eltahale but felt this gave her better odds
Re: Classic League XI - Random Draft (Delta) -Round 1 thru 1

Anubian Wolves x4	65/squad
Marro Dividers x4	55/squad
Dumutef Guard x6	15/figure
Eldgrim 		35
Evar Scarcarver		95
Greater Ice Elemental	100
Jorhdawn		100
Kaemon Awa		135
Major Q10		170
Migol Ironwill		95
Runa			100
Sir Dupuis		85
Tarn Viking Warriors	45
Valguard		95
Zelrig			190

OGblaha struck Q10.

I took Kaemon Awa, Tarn Vikings, Vlagard, Sir Supuis, Migol, and 3x Dumutefs.

OG took Zelrig, Eldgrim, 4x Anubians, and 1 Dumutef.

Playing tonight.
Re: Classic League XI - Random Draft (Delta) -Round 1 thru 1

Like quozl I’m also curious to know what script you used to generate these. Would be fun for home games.
Re: Classic League XI - Random Draft (Delta) -Round 1 thru 1

What are you using to generate the pool? I'd be interested in playing with it.

Like quozl I’m also curious to know what script you used to generate these. Would be fun for home games.

Sorry to disappoint here, but it's all manual using a spreadsheet and random.org.
@Foudzing did provide me an excel generator for creating random draft pools of army cards, but it didn't quite do what I was looking for here.
Re: Round 1

The SkyWhale v. KnightOfLight pool of armies is:
Spoiler Alert!

KnightOfLight wins the diceoff to pick first OR pick second and strike.

Here is the Skywhale V KnightOgLight Draft:
I choose to strike the Templar.
Skywhale: Badru X4
KnightOfLight: Warhulk, Feral Troll, Goblin Cutter X4 (Cause I missed it was rule of 12)
Skywhale: Sujoah, Iskra, Sahuagin X4
KnighOfLight: Kyntela Gwyn and then swapping a squad of cutters plus my 30 points of change for Sir Hawthorne. Thank you Skywhale for taking pity on me and my dumb brain.

Edit: Playing On November 29th at 5PM Pacific. Come watch me fumble a D20 roll inevitably giving Hawthorne to Skywhale and giving me what I deserve for not reading rules.

Like quozl I’m also curious to know what script you used to generate these. Would be fun for home games.

I could probably create something but won't really get a chance to work on it for a few weeks. Somebody bug me and I'll make an open source version.

~Dysole, informationally
Re: Classic League XI - Random Draft (Delta) -Round 1 thru 1

I'll link the Excel Idid to whoever asks.
Re: Classic League XI - Random Draft (Delta) -Round 1 thru 1

Unknown playtime

houndsrule strikes Ice Troll Berserker

kevindola		houndsrule

Raelin (RotV)
			Microcorp Agents
Horned Skull Brutes
Horned Skull Brutes
Horned Skull Brutes
			Horned Skull Brutes
			Mogrimm Forgehammer
			Microcorp Agents
Wolves of Badru
Wolves of Badru
			Microcorp Agents
			Marcu Esenwein
Re: Classic League XI - Random Draft (Delta) -Round 1 thru 1

Shurrig and I playing at 4pm Central today, draft to be determined on stream.
Re: Classic League XI - Random Draft (Delta) -Round 1 thru 1

Playing at 1PM EASTERN on Wednesday!

foudzing strikes nothing

earthling		foudzing

			Migol Ironwill
Agent Skahen
			Drake RotV
			Agent Carr
			Ogre Warhulk
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Re: Classic League XI - Random Draft (Delta) -Round 1 thru 1

Playing today at 2pm central (outside chance something opens up sooner)

houndsrule strikes Ice Troll Berserker

kevindola		houndsrule

Raelin (RotV)
			Microcorp Agents
Horned Skull Brutes
Horned Skull Brutes
Horned Skull Brutes
			Horned Skull Brutes
			Mogrimm Forgehammer
			Microcorp Agents
Wolves of Badru
Wolves of Badru
			Microcorp Agents
			Marcu Esenwein

houndsrule got me good in the opener. I played Raelin than Wolves to take both glyphs, but the Microcorp jumped on them adjacent and put the doggies down.

I then switched to Brutes and while a vast majority of my defenses were with Rae's aura, the Micros were able to blast away really minimizing any counterattacks. By the time I cleared out the foremost squad of Agents, I only had 2 Brutes and a Wolf left (+Raelin). Not nearly enough.

Great game houndsrule!
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So Close

Absolute nailbiter.

