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Classic League IX: A Taste of Gen Con - CONGRATS KEVINDOLA

Re: Classic League IX: A Taste of Gen Con (Round 1 Until 6/1

Just finished with Dr.Goomonkey. Interesting battle - each round had a clear winner.

Round 1: I position Raelin and move in with 4th Mass. Turn 3 killed 3 fire elementals.

Round 2 & 3: Remaining Fire elementals and Earth elementals move in under Kurrok's wise leadership, burning all but 2 of my 4th Mass as I can't manage to kill anything, but get a few hits on Kurrok along the way.

Round 4: I activate wave 2, the mezzos. They kill both forward placed elementals on attack 1, and then press Kurrok in towards the Kelda area of the map as he keeps resurrecting more fire elementals, only to fall to the hungry mezzos. I grab Wannok for the second time, this time permanently.

Round 5: Mezzos finish all elementals and kill Kurrok. 2 Mezzos then move forward and kill Gurei-Oni in one turn, both getting 3 skulls from adjacent attacks on height.

I won with Raelin (2 wounds from a rogue earth elemental) + all Mezzos and 2 members of the 4th Mass.
Re: Classic League IX: A Taste of Gen Con (Round 1 Until 6/1

You can report game results in the OP. I know there are a few games completed.
Re: Classic League IX: A Taste of Gen Con (Round 1 Until 6/1

I got the win in Dragon/Ranged Squad vs. Dragon/Ranged Squad

Zelrig lost initiative, but still managed to get the job I needed. He killed 5 Mass,engaged 2 others, and burned Kelda before I started deploying the stingers.

The Mass spent time finishing off my Emperor before moving on to my stingers. At that point it was 8 4th Mass vs. my full complement of stingers.

They went attack for attack, but the Stingers won out as I got him below max activation first. When the Mass were dead it was Charos vs. 10 Stingers. It was too much for Charos who only managed to kill 2 stingers before being dropped from repeated fire.

gg VD.
Re: Classic League IX: A Taste of Gen Con (Round 1 Until 6/1

Just finished with Ericth74. I was worried when I lost my greenscale to a 1 on Wannok, but the Airborne dropped and I won the big init to kill Kaemon, who had OMs 1 and 2. The stingers and Brunak got Nilf down to 1 life, but the Airborne cleaned them out and Nilf healed on Kelda to essentially end the game.

GG Eric.
Re: Classic League IX: A Taste of Gen Con (Round 1 Until 6/1

Just got done playing against @Blubberguy22.

WORST DICE EVER...yep, I'm that guy. Don't you hate it when the dice are really giving you the business, but then you look at the in-game stats and it says they're average?


Blubber's Glad/Blasts came out screaming and didn't take a single wound. I completely misplayed my 10th and Phantoms, thus forcing me on the defensive since I couldn't hit anything of his on approach; I really needed some wait-then-fires to thin his ranks. Nope. (Okay, fine, I got one glad and one blast...happy?). He's basically in my start zone with only half his glad/blast army and I'm now forced to put all my OM's on Kaemon and pray for a miracle.

That miracle happened due to what I think of as a costly misplay by Blubber: He could have pinned Kaemon with his remaining Glads and instead kept targeting my 10th and Phantoms because that's where I had my OM's at the time. My only hope at that point was to win the next initiative roll and get Kaemon on to the single 4-height hex and have at his robots.

I indeed win the initiative and Kaemon basically solo'd his entire army from there on out, kiting damage like Kaemon does (even had to kill Migol twice, basically, thanks to me letting him grab Kelda).

Fun game and looking forward to a rematch.
Re: Classic League IX: A Taste of Gen Con (Round 1 Until 6/1

Played Vegie tonight, (Big thanks to Vegie for getting on late, I had miscalculated on time and couldn't make the original game time.)

Nilf quickly got the high ground and held it for most of the game. I moved up many greenscales, and Nilf started shooting down Stingers.

Stingers got 5 wounds on Nilf before he used Kelda(I had mistakenly left him 1 spot too far and got lucky by surviving some attacks before getting Kelda.).

After that point, I was able to stabilize and the Greenies were tying up Stingers from getting too many in range of Nilf.

