Spuke Boy
Active member
Hi there
Just looking at the new game format that you guys have created and looking to give it a go.
Do we have a Custom card print option like in version 1.0 - The X Minus 2 Card Printer
I see some templates but can we drag and drop to choose which characters to fit on a print page ?
Thank you
I dug up the poker card printing website that I had created sometime back for the cards @japes had made for C3G 1.0 and updated it to work with the 2.0 cards. I have loaded up the cards released till now (note that the items, story cards etc. are all saved under "Spells" at the moment). I tried to set it up to print the cards in the correct size for the 2x4 format on U.S. letter paper (with zero margin at the top and bottom), but I don't have that kind of paper around to test if that's actually true. 3x3 will print the cards somewhat smaller.
For some reason Google Chrome takes a while (around 20-30 seconds) to load the print preview on my computer, whereas Firefox is really quick (even when trying to print over 200 cards from the first quarterly release).
I won't really have any time this month, but I thought it would still be helpful to post the website here already and collect feedback until I'm available again.
Here is the printer website: http://cardprinter.bplaced.net/