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C3G Tutorial for Dummies

I use the pads as often as I can. And no, that's nothing to do with Maxi.
Me too. Plus I find a hole puncher makes a great way to cut out the holes for these. I have rebased all of the my "padded" minis already because: hole punching=easy, cutting foot holes with exacto knife=time consuming.
New topic:
I now have a bunch of Heroclix figures that I haven't rebased yet. I've been hesitant to do so, because I keep wondering to myself:
"Should I try out Heroclix?"
"Is it as fun as Heroscape?"
That's up to you.
"Is it simple enough for my kids (aged 6-11) to play like HS is?"
"Or should I just go ahead and rebase them and stick with the game that I already know to be awesome?"
Eh...I made that mistake once. I have a few figs rebased and when I got into Clix and found out I couldn't use that epic Arkillo figure, or the Limited Edtion Dark Knight, or the ever-so-awesome Swamp Thing (and more)...because I rebased them.
Any comments on these questions would be appreciated. :D
Sorry I posted this question in the wrong thread, so here it is.

I usually just print them out and use them plain if i'm out of these things Dreadball counters painted glyph color

Thanks man, that really helped a lot. What to you do use for let's say the ability avengers assemble ability? Do you just use a wound marker for that?

Personally, I prefer to use mini poker chips.



I then use rectangular cards (the above are PT [playtesting] cards) that I place in card sleeves and slip the poker chips specific to a character underneath the card. This is convenient when players draft a figure, they can quickly slide the markers that are specific to the character out of the sleeve...all ready to play. :)
Sorry I posted this question in the wrong thread, so here it is.

I usually just print them out and use them plain if i'm out of these things Dreadball counters painted glyph color

Thanks man, that really helped a lot. What to you do use for let's say the ability avengers assemble ability? Do you just use a wound marker for that?

Personally, I prefer to use mini poker chips.



I then use rectangular cards (the above are PT [playtesting] cards) that I place in card sleeves and slip the poker chips specific to a character underneath the card. This is convenient when players draft a figure, they can quickly slide the markers that are specific to the character out of the sleeve...all ready to play. :)

I've been looking for these mini poker chips for months locally. May have to just order them one day.

Not sure if you've seen my rectangle cards HF...

@japes...those are quite nice. Very slick. They match up w/ the "official" cards really well. Makes me want to ask you for the template or copy it and do it myself. :).

My cards above are done entirely w/ a table template in MS Word before I got Photoshop. I have often tempted myself with updating all the my cards and doing up a PS template that better matches my Distinction Card add-ons but just can't convince myself to make and reprint all the cards. :rolls eyes:
Thanks. The official look is what I was aiming for.

Printerstudio.com...I get 234 cards printed for around $30 with shipping and it was easier for me as I was starting from scratch and had no cards printed other than what came with the Master sets. Storage is so much more convinient. We use a binder with baseball card sheets.
Sorry I posted this question in the wrong thread, so here it is.

I usually just print them out and use them plain if i'm out of these things Dreadball counters painted glyph color

Thanks man, that really helped a lot. What to you do use for let's say the ability avengers assemble ability? Do you just use a wound marker for that?

Personally, I prefer to use mini poker chips.



I then use rectangular cards (the above are PT [playtesting] cards) that I place in card sleeves and slip the poker chips specific to a character underneath the card. This is convenient when players draft a figure, they can quickly slide the markers that are specific to the character out of the sleeve...all ready to play. :)

I've been looking for these mini poker chips for months locally. May have to just order them one day.

Not sure if you've seen my rectangle cards HF...


I use half-marble thingies that I found @ Hobby Lobby...