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Central City Expressway

Overall Look: Looks great, nodoubt about the theme.

Stability: Played on TTS becan't image that its not really stable

Build difficulty: Nothing standsout as challenging to build on the map.

Size: Medium sized map.

Unit types positively affected:Fast movers that can gain height in the center of the map. SuperStrength figures really likes the car to toss around.

Unit types negatively affected:Slow walkers

Key areas on the Map: The centerheight, all my battles took play in that area.

Areas not used much or at all:Warehouse Ruins.

Game 1:

Spoiler Alert!

Game 2:
Spoiler Alert!

Final Thoughts: I liked playingon this map, battle at pretty straightforward. My only issue is ifyou can gain the central height early along with the Temporal item ita really strong position that is hard to defeat. It's a great spot topod up around. I only played 2 games on the map but both games prettymuch played the same way, race to the center to control the item andattack down while your opponent tries to climb up as well. That's notreally a negative though. Overall I really like this map and hope toget more playtesting on it.
Thanks! I might see if I can adjust it to make the temporal spot a little less sweet
Updated the picture in the OP and the TTS file with the Temporal Anomaly now in a dip in the middle instead of at a high point. I've updated my own VS file but am not sure how to load that on the new site yet.
Overall Look: Theme makes sense, pleasant to look at.

Stability: Played on TTS, moving most of my terrain collection

Build difficulty: Nothing difficult, good time to use hotwheels and matchbox laying around

Size: Medium

Unit types positively affected: Anything with super strength loves this map, parademons are really fun to play on this map because of the abundance of things to throw.

Unit types negatively affected: I would say slow walkers are affected but I think the bigger affect is melee fighters without super strength. Ranged units don't really care about the lack of elevation since there is only 1 level to try and get to which is quite a wide platform. Kiting isn't really a thing on this map, there is some obstruction but you really want to just try and get into the center.

Key areas on the Map: The resource on the center of the map is really the only key feature, since the walls are not destructible there is cover to use with the cars but they usually just become projectiles.

Areas not used much or at all: Startzone/warehouse ruins area.

Game 1:

FF4 vs Parademons and Darkseid

Pretty standard game where FF4 try to take the center of the map and hold it with strong defense rolls. Worked pretty well in general but Parademons were able to take advantage of all the cars on the map and just keep chucking them in. Activations for the F4 went well initially but big dice on cars helped a lot. Para demons won handily because there wasn't any real way to keep them off height or get away from where they could throw cars initially. Cars do present a bit of a swing with a SS squad but they performed high here and it still didn't feel too bad. Para Demons win

Game 2:

Doctor Doom and Bots vs Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Misty Knight, Jessica Jones, Moon Knight

Feeling the effect of ranged fliers here. The Luke Cage team isn't super slow and the defensive ability on cage + obstruction helps a lot with the development. Essentially anyone on Cage's team can get up to the center on turn 1 or turn 2. It feels like a small map in some regards just because there is such a lack of elevation / hindering terrain on the board. The limited area of height did give Iron Fist an opportunity to get some multi-attacks off which felt pretty good and was ale to swing the game towards my favor. Marvel Knights win.

Game 3:

Ninja Turtles + Splinter vs Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman (JLA trinity

Turtles always surprise me with how resilient they are. They really like this map too because they just get to combat flip unto the height pretty much immediately and have free reign to control it with their combat flip. The Resource being on low ground came into play on this one because the turtle want to be on it, whereas the JLers really can't afford to step down onto it and get turtle power'ed. Turtles wound up winning after a midgame scare, the cars didn't get used much because I had flying bricks (superman/Wonderwoman) to try and chase people with. Raph getting some key damage in clutched the game out in my favor.

Game 4:

Iron Man, War Machine, Captain America, Black Widow vs Zemo, Enchantress, Executioner, Radioactive Man

One of the games that reminds me how fragile Iron Man is. Zemo's team doesn't have 'reliable' turn efficiency, I did have a couple of misses on my d20 for extra turns but the heigh is just so close to the start zone that it wasn't a problem to develop. I hid Zemo here, nice use of the ruins and got some early use out of radioactive man that I normally don't in order to deter the low life power suits from holding the height effectively. Enchantress and Executioner didn't have a problem pushing the avengers off the height, felt pretty good to get everyone developed quickly and kinda block for Zemo for the first part of the game. Masters of Evil won pretty handily here.

Final Thoughts: I like that the resource is on low ground, means that it benefits teams with more figures because they can afford to throw someone on it as opposed to tossing a high point figure there like superman that can just get wiped out in an unlucky 2 turns. I think it feels smaller than it is, just because it's easy for anyone to get to the center, I think it gets rid of any real kiting opportunities. Ranged fliers can get to the center to get off a volley but I don't think it's an issue. Would be cool to get like streetlights or something on the map in addition to the cars. Would play on it again, nice map for marvel knights.
Guess I need to measure the thing and looks like the VS link is broken.