In the end, the White Dragon was too much while essentially being King of the North(mountain)!
Re: Classic League IX: A Taste of Gen Con (Round 2 Until 7/2

Thanks to everybody. We got all the games in and even before the final weekend

Round 2
Round 2 is on Elswin Plateau (Dagmar, Lodin)
The players whose names are italicized won the diceoff and chooses whom places first.

infectedsloth (1-0) v. kevindola (1-0)
infectedsloth: Raelin (RotV), Hydra x1, Black Wyrmling x3, Axegrinders x2, Mezzodemons x1
kevindola (A Dwarf, a Kyrie, and a Marro Warlord walk into a Bar): Romans x3, Raelin (RotV), Me-Burq-Sa, Mogrimm Forgehammer, Krav Maga Agents

Chris Perkins (1-0) v. dok (1-0)
Chris Perkins (The Six General Alliance): Marro Stingers x3, Deadeye Dan, Blue Wyrmling x2, Black Wyrmling x2, Red Wyrmling x2, White Wyrmling x2
dok (Everybody loves scatter): Deathreavers x3, Kaemon Awa, Krav Maga Agents, Syvarris, Zetacron

Deroche (1-0) v. Kinseth (1-0)
Deroche (Kevin, is this army finally legal?): Greenscale Warriors x2, Braxas, Red Wyrmling x2, Water Elemental x2, Marro Warriors
Kinseth (Sizzling Bacon!): Deathreavers x2, Major Q9, Raelin (RotV), Rhogar Dragonspine, Arkmer

TOTAX (1-0) v. Sir Heroscape (1-0)
TOTAX (Dragon's Whelp): Black Wyrmling x2, Blue Wyrmling x2, Red Wyrmling x2, White Wyrmling x2, Arrow Gruts x2, Krug, Me-Burq-Sa
Sir Heroscape (Hodge Podge): Marro Stingers x2, Krav Maga Agents, Syvarris, Sir Denrick, Darrak Ambershard, Marcu Esenwein

Scaperedude (1-0) v. Blubberguy22 (0-1)
Scaperedude (UFG (United Federation of Generals)): Romans x3, Raelin (RotV), Me-Burq-Sa, Mogrimm Forgehammer, Krav Maga Agents
Blubberguy22 (Dragon King's Army): Charos, Blue Wyrmling x3, Black Wyrmling x2, Red Wyrmling x2, White Wyrmling x2

Dr.Goomonkey (0-1) v. Taeblewalker (0-1)
Dr.Goomonkey (Ninjitsu Spellcheck): Ninjas of the Northern Wind, Moriko, Ne-Gok-Sa, Mika Connour, Kumiko
Taeblewalker: Mohican River Tribe x2, Brave Arrow, Deepwyrn Drow x1, Syvarris, Raelin (RotV), Shiori

vegie's dad (0-1) v. Dysole (0-1)
vegie's dad (Deathroller domination): Deathchasers of Thesk x4, Raelin (RotV), Nerak, Me-Burq-Sa, Brave Arrow, Arkmer
Dysole (Taste the Rainbow, Get Murdered by the Rainbow): Deathreavers x2, Major Q10, Kaemon Awa, Syvarris, Tarn Viking Warriors

thesparkleinyourwater (0-1) v. vegietarian18 (0-1)
thesparkleinyourwater: Horned Skull Brutes x2, Aubrien Archers x2, Heirloom, Izumi Samurai, Zetacron
vegietarian18 (dok special): Deathreavers x3, Major Q9, Raelin (RotV), Red Wyrmling x2, Brave Arrow, Isamu

Ericth74 (0-1) v. Lo Pan (0-1)
Ericth74 (Ground Control to Major Q9): Major Q9, Kinghts of Weston x1, Finn the Viking Champion, Marro Warriors, Izumi Samurai, Warriors of Ashra x1
Lo Pan: Knights of Weston x2, Sir Hawthorne, Syvarris, Krav Maga Agents, Izumi Samurai, Isamu
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Re: Classic League IX: A Taste of Gen Con (Round 2 Until 7/2

the reporting link to enter who won needs to be updated.
Re: Classic League IX: A Taste of Gen Con (Round 2 Until 7/2

You guys waste no time. I'll get to it today
Re: Classic League IX: A Taste of Gen Con (Round 2 Until 7/2

Starting in 5-10 minutes with dok
Re: Classic League IX: A Taste of Gen Con (Round 2 Until 7/2

Finished with CP. Syvarris and Kaemon managed to take out 7/8 wyrms with only a few wounds to show for it, then Syvarris picked off the stinger on lodin for good measure. I made a mistake with rat rollout and the stingers were able to drain and kill Kaemon for it, but I managed to tie things down and clean out the stingers with their nemesis, the Krav. The last stinger died to CP's third drain backfire. I won with a 1-life Syvarris, 5 rats, 2 krav, and an unactivated Zetacron.
Re: Classic League IX: A Taste of Gen Con (Round 2 Until 7/2

Taeblewalker and I should be starting in about 45 minutes right about now. played one great game, ending in my defeat.
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Re: Classic League IX: A Taste of Gen Con (Round 2 Until 7/2

Infectedsloth and I are planning on playing today around 6pm c.