I grabbed Airborne because Airborne can just win games. Then after Swarm grabbed Charos I grabbed a bunch of Red Wyrms because I felt Wyrmling spam was going to be really good. He followed up with Kozuke, Swarm Rae, and 3 Black Wyrms. I gathered up the rest of the Wyrms, Brandis, and Zettian Guards. I almost went Eltahale (and should have because I didn't realize this map had Thorian) but decided more range options against Charos was better.

Airborne dropped Round 1 but I lost initiative and had placed them back far enough that they were out of Kozuke range but not Black wyrmling range. I lucked out that I managed to only lose one Airborne and killed a Black on the return fire. I eventually knocked him down to a single Black Wyrm with my own Black wyrms while Raelin brought me down to a single Airborne. That Airborne managed to grenade two adjacent Kozuke and kill both on a 2/2. I also managed to get Raelin down to 2 life pretty quickly and kill the last Kozuke but spent a lot of time trying to kill Raelin before finally taking her down. Charos came and landed on Thorian and began attacking up at the Wyrmlings who had killed Raelin. My Red Wyrms only managed to hit him for a couple wounds and he began running around trying to kill things with me failing to hit him for LEAs (went like 0/4 by the end and Charos didn't take a wound from lava all of which ended up mattering). Brandis came up and rolled 1/6, 1/6, and then a 4/6 which finally did wounds while himself dropping down to a single life (after the game it was pointed out that the adjacent shots should not have had the bonus; I probably disengage to shoot on height then.) I then managed a 3/3 into an 0/6 from an Airborne and then Charos takes Thorian. I then fail an attack from Brandis who dies to a Charos shot. The Airborne makes it over and gets counterstruck and then the Zettian dies to Charos. With my final Black Wyrm I take a shot on the 1 life Charos and get counter struck.

Good game Swarm. Best of luck going forward.

~Dysole, who thinks her biggest misplay (that wasn't a rules violation) was probably being too aggressive with the airborne
Re: Classic League XI - Random Draft (Delta) -Round 1 thru 1

Playing at 1PM EASTERN on Wednesday!

foudzing strikes nothing

earthling		foudzing

			Migol Ironwill
Agent Skahen
			Drake RotV
			Agent Carr
			Ogre Warhulk

earthling was about to take out the EXPENDABLES in a close game!

I go full Migol
I opened Migol because I was fearing a podding next to Thorian with Charos,and I thought Migol would be a good guy to stick out first to try to deny that, but Earthling opnened Shaken and I realized she had 6 move which was a horrible discorevy 5 move 7 range is hard for my army but okay, 6 move is like almost uncatchable. Anyways Skahen goes to attack Migol and goes 2/3 vs 0/4 and 3/3 vs 0/4 killing him in one go and deleting 2 oms.

I go full Drake
Then Drake comes up while Skahen blasts with double 4 my SZ dealing 3 wounds to Warhulk and 1 wound to Carr. On OM3 I have the choice to engage Skahen or go for Max's startzone on a good spot with a height attack on Syvarris or Charos and in a spot where Charos is forced to be down, I go for this play and deal 2 wounds on Syvarris with a 7v2.

I go full Drake
Earthling get init Charos disengage take a wound and goes to height, I finishes off Syvarris hile Skahen deal 2 more wounds to sleeping Warhulk. I follow him and go for a 6v6 dealing some damage don't remember, Then om is one Skahen and she engage Drake going for a double 4v3 but deal only 1 wound, Drake slams back 6v3 dealing only 1 wound.

I go 1 2 Drake 3 Warhulk
I don't remember what was the turns of events but basically Drake kill Skahen and maybe deal 1 or 2 wounds to Charos and Charos kills Drake.
I have my om 3 on Warhulk to get him up.

At this point it's a 4~5 lives Charos and TBR vs 3 lives Carr, Torin and 3 lives Warhulk

I go full Warhulk.
I get init but my positionning is bad and have to kinda pass to not let Charos in a too good position (maybe I should've went for 5v6 and then pray to survive 6v3 to get a secod attack off). Charos comes in first and deals 2 wounds but doesn't get the kill, I then go for the 5v5 which deals some wounds, I think Charos is at 3 lives now. Charos finishes Warhulk, TBR advances near Thorian with teleport. The 3 on TBR from Earthling was very risky for no reaosn imo, it should've been on Charos to me.

I go full Carr
Earthling gets init and goes for special on Carr, then it's a Carr vs TBR duel, Carr Deal 3 wounds on his first attack but then misses and his finished off.

