I'm using the "traditional" Steamroller build. I just want to make sure I've got this right. With three squads of Caps and putting order markers on all three:
Human Gladiator Hero Bonding
I may move Spartatus and Cruxes three times per turn.
Initiaive Advantage
I would get a total of 3 to my initiative rolls.
Thank you in advance!
First off, since the Capuans are common squads, you don't need to put order markers on all three cards. You can just use one card. Anytime you reveal an order marker on a common squad figure you can activate any of those common figures (up to the number of figures on the card - so in the case of the Capuans that is three).
A turn would look like this. Reveal Order Marker --> Activate bonding to take a turn with Spartacus or Crixus (allowing you to move & attack) --> take a turn with up to three Capuan Gladiators you control.
Finally, you are correct. Since you would have all of your order markers on Gladiators, you would get the +3 to your initiative rolls.
Ok I'm a little thrown on bonding with the one card vs three.
Will Sparty and Crix get three free moves per turn or just one?
Sorry, I'm sure I'm making this more difficult than it need be!
Each round, you reveal order markers one at a time to take a turn. Your opponent alternates with your turns. It starts with your turn 1, then their turn 1, then your turn 2, etc.
On your first turn, you reveal your order marker 1 on Capuan Gladiators. The number of cards is irrelevant: you get to activate one squad of Capuans.
Before taking that turn, you bond with one gladiator hero (Cruxes or Spartacus). That hero takes a full turn (moving and attacking).
Then, you take your turn with the 1 squad of Capuans that you're activating (moving all 3, and then attacking with all 3).
The turn passes to your opponent for their next order marker.
Finally, the turn passes back to you for your order marker 2. Follow the above steps for your OM2.
Hope this clears it up!