EDIT: We paused our game about halfway through. IMO, it's anyone's game currently.
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Re: Classic League IX: A Taste of Gen Con (Round 2 Until 7/2

Sloth and I will be finishing up the last game of Round 2 shortly

EDIT: Game over. Battle report and Round 3 coming tomorrow.
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Re: Classic League IX: A Taste of Gen Con (Round 2 Until 7/2

Had quite a tense game with infectedsloth.

: Raelin (RotV), Hydra x1, Black Wyrmling x3, Axegrinders x2, Mezzodemons x1
kevindola (A Dwarf, a Kyrie, and a Marro Warlord walk into a Bar): Romans x3, Raelin (RotV), Me-Burq-Sa, Mogrimm Forgehammer, Krav Maga Agents

This was a grinder. I rolled up Romans Raelin and MBS on the north side of the map towards the glyphs ceding the high ground in the south to the majority of Sloth's army.

While he was setting up I would snipe with MBS. This got me a hit the Hydra, a hit on Raelin, and a kill on a dwarf before Sloth sent in the black wyrmling wave of 2 that killed a Roman and got behind the lines to acid a Krav away.

I killed the back line wyrm, and overreached to get the 2nd one, but it took a long time to kill that 5 defense wyrmling and while I was doing that the Hydra and Mezzos picked off a few Romans.

I re-consolidated while I_S let his mezzos go to work taking out a few romans before continued attacks from MBS took out the exoskeletons and got them down to 1.

Eventually we wore each other down to

Hydra (3), Raelin (3), 6 dwarves, 1 mezzo, 1 wyrm vs. 6 Romans, MBS, Forge, 2 Kravs.

The 3 Head Hydra came in (in Rae's aura) but all 3 attacks were blocked by Romans. Forge knocked off a head and a Roman knocked off another as the 8 defense failed I_S. Commander's strike finished off the Hydra.

Sloth came in with his dwarves as the final wave and managed to get me under a squad of Romans, but Forgehammer's support was enough to knock out the axegrinders (along with 6 defense Romans)

I_S surrendered with 1 Wyrmling and 3 life Raelin vs. 3 Romans, MSB (2), Forge, 2 Kravs.

Really fun game against a great opponent.

Dagmar was also a huge part of this game. Held by me for almost the entirety although infectedsloth got it for 1 round when he made his dwarf charge allowing him an initiative switch with 2 straight turns of dwarf attacks.
Re: Classic League IX: A Taste of Gen Con (Round 2 Until 7/2

Round 3 is on Highways and Dieways. (Valda, Ulinavia)
The player won the diceoff may choose first pick or defer. The player who lost the diceoff will choose who places first.

Recall the picking system is 1-2-1-1-1. Whomever chooses first gets 1 of the 6 pods. Then second pick gets 2 picks, then alternating from there.

***Also you may not have 2 of the same unique figure in your placed army. You MAY draft 2 of the same unique army, but will have to sit 1 when placing your army. So if you wind up with 2 Isamus or 2 Marcus after drafting, you may only place 1.

dok (2-0) v. Kinseth (2-0)
Kinseth won the diceoff and may select first or defer. dok chooses who places first

Kyntela is the key
* : Phantom Knights x2
* : Horned Skull Brutes x2, Otonashi
* : Mohican River Tribe x2, Marcu Esenwein

140 all day
* : Mezzodemon Warmongers x2, Isamu
* : Phantom Knights x2
* : Marro Stingers x2, Marcu Esenwein
Scaperedude (2-0) v. Sir Heroscape (2-0)
Scaperedude won the diceoff and may select first or defer. Sir Heroscape chooses who places first

Why Not?
* : Shaolin Monks x2
* : Sir Dupuis
* : Sonlen

”Jeepers Mister you’re strong”
* : deathreavers x1, Fen Hydra
* : Phantom Knights x2
* : Shurrak

kevindola (2-0) v. TOTAX (1-1)
kevindola won the diceoff and may select first or defer. TOTAX chooses who places first