R7 I go full Torin
TBR is able to take a free shot with the special but Torin catches up to him and kill him with 6v5. OM3 I have the option to go on charos if Earthling om 3 is on TBR I can get double attack on him. I tri and go for the attack up, no kill but no countestrike but OM3 was on charos who finishes of Tori (who were wounded by TBR before I don't remember how.

Earthling wins with 3 lives Charos left!

After game debrief with Earthling:

- I definitely underestimated Skahen, I was lucky Drake killed her but she could have killed my whole army.
- I thought TBR pick was bad but actually it was good cause he has the ability to force me off Thorian for a small cost stat-wise compared to Carr and Torin, I missed that he had 6 lives, I thought he had 5.
- Syvarris pick form Earthling wasn't great as he alreayd had Skahen, we agreed on this, Torin should have been the pick against all my small guys.
- I should have went for Saylind+Ice Troll instead of Warhulk for last pick. I needed Saylind to catch on Skahen and to put people like Migol, Carr, Ice Troll up in the opening that whould have been great I went for the Warhulk for the OOMPH he provides vs Charos but completely underestimated Skahen.

- My Migol opening wasn't great vs a Skahen opening maybe I could've went for Thorian but giving up height also feelsbad both vs Skahen and Charos. Maybe I should've opened Drake but tht wa very risky, if Drake dies I have no plays left.
- Charos sgetting away form Drak on his first turn (R3 T1) was questionnable I would have take the 5v4 or just played Skahen first and only after disengage Charos, Cause Syvarris was still here and he would have take the shot, or just even go full ham 5v4. Cause geting wounds on Drake was very important.
- R6 should havee been 1 om Carr 2oms Torin or Full Torin from me to try to get the Carr vs Charos Machup, not easy to get but I think I should have tried, here I just gave up machups to be sure to not waste any attack I don't know think it was the play.

All in one I just got incredibly unlucky so I lost.
Re: Round 1

The Chris Perkins v. Sir Heroscape pool of armies is:
Black Wyrmling x6	35/figure
Blue Wyrmling x6	30/figure
Drow Chainfighter x6	20/figure
White Wyrmling x6	30/figure
Airborne Elite		120
Deadeye Dan		55
Estivara		70
Krug			125
Kurrok			80
Feral Troll		80
Marcus Decimus Gallus	110
Ne-Gok-Sa		95
Sir Dupuis		85
Syvarris		100
Taelord 		160
Ulginesh		150
Chris Perkins wins the diceoff to pick first OR pick second and strike.

Chris chooses to pick first.
Sir H strikes Airborne Elite.
Chris picks White Wyrm x6.
Sir H picks Blue Wyrm x6.
Chris picks Black Wyrm x5.
Sir H picks Sir Dupuis, Krug, Feral Troll, Drow x1.
Chris picks Black Wyrm, Syvarris.

I opened pure Syv & Sir H opened pure Dupuis & won init. Dupuis moves up. Syv takes 2 shots and does 3 wounds. Dupuis advances further. Syv takes 2 more shots and does 2 more wounds. Dupuis kills a White Wyrm. Syv finishes off Dupuis.
I switched to Wyrms in Rd 2, which might have been a mistake in hindsight. I wanted to get better board control and was hoping to save Syv for and endgame spot against Troll. Sir H goes all Krug. Krug advances across the center of the map while Wyrms develop on the sides. I lost init, and end the round by going into Sir H's SZ to attack Blue Wyrms, but I miss all attacks.
I win init. Sir H has OM1 on Blue with the other 3 on Krug. I kill 2 Blue Wyrms. OM1 is on blue though, and they kill 2 White Wyrms. The rest of the round involved me blocking (without attacking) Krug while taking pot shots into his SZ, but I only killed 1 more Blue Wyrm.
Sir H wins init Rd 4 and has another OM on Blue, and they once again kill 2 Whites. I have most of my Wyrms spread out by now, and mix attacking Krug with attacking into the SZ (Krug takes very little damage) while Krug kills a few Wyrms. Across this round & the next one, a few big swings. I go 3/3, 4/4, 2/4 into Feral Troll across 3 attacks and kill him. Sir H has a sneaky OM on Chain Fighter, but he fails his grab and his attack.
Eventually I have Syv, 1 White, 2 Black v. 2 life Krug, 1 Chain, 1 Blue. I finally don't have enough Wyrms to screen Syv, and Sir H takes an LEA (misses), gets to Syv, and kills him to end a round.
I go all Black Wyrms while Sir H goes Krug, Chain, Blue, (Krug). Sir H wins init and catches 1 black Wyrm. On the other side of the map, White Wyrm kills Chain but Black misses the Blue. OM2 is burned on Chain. White then kills Blue and Black develops toward the middle. OM3 is burned on Blue. The White Wyrm develops safely, and I send in the Black to get a heighted shot on Krug with the chance of Init switch. The Black hits 4/4 into Krug's 2/3 to end the game.
I win with 1 White Wyrm & 1 Black Wyrm.

