• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

C3G2.0 Index of released Designs

• 2024-05-16 - He-Man - Grayskull's Champion updated so that when He-Man would inflict 1 wound, this ability inflicts 2 instead
• 2024-06-04 - Doctor Doom - Wording change to DOOM'S PROXY to avoid double boost

• 2024-06-06 - Whirlwind - Move and Defense dropped to 6 and Points to 180 for factional reasons
• 2024-06-11 - Frankenstein - Blanks from Holy Sword SA dropped from counting as 2 hits to 1

This change was made for power balance reasons.
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09/03/24 - He-Man - Grayskull's Champion updated to remove the wounding effect.
I dug up the poker card printing website that I had created sometime back for the cards @japes had made for C3G 1.0 and updated it to work with the 2.0 cards. I have loaded up the cards released till now (note that the items, story cards etc. are all saved under "Spells" at the moment). I tried to set it up to print the cards in the correct size for the 2x4 format on U.S. letter paper (with zero margin at the top and bottom), but I don't have that kind of paper around to test if that's actually true. 3x3 will print the cards somewhat smaller.

For some reason Google Chrome takes a while (around 20-30 seconds) to load the print preview on my computer, whereas Firefox is really quick (even when trying to print over 200 cards from the first quarterly release).

I won't really have any time this month, but I thought it would still be helpful to post the website here already and collect feedback until I'm available again.

Here is the printer website: http://cardprinter.bplaced.net/
This resource is fantastic, but the latest additions (summer leftovers) appears to have an issue. I can still print any former released cards but these ones all come up as an error (red X over a generic picture icon)
This resource is fantastic, but the latest additions (summer leftovers) appears to have an issue. I can still print any former released cards but these ones all come up as an error (red X over a generic picture icon)
Thanks for pointing that out! It looks like I didn't test whether the new cards worked after putting them in the database... Everything should be updated now, though!
• 2024-12-21 Several designs gained the "Umbral" keyword
• 2024-12-21 - Rhino- RHINO CHARGE updated
• 2024-12-21 - Ravager Grant - UNSTABLE ENHANCEMENTS wording updated for timing[/COLOR]
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