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C3V Public Miniature Information Thread

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The Spartans of HS Tourneys
Figures that are currently unreleased are listed and linked below, from oldest to newest:

Jonah Hex - medium unique hero - historical gunman
Ulat-Kini, Ulat-Kini Mystic, Ulat-Kini Warrior - medium common squad - outsider underlings
Gug - huge unique hero - terrifying outsider
Star Spawn - huge unique hero - inevitable outsider
Stag Lord - medium unique hero - tribal human archer
Ogre Battering Ram - large uncommon hero - ogre with siege weapon
Starfinder Boxes - small and medium unique heroes - collection of sci-fi adventurers
Large Time Dragon - large unique hero - purple dragon
Return of the Runelords boxes - medium unique heroes and objects - various historical and fantasy heroes
gargantuan skeletal dragon - huge unique hero - undead dragon
Male Orc Battlemaster, Male Orc Warrior, Female Orc Eviscerator - medium common squad - mutant cult members
Relentless Killer - mutant cult hero

Old OP below:
Spoiler Alert!
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Re: C3V Public Information Thread - DO NOT POST!!!

Sneak Peek - A common squad in development from C3V WAVE 15!


The figures used for this unit are AT-43 figures from the Therians set. Its model number and name is Therian Storm Golem Unit Box.
(3 Medium figures)


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Re: C3V Public Information Thread - DO NOT POST!!!

Sneak Peek - A common squad in development from C3V WAVE 15!
(4 Medium figures)


The figures used for this unit are Confrontation figures from the Rams set. They are available from the Ram Army Box (16 figures), Abysmal Skull Unit Box (4 figures), or Necromancer Skull Unit Box (4 figures). The name of the figure is Skeleton Thrall.
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Re: C3V Public Information Thread - DO NOT POST!!!

Sneak Peek - A unique squad in development from C3V WAVE 15!
(3 Large Figures)



The figures used for this unit are AT-43 figures from the Red Blok set.
The name of the figure is Strielitz Kolossus Unit Box.
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Re: C3V Public Information Thread - DO NOT POST!!!

Sneak Peek - A unique hero in development from C3V!
(Medium Figure) - Locksley - Released!


The figure used for this unit is a DnD Minis figure from the Blood War set. Its model number and name is 16/Free League Ranger.

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C3V Highlight!!!!

WAVE 14 Information:
Thormun's Reprieve

List of sculpt information for each of the Wave 14 Units


Spoiler Alert!

Kira Jax
Spoiler Alert!

Marro Gnids
Spoiler Alert!

M-43 Resistance Fighters
Spoiler Alert!

Nicholas Esenwein
Spoiler Alert!

Preyblood Thrall
Spoiler Alert!


Spoiler Alert!

Capt. John Varan

Spoiler Alert!

Van Nessing

Spoiler Alert!

Varkaanan Blade Dancers

Spoiler Alert!

Zogross Hardscale

Spoiler Alert!


Spoiler Alert!
Re: C3V Public Information Thread - DO NOT POST!!!

We haven't had an update for a while so fellow HeroScapers, I give you.....

Sneak Peek - An uncommon hero in development from C3V WAVE 15!
(Large Figure - single spaced)

SKULL DEMON - Released!


The figures used for this unit are Confrontation figures from the Rams set.
They are available from the Ram Army Box (4 figures), Abysmal Skull Unit Box (1 figure), or Necromancer Skull Unit Box (1 figure).
The names of the figures are Abysmal Skull, Necromancer Skull, Toxic Skull, and Undying Skull.

For more pictures of this uncommon hero, see the C3V Miniatures thread.
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Re: C3V Public Information Thread - DO NOT POST!!!

Confrontation Sets

The following Confrontation Sets will be needed for future waves and boosters. ONLY ONE SET IS NEEDED OF EACH! PLEASE DO NOT BUY MORE THAN 1 AS YOU WILL NOT NEED MORE!

Confrontation Starter set:​


Confrontation Wolfen Army Box:​

Re: C3V Public Information Thread - DO NOT POST!!!

Sneak Peek - A common squad in development from C3V
(4 Medium figures) - Cathar Spearmen - Released!


The figures used for this unit are Confrontation figures from the Griffins set. They are available in the Griffin Spearmen Unit Box (8 figures) and the Confrontation Starter Set (8 figures). The name of the figure is Spearman.
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Re: C3V Public Information Thread - DO NOT POST!!!

Sneak Peek - Unique heroes in development from C3V WAVE 15!
(Medium figures)


The figure used for this unit is a Female Elf Rogue figure from the Pathfinder Beginner Box Heroes set. Its model number and name is Merisiel, Female Elf Rogue.

The figure used for this unit is a Pathfinder figure from the Beginner Box set. Its model name is Ezren, Male Human Wizard.

The figures used for this unit is a Pathfinder figure from the Beginner Box set. Its model name is Valeros, Male Human Fighter.

The figure used for this unit is a Pathfinder figure from the Beginner Box set. Its model name is Kyra, Female Human Cleric.
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Re: C3V Public Information Thread - DO NOT POST!!!

Sneak Peek - A unique hero in development from C3V
(Huge Figure - peanut) - Bramcephys - Released!


