• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

Casters of Valhalla

Here’s our overall top 10 not counting our individual top 10s:
Dry Season

Curious to see where these fall after next episode…


I was at a gameday with @mariogolbee a few days ago, and he mentioned that my name came up on your podcast regarding map building. I was definitely not expecting that was the context! Thanks guys. Now I have to find some time to check it out.
Here’s our overall top 10 not counting our individual top 10s:
Dry Season

Curious to see where these fall after next episode…


I was at a gameday with @mariogolbee a few days ago, and he mentioned that my name came up on your podcast regarding map building. I was definitely not expecting that was the context! Thanks guys. Now I have to find some time to check it out.
Good to see you around! I hope you haven't stopped making maps!

We used a few of your maps at a local tournament in Mass last spring. I'll have to jump into your thread at some point and post some thoughts on them. You have some cool maps!
Good to see you around! I hope you haven't stopped making maps!

We used a few of your maps at a local tournament in Mass last spring. I'll have to jump into your thread at some point and post some thoughts on them. You have some cool maps!

Thanks! And I always love to hear feedback.

Unfortunately sometime in the last decade VS decided to stop working on my computer. But whenever I get that figured out I'll certainly be posting more.
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Here’s our overall top 10 not counting our individual top 10s:
Dry Season

Curious to see where these fall after next episode…


I was at a gameday with @mariogolbee a few days ago, and he mentioned that my name came up on your podcast regarding map building. I was definitely not expecting that was the context! Thanks guys. Now I have to find some time to check it out.

See? You’re a legend! Now you can help me with my two-part infinite connecting multiplayer map idea!🤣🤙
There is a non-zero chance that this is a false memory, which would explain why I can't find it, but listening to Episode 30 I remember one of you (I think @OEAO , but maybe @superfrog or @Flash_19 ; identifying voices is not one of my strengths) mentioning that you're generally not a fan of glyphs on level zero spaces, but that you discussed it in rhe WoS thread, so you weren't going to go into more depth in the podcast I've gone about crackers trying to find more discussion about that here, but my life doesn't allow the luxury of listening to a 2 hour podcast twice to confirm the small derail of whether or not what I recall was actually said. So, does one of you actually feel that way, and if you do, can I get a link to the postwhere you talk about it or a re-explanation?
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Gonna post my spreadsheet here later today or maybe Monday.

10+ months later...


Our top 20 when taking a geometric mean of our 4 lists:

Rank	Map Name		Mapmaker

1	[B]Wyrmwalk[/B]		Panopticon
2	[I][B]Stygian Rift[/B][/I]		Typhon2222
3	[I][B]Bad Moon Rising[/B][/I]		GameBear
4	[I][B]Ticalla Sunrise[/B]	[/I]	GameBear
5	[B]Turmoil[/B]			superfrog
6	[I][B]Highways and Dieways[/B][/I]	UranusPChicago
7	[B]Aeon[/B]			Flash_19
8	[U][B]Battlefield 23[/B][/U]		Flash_19
9	[B]Honor[/B]			Flash_19
10	[I][B]Draugur[/B][/I]			mad_wookiee
11	[B]Desolation[/B]		Flash_19
12	[B]Venom[/B]			Flash_19
13	[B]Percolator[/B]		Ulysses
14	[B]Remains of Clionesia[/B]	tannergx
15	[B]Origin[/B]			Flash_19
16	Common Ground		GameBear
17	Ascension		Flash_19
18	[I][B]Dance of the Dryads[/B][/I]	Typhon2222
19	[B]Platypus[/B]		Robber
20	Frostmire		Flash_19

Bold = WoS
Italic = BoV
Underlined = ARV
There is a non-zero chance that this is a false memory, which would explain why I can't find it, but listening to Episode 30 I remember one of you (I think @OEAO , but maybe @superfrog or @Flash_19 ; identifying voices is not one of my strengths) mentioning that you're generally not a fan of glyphs on level zero spaces, but that you discussed it in rhe WoS thread, so you weren't going to go into more depth in the podcast I've gone about crackers trying to find more discussion about that here, but my life doesn't allow the luxury of listening to a 2 hour podcast twice to confirm the small derail of whether or not what I recall was actually said. So, does one of you actually feel that way, and if you do, can I get a link to the postwhere you talk about it or a re-explanation?

I know we talked about level 0 glyphs (that's a thing Flash doesn't love), he goes into that a bit here.

I don't specifically remember anything about level 0 shadow but I generally only find it valuable if it comes as part of an existing level 0 path. For example, the level 0 shadow on Dance of the Dryads is not, generally speaking, very valuable. Doesn't mean it can't be the right call for a map (to fill/stretch space, for example), but a pit of level 0 shadow will mostly get ignored.
Awesome, thanks for the link. Yeah, I'm pretty much on the same page as you regarding level zero shadow. No point in dropping in a hole to give up +1 attack for +1 defense. That was part of what I was hanging up on.

Edit: That google doc requires requesting access. Any chance you can unlock it?

Edit edit: Thanks!
Hey, Just started listening to the podcast. Since Renegade took over I decided I needed to find a Heroscape podcast. I've also been playing a bit more again lately. I had gone away for awhile after it was discontinued and was focused more on gaming overall. I recognized Mathias name and remembered that we had played a few times and been in touch and also had a common interest in Dragon Dice (and several other games apparently after I listened to the top 50. It would be cool to chat and catch up on things.

CoV Entry 45: 5 Years of Casters of Valhalla and ScapeCon IV Recap​

Mike, Ken, Nathan, and William look back at 5 years of Casters of Valhalla and ScapeCon IV!


CoV Entry 46: ScapeCon War League and VCheese​

Mike announces the new ScapeCon War League being run on Vassal. Sign-ups are due by February 15, 2025.

Link to the ScapeCon War League Discord Server: https://discord.gg/MyYxS7KPMs

Mike and Chris discuss the VCheese meta in general, as well as cover the past VCheese events and results.

VCheese Show Notes (with links to past events): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZcuBeAsmtaTkHTzidqUxYvSlxJ8LVYgOpEG9v9V2aNI/edit?usp=sharing