* : Blastatrons x1, Major X17
* : Knights of Weston x1, Finn the Viking Champion, Otonashi
* : Elite Onyx Vipers, Shiori

3 Factor
* : Roman Legionnaires x1, Marcus Gallus, Isamu
* : Sacred Band x1, Parmenio, Marcu Esenwein
* : Marro Stingers x1, Krav Maga Agents

Dysole (1-1) v. Lo Pan (1-1)
Dysole won the diceoff and may select first or defer. Lo Pan chooses who places first

Undead on Arrival vs. Elf Aware Robot vs. Cowboy and Aliens
* : Phantom Knights x2, Marcu Esenwein
* : Warriors of Ashra x2, Zetacron
* : Marro Stingers x2, Guilty McCreech

* : Master Win Chiu Woo
* : Aubrien Archers x2, Kyntela Gwyn
* : Major Q10

vegietarian18 (1-1) v. Deroche (1-1)
Deroche won the diceoff and may select first or defer. vegietarian18 chooses who places first

super Heroes
* : Venom
* : Spider-Man
* : Eltahale

Robots, Wolves, and Baby Dragons, Oh My!
* : Blastatrons x1, Gladiatrons x1 (sit one)
* : Anubian Wolves x2
* : Black Wyrmling x5

infectedsloth (1-1) v. Taeblewalker (1-1)
infectedsloth won the diceoff and may select first or defer. Taeblewalker chooses who places first

* : Marro Drudge x1, White Wyrmling x3
* : Blue Wyrmling x3, Izumi Samurai
* : Johnny ‘Shotgun’ Sullivan, Brave Arrow, Theracus

* : Spider-Man
* : Venom, Isamu
* : 10th Regiment of the Foot x2 (sit one)

Chris Perkins (1-1) v. thesparkleinyourwater (0-2)
thesparkleinyourwater won the diceoff and may select first or defer. Chris Perkins chooses who places first

An Uncommon Alliance
* : Frost Giant of Mohr, Marcu Esenwein
* : Goblin Cutters x1, Iron Golem, Isamu
* : deathreavers x1, Fen Hydra

* : deathknights of Valkrill x2, Dumutef Guard x1, Otonashi
* : Deathchasers of Thesk x2, Nerak
* :Mezzodemon Warmongers x2, Guilty McCreech

Dr.Goomonkey (0-2) v. Ericth74 (0-2)
Ericth74 won the diceoff and may select first or defer. Dr.Goomonkey chooses who places first

* : Sudema
* : Black Wyrmling x4, Theracus
* : Warforged Soldiers x2

I know what you are thinking...
* : Anubian Wolves x1, Khosumet the Darklord
* : Venom, Isamu
* : Tarn Viking Warriors, Tornak

vegie's dad (0-2) v. Blubberguy22 (0-2)
vegie's dad won the diceoff and may select first or defer. Blubberguy22 chooses who places first

Lava Losers
* : Shurrak
* : Mimring
* : Moltenclaw

* : Kumiko, Shiori, Otonashi, Isamu
* : Iskra Esenwein, Rechets of Bogdan, Dumutef Guard x2
* : 4th Massachusetts Line x2 (sit 1)
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Re: Classic League IX: A Taste of Gen Con (Round 3 Until 7/1

Scaperedude and I just finished.
The armies were:

Me - Monks X2, Rats X1, Hydra, Sonlen
Scaperedude - Sir Dupuis, Phantoms X2, Shurrak

It was a hard loss for him. The dice were COMPLETELY one-sided. I won every Initiative and rolled ~60% attack die. Aside from that, that one squad of rats survived EVERYTHING! I only ever lost 1 rat and I held glyphs the whole game. The monks also did a great job this game, engaging multiple phantoms at a time and maximizing attacks. I was most worried about Dupuis though getting buffed by the knights and taking out my Hydra or Sonlen with big attacks. I was able to block his path to them pretty well with some rats and monks and positioned my OM's so that once they died my Hydra was able to run in and engage Dupuis at full life. Needless to say, the Hydra had a big lunch. I stole and OM on Dupuis and the Hydra decided to eat some more phantoms. he was tired from eating after that and the Phantoms got him to half life. But i didn't bother with OM's on him after that, and the Monks then came in and killed the last of the phantoms. Shurrak came out, Sonlen joined the fray and buffed by height and Unique +1 put 3wounds on Shurrak. Shurrak could only do so much after that, and Sonlen with the Monks finished him off.
Re: Classic League IX: A Taste of Gen Con (Round 2 Until 7/2