The figure used for this unit is a Mage Knight figure from the Conquest set. Its model name is Doom Blade Orc Cyclops.
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Re: C3V Public Information Thread - DO NOT POST!!!

Sneak Peek - An common hero in development from C3V WAVE 15!
(Medium figures)



The figure used for this unit is a DnD Minis figure from the Deathknell set. Its model name is Vampire Spawn #59.
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Re: C3V Public Information Thread - DO NOT POST!!!


[drum roll] :rimshot:

A new unique hero for you fine Heroscapers to consider from C3V WAVE 15.



The figure used for this unit is a Legendary Encounters figure. Its model name is Dwarf Warrior 20034.
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Re: C3V Public Information Thread - DO NOT POST!!!


Sneak Peek - A Unique Hero in development by the C3V Wave 15.5
(Large figure)

MORGOLOTH - Released!


The figure used for this unit is a Confrontation figure from the Rams of Acheron set. It is available in the Ram Army Box. The name of the figure is "The Great Skull".
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Re: C3V Public Information Thread - DO NOT POST!!!


Sneak Peek - A Common Squad in development by the C3V
(4 medium figures) - Microcorp Troopers - Released!


The figures used for this unit are AT-43 UNA Star Troopers Unit Box.
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Re: C3V Public Information Thread - DO NOT POST!!!


Sneak Peek - A Unique Hero in development by the C3V
(Medium figure) - Count Raymond - Released!


The figure used for this unit is a Confrontation figure from the Starter Set. The figure name is Abel.
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Re: C3V Public Information Thread - DO NOT POST!!!


Sneak Peek - A Common Hero in development by the C3V WAVE 15!
(Medium figure)


The figure used for this unit is a Heroclix figure from the Armor Wars set. Its model name is Paladin/004, 005, 006.
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Re: C3V Public Information Thread - DO NOT POST!!!


Sneak Peek - A Common Squad in development by the C3V
(4 medium figures) - Nhah Scirh Cultists - Released!


The figures used for this unit are Confrontation Scorpion Clones Unit Box.

NOTE: There are four types of Scorpion minis: Clones, Crossbowmen, Sentinels and Skorize. One or more of those types will be pictured on the C3V card, but they are all similar enough to each other to serve as excellent proxies.​
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Re: C3V Public Information Thread - DO NOT POST!!!


Sneak Peek - A Common Squad in development by the C3V
(3 Medium figures) - Tomb Skeletons - Released!


Two of the figures used for this unit are Reaper figures from the Legendary Encounters line. The model names are Skeleton Spearman and Skeleton Swordsman.

The third figure used for this unit is a Pathfinder figure from the Pathfinder Battles: Heroes & Monsters set. Its model number and name is 7/Skeleton.

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Re: C3V Public Information Thread - DO NOT POST!!!


Sneak Peek - A Unique Squad in development from C3V!
(4 Medium figures) - Ebon Armor - Released!


The figures used for this unit are Confrontation figures from the Rams set.
They are available from the Ram Army Box (4 figures), Black Paladins.
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Re: C3V Public Information Thread - DO NOT POST!!!


Further clarification of the Confrontation sets announcement

Sneak Peek - A Unique Squad in development from C3V
(4 Large figures) - Varkaanan Greyspears - Released!


The figures used for this unit are Confrontation figures from the Wolfen of Yllia set. They are available in the Wolfen of Yllia Hunters Unit Box (4 figures) and the Confrontation Starter Set (4 figures). The name of the figure is Wolfen Hunters.
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Re: C3V Public Information Thread - DO NOT POST!!!


Further clarification of the Confrontation sets announcement

Sneak Peek - A Unique Squad in development from C3V
(3 Large figures) - Varkaanan Quickblades - Released!


The figures used for this unit are Confrontation figures from the Wolfen of Yllia set. They are available in the Wolfen of Yllia Trackers of Shadow Unit Box (3 figures) and the Wolfen Army Box Set (3 figures). The name of the figure is Wolfen Shadow Hunters.
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Re: C3V Public Information Thread - DO NOT POST!!!


Further clarification of the Confrontation sets announcement

Sneak Peek - A Unique Hero in development from C3V
(Large figure) - Manauvi - Released!


The figure used for this unit is a Confrontation figure from the Wolfen of Yllia set. It is available in the Wolfen of Yllia Throne of Stars Hero Box (2 figures) and the Wolfen Army Box Set (1 figure). The name of the figure is Oynx.
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Re: C3V Public Information Thread - DO NOT POST!!!


Further clarification of the Confrontation sets announcement

Sneak Peek - A Unique Hero in development from C3V
(Large figure) - Bahadur - Released!


The figure used for this unit is a Confrontation figure from the Wolfen of Yllia set. It is available in the Wolfen of Yllia Throne of Stars Hero Box (2 figures) and the Wolfen Army Box Set (1 figure). The name of the figure is Y'Anrylh.
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Re: C3V Public Information Thread - DO NOT POST!!!


Further clarification of the Confrontation sets announcement

Sneak Peek - A Unique Hero in development from C3V
(Large figure) - Arktos - Released!


The figure used for this unit is a Confrontation figure from the Wolfen of Yllia set. It is available in the Confrontation Starter Set (1 figure). The name of the figure is Serethis.
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