GG Sir H! Very fun one to play out, and ended up being super close despite Dupuis' whiffs as an opening piece.
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Re: Round 1

The Vydar_XLIII v. Xiegfried pool of armies is:

Anubian Wolves x4	65/squad
Shaolin Monks x4	65/squad
Warriors of Ashra x4	60/squad
Wolves of Badru x4	70/squad
Brave Arrow		50
Brunak			100
Dund			80
Guilty McCreech		35
Krav Maga Agents	115
Major Q10		170
Runa			100
Shurrak			135
Sir Denrick		75
Wo-Sa-Ga		105
Zettian Guards		55

Xiegfried wins the diceoff to pick first OR pick second and strike.

We'll be drafting and then immediately playing at 8:30 Eastern on Monday night.
Re: Round 1

Here is the Skywhale V KnightOgLight Draft:
I choose to strike the Templar.
Skywhale: Badru X4
KnightOfLight: Warhulk, Feral Troll, Goblin Cutter X4 (Cause I missed it was rule of 12)
Skywhale: Sujoah, Iskra, Sahuagin X4
KnighOfLight: Kyntela Gwyn and then swapping a squad of cutters plus my 30 points of change for Sir Hawthorne. Thank you Skywhale for taking pity on me and my dumb brain.

Was a great first round! KoL's Warhulk rolled 1 shield against the 4 separate attacks it took to be destroyed, many Cutters were pounced (and cut in return), and Sujoah ate a passive Troll. Then, Sir Hawthorne decided to kill 2 Sahuagins and a full life Sujoah in a single turn instead of betraying his master!

Of course, nothing was so great as the Sahuagin that struck Sir Hawthorne down, avenging his allies, and allowing for the thrilling endgame that was Iskra vs Kyntela Gwyn.

I came out on top, in what ended up being quite the fun and memorable game!
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Re: Classic League XI - Random Draft (Delta) -Round 2 thru 1

Couple of reminders
-Players are supposed to place your drafted army cards as you pick (I don't care if both players draft first then place, but the rules state picks placed when you pick them)
-Here is the army building criteria out of your pool
Spoiler Alert!

Round 2 is on Blackfoot. (Dagmar, Lodin)

The OG-Blaha (1-0) v. houndsrule (1-0) pool of armies is:
Spoiler Alert!

OG-Blaha wins the diceoff to pick first OR pick second and strike.

The ryguy266 (1-0) v. SkyWhale (1-0) pool of armies is:
Spoiler Alert!

SkyWhale wins the diceoff to pick first OR pick second and strike.

The Earthling (1-0) v. Shiftrex (1-0) pool of armies is
Spoiler Alert!

Shiftrex wins the diceoff to pick first OR pick second and strike.

The Chris Perkins (1-0) v. Swarm (1-0) pool of armies is
Spoiler Alert!

Chris Perkins wins the diceoff to pick first OR pick second and strike.

The Xiegfried (1-0) v. Dysole (0-1) pool of armies is:
Spoiler Alert!

Xiegfried wins the diceoff to pick first OR pick second and strike.

The Sir Heroscape (0-1) v. MegaSilver (0-1) pool of armies is:
Spoiler Alert!

Sir Heroscape wins the diceoff to pick first OR pick second and strike.

The Shurrig (0-1) v. KnightOfLight (0-1) pool of armies is:
Spoiler Alert!

Shurrig wins the diceoff to pick first OR pick second and strike.

The Foudzing (0-1) v. quozl (0-1) pool of armies is
Spoiler Alert!

quozl wins the diceoff to pick first OR pick second and strike.

The Vydar_XLIII (0-1) v. kevindola (0-1) pool of armies is:
Spoiler Alert!

kevindola wins the diceoff to pick first OR pick second and strike.
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Re: Round 1

The SkyWhale v. KnightOfLight pool of armies is:
Spoiler Alert!

KnightOfLight wins the diceoff to pick first OR pick second and strike.

