Re: Classic League XI - Random Draft (Delta) -Round 1 thru 1
Playing at 1PM EASTERN on Wednesday!
foudzing strikes nothing
earthling foudzing
Migol Ironwill
Agent Skahen
Drake RotV
Agent Carr
Ogre Warhulk
earthling was about to take out the EXPENDABLES in a close game!
I go full Migol
I opened Migol because I was fearing a podding next to Thorian with Charos,and I thought Migol would be a good guy to stick out first to try to deny that, but Earthling opnened Shaken and I realized she had 6 move which was a horrible discorevy 5 move 7 range is hard for my army but okay, 6 move is like almost uncatchable. Anyways Skahen goes to attack Migol and goes 2/3 vs 0/4 and 3/3 vs 0/4 killing him in one go and deleting 2 oms.
I go full Drake
Then Drake comes up while Skahen blasts with double 4 my SZ dealing 3 wounds to Warhulk and 1 wound to Carr. On OM3 I have the choice to engage Skahen or go for Max's startzone on a good spot with a height attack on Syvarris or Charos and in a spot where Charos is forced to be down, I go for this play and deal 2 wounds on Syvarris with a 7v2.
I go full Drake
Earthling get init Charos disengage take a wound and goes to height, I finishes off Syvarris hile Skahen deal 2 more wounds to sleeping Warhulk. I follow him and go for a 6v6 dealing some damage don't remember, Then om is one Skahen and she engage Drake going for a double 4v3 but deal only 1 wound, Drake slams back 6v3 dealing only 1 wound.
I go 1 2 Drake 3 Warhulk
I don't remember what was the turns of events but basically Drake kill Skahen and maybe deal 1 or 2 wounds to Charos and Charos kills Drake.
I have my om 3 on Warhulk to get him up.
At this point it's a 4~5 lives Charos and TBR vs 3 lives Carr, Torin and 3 lives Warhulk
I go full Warhulk.
I get init but my positionning is bad and have to kinda pass to not let Charos in a too good position (maybe I should've went for 5v6 and then pray to survive 6v3 to get a secod attack off). Charos comes in first and deals 2 wounds but doesn't get the kill, I then go for the 5v5 which deals some wounds, I think Charos is at 3 lives now. Charos finishes Warhulk, TBR advances near Thorian with teleport. The 3 on TBR from Earthling was very risky for no reaosn imo, it should've been on Charos to me.
I go full Carr
Earthling gets init and goes for special on Carr, then it's a Carr vs TBR duel, Carr Deal 3 wounds on his first attack but then misses and his finished off.
R7 I go full Torin
TBR is able to take a free shot with the special but Torin catches up to him and kill him with 6v5. OM3 I have the option to go on charos if Earthling om 3 is on TBR I can get double attack on him. I tri and go for the attack up, no kill but no countestrike but OM3 was on charos who finishes of Tori (who were wounded by TBR before I don't remember how.
Earthling wins with 3 lives Charos left!
After game debrief with Earthling:
- I definitely underestimated Skahen, I was lucky Drake killed her but she could have killed my whole army.
- I thought TBR pick was bad but actually it was good cause he has the ability to force me off Thorian for a small cost stat-wise compared to Carr and Torin, I missed that he had 6 lives, I thought he had 5.
- Syvarris pick form Earthling wasn't great as he alreayd had Skahen, we agreed on this, Torin should have been the pick against all my small guys.
- I should have went for Saylind+Ice Troll instead of Warhulk for last pick. I needed Saylind to catch on Skahen and to put people like Migol, Carr, Ice Troll up in the opening that whould have been great I went for the Warhulk for the OOMPH he provides vs Charos but completely underestimated Skahen.
- My Migol opening wasn't great vs a Skahen opening maybe I could've went for Thorian but giving up height also feelsbad both vs Skahen and Charos. Maybe I should've opened Drake but tht wa very risky, if Drake dies I have no plays left.
- Charos sgetting away form Drak on his first turn (R3 T1) was questionnable I would have take the 5v4 or just played Skahen first and only after disengage Charos, Cause Syvarris was still here and he would have take the shot, or just even go full ham 5v4. Cause geting wounds on Drake was very important.
- R6 should havee been 1 om Carr 2oms Torin or Full Torin from me to try to get the Carr vs Charos Machup, not easy to get but I think I should have tried, here I just gave up machups to be sure to not waste any attack I don't know think it was the play.
All in one I just got incredibly unlucky so I lost.