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caps' maps - 2023-02-25 updates:Cage Match Redux and Seagate


My six-year-old sister-in-law calls the shots
Site Supporter
Go here for my multiplayer maps.


uploaded originally by Dignan 2012-05-13
edit by caps uploaded 2023-02-25

Cage Match Redux

Requires: 1 SotM, 1 FotA

Glyph configuration: strong glyphs must be placed in the center (Ulaniva, Wannok, Valda, Thorian, or even C3V's Lorja Ivor or Yngvild), with useful glyphs on the outsides (Valda, Dagmar, Wannok, Lodin, or C3V's Holdir).

note: the glyphs of Brandar are treasure glyphs.

Link to .pdf
Link to .hsc


uploaded 1/7/2023

Har Overrun
by caps's son

Spoiler Alert!

This is a map made by my son

A battlefield for two armies of 400-600 points.

Uses 1xRotV, 2xRttFF, 2xTJ, and 4 Cryptoliths from Arena of the Planeswalkers: Shadows over Innistrad
Uses Pillars of Har destructible object rules from Arena of the Valkyrie for the Cryptoliths. Cryptoliths are represented in the build instructions by the Concrete and Asphalt tiles. Cryptoliths may be omitted (replace concrete with grass 1-hexers and omit the asphalt entirely).

Suggested glyphs: 2xValda on the outsides, 2xDagmar on the insides

Optional rule: Thin Foliage
Figures may move onto spaces with jungle bushes, but may not end their movement on jungle bushes.



uploaded 11/5/2022
updated 02/25/2023


Glyphs of Brandar are optional Treasure Glyphs

Uses 1xRotV and 1xFotA


uploaded 08/28/2022
updated 09/18/2022


Uses 1xSotM, 1xBftU, and 1xTT


uploaded 05/23/2020

Uses 1xRotV, 1xBftU, 1xTT

link to .pdf
link to .hsc
updated 10/28/2018
uploaded 01/31/2017

Uses 1xSotM, 1xBftU, and 1xTT

.hsc file
.pdf file
Roundabout Marsh
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Swamprat Circle feels a lot more rough around the edges than Manor Ruins, but I have posted it here regardless. EDIT: Swamprat Circle has been revised (09/18/2016)
Swamprat Circle
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It has been a while since I have put together a map of my own. Here is my latest creation in its first iteration:

Manor Ruins
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I am entering Rÿchean's Tournament Map Contest. Before I submit my maps I would like some feedback. Any thoughts? Suggestions? Both of these have been through a few revisions already, but no playtesting. They are due before midnight on the 14th of May.

5/10: Maps updated again.

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As I was working on revising Reset, I came up with this. I still plan to release a revised BftU Reset, but I like this SotM version because I can actually build it (I still don't have any BftU terrain).

Reset the Swamp - added 6/16/12

Helplessness Blues
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Pocket Full of Posies
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Mulberry Bush
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Pillars and Roads
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Old Maps

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Last edited:
Re: capsocrates' multi-player maps -Stone Pass -11/5/11

I love the map! I hope you continue to make and post good multiplayer maps. They are very hard to come across and build.
Re: capsocrates' multi-player maps -Stone Pass -11/5/11

I love the map! I hope you continue to make and post good multiplayer maps. They are very hard to come across and build.

Well met!

The Gang of Four (under my auspices) has played a number of FFAs on Nadi's maps, although they may require too many terrain sets for you (https://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=pi5ZW1-1fAPGxTte6KfO5Pw&single=true&gid=12&output=html).

Otherwise, I'd suggest free building them. Read dok's series of blogs on map-making, as well as the various other articles/blogs on the subject. Also, I found rouby44's templates (http://www.heroscapers.com/community/showthread.php?t=26898) extremely helpful.
Re: capsocrates' multi-player maps -Stone Pass -11/5/11

I love the map! I hope you continue to make and post good multiplayer maps. They are very hard to come across and build.

Thanks! I have built several, with varying degrees of symmetry. I have gotten better each time, so I feel that this is my best map, but when I get a chance I will try to post some of the others as well.

[Well met!

The Gang of Four (under my auspices) has played a number of FFAs on Nadi's maps, although they may require too many terrain sets for you (https://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=pi5ZW1-1fAPGxTte6KfO5Pw&single=true&gid=12&output=html).

Otherwise, I'd suggest free building them. Read dok's series of blogs on map-making, as well as the various other articles/blogs on the subject. Also, I found rouby44's templates (http://www.heroscapers.com/community/showthread.php?t=26898) extremely helpful.

I have seen Nadi's spreadsheets, but as you say, they typically have too many terrain requirements.
Re: capsocrates' multi-player maps -Stone Pass -11/5/11

Also, can anyone tell me how to upload .pdfs so that people can download my maps?
Re: capsocrates' multi-player maps -Stone Pass -11/5/11

Unless you're a Site Supporter or Contributor, you can't upload files to Heroscapers.com. However, file sharing services like Mediafire let you upload and link files such as PDF.
Re: capsocrates' multi-player maps -Stone Pass -11/5/11

Unless you're a Site Supporter or Contributor, you can't upload files to Heroscapers.com. However, file sharing services like Mediafire let you upload and link files such as PDF.

I suspected as much. Thanks for the tip.
Re: capsocrates' maps - Reset and Helplessness Blues -5/1/11


I'm going to enter Rychean's map contest and would like some feedback. Reset and Helplessness Blues are the maps I plan to put forth. Let me know what you think!
Re: capsocrates' maps - Reset and Helplessness Blues -5/1/11

I can't see the Pics.....
Re: capsocrates' maps - Reset and Helplessness Blues -5/1/11

I can't see the Pics.....

