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caps's Multiplayer Maps


My six-year-old sister-in-law calls the shots
Site Supporter
Maps by me for 3 or more players. For my 2-player maps, see this thread.


Redemption Road
uploaded 2022-11-11
Link to .pdf
Link to .hsc


Spoiler Alert!

Uses 2xArena of the Planeswalkers: Shadows Over Innistrad, 1xRotV, 2xRttFF

A team battle map for 2-6 players with 48-hex start zones: 24 hexes/player for 2 or 4 players, or 16 hexes/player for 6 players

Uses 2xAotP:SOI, 1xRotV, and 2xRttFF

The first level is composed entirely of Arena of the Planeswalkers mats from Shadows of Innistrad.

The Asphalt tiles represent brown Arena of the Planeswalkers tiles, and the concrete tiles represent Cryptolith objects. I recommend using Arena of the Valkyrie's Pillars of Hár rules for the Cryptoliths, although the Cryptoliths are also optional (just don't put them on top of the brown Arena of the Planeswalkers bases).

The glyphs of Kelda are optional. I recommend replacing them with Arena of the Valkyre's Glyphs of Recall and Healing when playing this map, or omitting them altogether.

The glyphs of Dagmar are unlikely to see much use, however, they make good Control Points for a Control Point format, which is what this map was designed for.
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Redemption Road
uploaded 2022-11-11
Link to .pdf
Link to .hsc


Spoiler Alert!

Uses 2xArena of the Planeswalkers: Shadows Over Innistrad, 1xRotV, 2xRttFF

A team battle map for 2-6 players with 48-hex start zones: 24 hexes/player for 2 or 4 players, or 16 hexes/player for 6 players

Uses 2xAotP:SOI, 1xRotV, and 2xRttFF

The first level is composed entirely of Arena of the Planeswalkers mats from Shadows of Innistrad.

The Asphalt tiles represent brown Arena of the Planeswalkers tiles, and the concrete tiles represent Cryptolith objects. I recommend using Arena of the Valkyrie's Pillars of Hár rules for the Cryptoliths, although the Cryptoliths are also optional (just don't put them on top of the brown Arena of the Planeswalkers bases).

The glyphs of Kelda are optional. I recommend replacing them with Arena of the Valkyre's Glyphs of Recall and Healing when playing this map, or omitting them altogether.

The glyphs of Dagmar are unlikely to see much use, however, they make good Control Points for a Control Point format, which is what this map was designed for.
This is the first map I've made for this thread. I'm quite pleased with how it turned out. Particularly how far the Arena of the Planeswalkers set let me stretch 1xRotV and 2xRttFF. I actually think I could have stretched it further (there was at least one map-mat I didn't use).

At present the best place to find the glyphs and destructible object rules I used on this map are here:

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I also captured a few pictures of our game on this map the other night (in a slightly earlier revision).
Spoiler Alert!

... which reminds me that I had spots for treasure glyphs. Not sure if it's worth the trouble of adding them back.
Redemption Road
uploaded 2022-11-11
Link to .pdf
Link to .hsc


Spoiler Alert!

Uses 2xArena of the Planeswalkers: Shadows Over Innistrad, 1xRotV, 2xRttFF

A team battle map for 2-6 players with 48-hex start zones: 24 hexes/player for 2 or 4 players, or 16 hexes/player for 6 players

Uses 2xAotP:SOI, 1xRotV, and 2xRttFF

The first level is composed entirely of Arena of the Planeswalkers mats from Shadows of Innistrad.

The Asphalt tiles represent brown Arena of the Planeswalkers tiles, and the concrete tiles represent Cryptolith objects. I recommend using Arena of the Valkyrie's Pillars of Hár rules for the Cryptoliths, although the Cryptoliths are also optional (just don't put them on top of the brown Arena of the Planeswalkers bases).

The glyphs of Kelda are optional. I recommend replacing them with Arena of the Valkyre's Glyphs of Recall and Healing when playing this map, or omitting them altogether.

The glyphs of Dagmar are unlikely to see much use, however, they make good Control Points for a Control Point format, which is what this map was designed for.
This is the first map I've made for this thread. I'm quite pleased with how it turned out. Particularly how far the Arena of the Planeswalkers set let me stretch 1xRotV and 2xRttFF. I actually think I could have stretched it further (there was at least one map-mat I didn't use).

At present the best place to find the glyphs and destructible object rules I used on this map are here:

I really really like this map. If only I had a 2nd cardboard base for Innistrad
I really really like this map. If only I had a 2nd cardboard base for Innistrad
Thanks! You probably could reduce the start zone size to 24 hexes each and build it with just 1x cardboard sets with some creative layout :thinking:
I really really like this map. If only I had a 2nd cardboard base for Innistrad
Thanks! You probably could reduce the start zone size to 24 hexes each and build it with just 1x cardboard sets with some creative layout :thinking:

Yeah. I also have the cardboard for Zendikar & the base set so I can probably figure something out
The trickier part would be the cryptoliths. There are only 3 in the SoI set. They are listed as optional in the build parameters. I would suggest doing none, or just doing a single pair--either the outside ones or the inside ones.