Eric and I are playing, right now! finished, and it was quite a fun game, though a bit unbalance in the end. We both got the armies we brought. The first round I grabbed Valda and he grabbed Ulivanwisxona the Unique attack glyph. Sudema got off Valda and took out the Anubians and received one (maybe two) wounds in the process, while the Warforged picked on Tornak on the U glyph. Then the Tarn Vikings got 3 Berserker Charges in a row and took out Sudema, but then got taken out quickly by the Warforged, along with Tornak. Venom came out and took out a Warforged, but then only got 2 skulls on basically all of his attacks. The game quickly came to an end at that point with only Sudema and a single Warforged being destroyed on my side. Good luck Eric!
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Re: Classic League IX: A Taste of Gen Con (Round 2 Until 7/2

I think what Dr.Goomonkey really should have said was that 4 Warforged almost single handedly kicked the everloving crap out team! Although I enjoyed most of it, I wish Venom had showed up to play.

Eric and I are playing, right now! finished, and it was quite a fun game, though a bit unbalance in the end. We both got the armies we brought. The first round I grabbed Valda and he grabbed Ulivanwisxona the Unique attack glyph. Sudema got off Valda and took out the Anubians and received one (maybe two) wounds in the process, while the Warforged picked on Tornak on the U glyph. Then the Tarn Vikings got 3 Berserker Charges in a row and took out Sudema, but then got taken out quickly by the Warforged, along with Tornak. Venom came out and took out a Warforged, but then only got 2 skulls on basically all of his attacks. The game quickly came to an end at that point with only Sudema and a single Warforged being destroyed on my side. Good luck Eric!
Re: Classic League IX: A Taste of Gen Con (Round 3 Until 7/1

Deroche and I just played our match. He had Black Wyrmling x5, Glads x1, Blasts x1, Spiderman and I had Eltahale, Anubians x2, and Venom. I opened with the Anubians and Eltahale while he opened with GladBlast and Wyrmlings. Most of the Anubians died quickly but that brought the Glads into range of a big Thunder Ram that killed three of them. Eltahale landed another Thunder Ram on two Wyrmlings and a Blast that was also pretty big. She died to Spiderman but not before landing three wounds on him. That left the game in a Spider Man vs. Venom Duel, which Venom won. Good game Deroche
Re: Classic League IX: A Taste of Gen Con (Round 2 Until 7/2

totax and I are starting now

kevindola (2-0) v. TOTAX (1-1)
kevindola won the diceoff and may select first or defer. TOTAX chooses who places first

* : Blastatrons x1, Major X17
* : Knights of Weston x1, Finn the Viking Champion, Otonashi

* : Elite Onyx Vipers, Shiori

3 Factor
* : Roman Legionnaires x1, Marcus Gallus, Isamu
* : Sacred Band x1, Parmenio, Marcu Esenwein

* : Marro Stingers x1, Krav Maga Agents

EDIT: I got the win thanks to the Krav Maga Agents. Hey they're good. They did all the heavy lifting, but X17 and the Knights had a Major part keeping them un attacked.

Totax risked OM1 on Marcu to claim Unique Attack +1 and sent out the Elite Onyx. I set up X17 and the Knights. The Vipers frenzied but their skulls were absent. They failed a 4v3 on Otonashi (guarding my ranged figures), and failed a 5v7 and 4v7 against X17.

The counterattack by X17 and Knights killed all the Elite without them doing a wound.

Shiori came out next, but was only able to get a single Shuriken into X17 for 1 wound before Cyberclaw clamped her down and the Krav finished her off.

The Sacred Band and Parmenio were next as the Krav killed Marcu and they crashed into Finn and the Knights. They did some damage, but couldn't break through the lines as the Krav rained attacks of 4 down on them eliminating the Band.

X17 clamped Parmenio next and the Krav got the jump on the Romans still in the startzone. They were 3 order markers away from getting any attacks off so totax surrendered.

I lost 3 Knights and X17 and Finn each took 1 wound.

gg totax
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Re: Classic League IX: A Taste of Gen Con (Round 3 Until 7/1

I'm still waiting to hear back from @infectedsloth about scheduling our game.