Mm... I think I see what's going wrong. Are you able to share photos using google docs or do you upload them to image hosting sites?

EDIT: I replaced the broken images with links to their current home on google docs. I'll try to upload them elsewheres soon so that you don't have to click anywhere to see them.
Re: capsocrates' maps - Reset and Helplessness Blues -5/1/11

I can't see the Pics.....

Mm... I think I see what's going wrong. Are you able to share photos using google docs or do you upload them to image hosting sites?

EDIT: I replaced the broken images with links to their current home on google docs. I'll try to upload them elsewheres soon so that you don't have to click anywhere to see them.

I use PhotoBucket and it works great!
Re: capsocrates' maps - Reset and Helplessness Blues -5/1/11

Reset looks like a lot of fun to play on, but it's pretty big for a tournament map. The build instructions list it at 35"x38" (and it doesn't look like that will change much by turning it) it won't fit on a lot of tables, and on tables it does fit on it won't leave a lot of room for cards, dice, rollers, or another map. You could probably squeeze the footprint down without changes the general feel of the map too much by tightening up all the level 1 24-hex plates in against each other, and chopping off the 5 hex "tail" from the start zones (that will also help bring the SZs a bit closer together, resulting in faster action).

I love the footprint of Helplessness Blues. I doubt that the corners beyond the glyphs will see much action, but I think that it's visually striking enough that it might be worth leaving the dead space. Any reason you went with fixed glyphs instead of random? There is also a tempting Raelin perch out from the left of each SZ-the level 5 1-hexxer 6 spaces out that covers the hill and glyph might tend to draw ranged pods to camp there.
Re: capsocrates' maps - Reset and Helplessness Blues -5/1/11

Reset looks like a lot of fun to play on, but it's pretty big for a tournament map. The build instructions list it at 35"x38" (and it doesn't look like that will change much by turning it) it won't fit on a lot of tables, and on tables it does fit on it won't leave a lot of room for cards, dice, rollers, or another map. You could probably squeeze the footprint down without changes the general feel of the map too much by tightening up all the level 1 24-hex plates in against each other, and chopping off the 5 hex "tail" from the start zones (that will also help bring the SZs a bit closer together, resulting in faster action).

Those are good suggestions. I might toss Reset for contest purposes altogether and go for a more groundbreaking idea--he asked for creativity, and I'm not sure my style is distinctive enough to be considered outside-the-box--but I will probably implement your suggestions nonetheless.

I love the footprint of Helplessness Blues. I doubt that the corners beyond the glyphs will see much action, but I think that it's visually striking enough that it might be worth leaving the dead space.

I suspected as much.

Any reason you went with fixed glyphs instead of random?

I'm not entirely sure. I like those glyphs, I feel they're less overpowered than some of the others that are often used (+1 atk or defense, for instance). I feel like I've also seen it done a number of times before, but I suppose when I think about most of the maps I've downloaded from here they've had random glyphs.

There is also a tempting Raelin perch out from the left of each SZ-the level 5 1-hexxer 6 spaces out that covers the hill and glyph might tend to draw ranged pods to camp there.

Yes, I see that. For some reason I was operating under the impression that in a tournament setting its best to have the highest points only accessible to one-space figures... :confused: I think I got that idea from maps like these, which we've been using in our online league. I asked about Raelin Perch's last night in the Question Dump and after getting some answers I decided those level 5 1-hexxers needed to go.
Re: capsocrates' maps - Reset and Helplessness Blues -5/1/11

Having the highest point be only 1 hex can be fine (denies it to powerful units like Q9, Nilf, Braxas, etc.). My concern stems from the fact that Raelin can get there in a single OM and it overlooks some very desirable real estate. Moving it just one space over, so that it's 7 flying spaces, will make a huge difference.
Re: capsocrates' maps - Reset and Helplessness Blues -5/1/11

Having the highest point be only 1 hex can be fine (denies it to powerful units like Q9, Nilf, Braxas, etc.). My concern stems from the fact that Raelin can get there in a single OM and it overlooks some very desirable real estate. Moving it just one space over, so that it's 7 flying spaces, will make a huge difference.

That's a good idea. I was going to remove it altogether but I like that idea better. I might even make it 8 spaces--push it all the way back and maybe try to get some use out of that corner.

This is still in its formative stages, but as an idea, what do you think of this, or something like it? I'll need to make it bigger, I think.

Pocket Full of Posies
Spoiler Alert!
Re: capsocrates' maps - Reset and Helplessness Blues -5/1/11

It looks like a very intriguing starting concept. :D It could definitely benefit from some more fleshing out, though (and don't forget to include a spot for the Hive in the SZ).
Re: capsocrates' maps - Reset and Helplessness Blues -5/1/11

Here's the other idea I just had.

Mulberry Bush
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Re: capsocrates' maps - Mulberry Bush and Posies added -5/2/

And here is a more fleshed out rendition of Pocket Full of Posies.

Pocket Full of Posies
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Re: capsocrates' maps - Mulberry Bush and Posies added - 5/2

Alright, all the maps have been updated to reflect modifications made as a result of feedback.

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Helplessness Blues
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Pocket Full of Posies
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Mulberry Bush
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Re: capsocrates' maps - Mulberry Bush and Posies added - 5/2

:bump: Any glaring errors I should fix or minor changes I should make that would make those four maps at the top of the OP better?