Here is the Skywhale V KnightOgLight Draft:
I choose to strike the Templar.
Skywhale: Badru X4
KnightOfLight: Warhulk, Feral Troll, Goblin Cutter X4 (Cause I missed it was rule of 12)
Skywhale: Sujoah, Iskra, Sahuagin X4
KnighOfLight: Kyntela Gwyn and then swapping a squad of cutters plus my 30 points of change for Sir Hawthorne. Thank you Skywhale for taking pity on me and my dumb brain.

Edit: Playing On November 29th at 5PM Pacific. Come watch me fumble a D20 roll inevitably giving Hawthorne to Skywhale and giving me what I deserve for not reading rules.

Skywhale pulled out the win yesterday!

Going into this matchup, I needed a few things to go my way because of how the draft went. Skywhale certainly had the better army. His squad matched up really well into mine and sujoah could have a field day with the warhulk and troll. I was happy with 16 cutters vs 12 hounds, but once I realized it was rule of 12 I thought cutters were a horrible choice.

Round 1:
I led with the warhulk with hopes of picking off a few wolves while protecting my cutters. I won initiative round one which made things worse. I just developed the hulk onto the center road. Skywhale carefully developed wolves on his OM 2 and I proceeded to move the Hulk closer but not get any attacks off. Skywhale grabbed valda on turn 2, engaged the Warhulk and continued to develop his wolves. His attack went 2/3 into 0/3 on the Warhulk. Warhulk retaliated by killing a wolf on my OM 3. Skywhale used turn 3 to engage the warhulk again and set up for a pounce on a cutter in my startzone. He dealt 2 more wounds to the Warhulk (2/3->0/3) and pounced on a goblin.

Round 2:
My opening had gone poorly and I decided to switch over to cutters this round. Skywhale won initiative giving him the init switch. He developed a wolf and took height with his wolf engaged with the warhulk. The attack on the warhulk went 2/4 into 0/3 again dealing 2 wounds and his wolf in my startzone killed another goblin. I used scatter to send a goblin towards his wolf on valda and reengaged his wolf in my startzone for mob attack. I picked up 2 wolf kills on my OM 1 with goblins, removing the wolf in my startzone and the one on valda. Skywhale used his turn 2 to kill 2 more goblins and finished off the warhulk with a 3/4 into a 1/3. (At least he rolled A shield lol) My OM 2, I got one kill on a wolf. Skywhale picked up 2 more goblin kills on his OM3. My OM 3, I got one more wolf kill.

Round 3+4:
Going into round 3, I needed some things to change to get back into this game. I had managed to kill 5 wolves, but was down a warhulk and 7 cutters. Skywhale won initiative again, he missed a crucial 2/5 into 2/2 pounce which was really helpful, and picked up 1 kill on another gobiln. For the next round and a half the goblins and wolves traded fairly well, with the goblins killing all but 2 wolves before getting finished off. I swapped to Sir Hawthorne on OM 3 of round 4 to develop him. Skywhlae swapped to Sujoah on his OM 3.

Round 5/6:
It was 2 wolves, Sujoah, 4 sahuagins, and Iskra vs Hawthorne, Feral Troll, and Kyntela. I opted to ignore Sujoah with Hawhorne to try and thin the herd as it were. I launched an offensive on his startzone while he went for the troll. Sujoah was far more effective than Hawthorne. Hawthorne managed to kill 1 wolf and do a wound to Iskra by the time Sujoah finished off the troll. Sujoah whirled around the map during round 6 while Hawthorne futility attacked Iskra with Blind Rage.

Round 7:
I had a 3/6 Hawthorne and Kyntela vs 1/4 Iskra, Sujoah, 4 sahuagins, and 1 wolf. Things were looking really bad. I went all in on Hawthorne hoping for a miracle, while Skywhale swapped to Sahuagins now that they had maxed blood frenzy. Skywhale won initiative and dealt a wound to Hawthorne. My OM 1 was the miracle I was hoping 4. Hawthorne went nuts on blind rage, getting 6 attacks in a row killing 2 sahuagins and a full health Sujoah in a single turn. Unfortunately, the next Sahuagin attack went 2/5 into 0/4 getting the last 2 wounds on the black knight.

Round 8/9:
I figured I'd play it out, Kyntela and Iskra did a little dance trying to get the better position/first strike. Kyntela put up an excellent fight even managing to deal 2 wounds to the vampire, but it wasn't meant to be.

GG @SkyWhale !!! well played.