• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

C3G Synergy Archive

I dunno, DC's used "Batmen" in the past. As in "Batmen of All-Nations" or "Night of the Batmen!" from The Brave and The Bold.
Current Special Powers that Interact Differently with Lycanthropes:
Agent Hunter's Silver Weapons, Blade's Day Walker and Silver Weapons, Hellboy's Right Hand of Doom

Lycanthrope Synergies

Lycanthrope Synergy Benefits Received:
  • Uncommon Lycanthrope Heroes can be activated by Captain America (Capwolf)'s (280) Leader of the Pack special power.
  • Lycanthropes may be moved by and have their attack boosted by White Werewolf's (190) Cry of the Werewolf and Call For Blood special powers.
Lycanthrope Synergy Benefits Offered:
  • N/A

Updated through Wave 49.
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Current Special Powers that Interact Differently with Undead:
Black Lantern's Blackest Night 11, Black Lantern's (William Hand) Blackest Night 9, Brides of Draculas' Blood Calling, Cheshire's Poison Tipped Claws 13, Dagger's Light Daggers Special Attack, Gypsy's Illusion Casting, Katana's Soultaker, Lurker's Viral Infection, Mephisto's Deal with the Devil, Mister Sinister's Genetic Manipulation 14, Morbius's The Living Vampire, Ragman's Rag Suit of Souls, Roamer's Undying Hunger and Viral Infection, Scorpion's (Carmilla Black) Scorpion Sting, Viper's Poisoned Strike, Walker's Viral Infection, Werewolf's Lycanthropy Infection

Judge Death's Death Sentence Special Attack and Death Never Dies

Agent Hunter's Silver Weapons, Ash Williams' Evil Dead, Blade's Day Walker and Silver Weapons, Buffy Summers's Slayer Training, Hawkgirl's Nth Metal Mace, Hawkman's Nth Metal Mace, Hawkmen of Thanagars' Nth Metal Mace, Hellboy's Right Hand of Doom, Witchblade's Witchblade Special Attack

Undead Synergies

Undead Synergy Benefits Received:
  • Undead Heroes and Undead Squads may be activated by Dracula's (490) Lord of the Dead special power.
  • Undead Heroes may be activated by Judge Death's (295) Death Sentence Special Attack.
  • Undead may have their attack boosted by Sam's (95) Trick 'r Treat special power.
  • Undead may have their stats boosted by Evil Ernie's (380) Dead Mind special power.
Undead Synergy Benefits Offered:
  • Judge Death (295) may be placed on an Undead Unique Hero's Army Card with his Death Never Dies special power when he is destroyed, and placed back on the battlefield if that Undead Hero destroys a figure.
  • Unique Undead Heroes may allow Judge Mortis (165) to attack with his Dark Judgement special power.
  • Unique Undead Heroes may be chosen as Spike's (190) Partner to give him movement bonding.
  • Undead may have their 20-sided die rolls boosted with Guardian of the Universe's (Scar) (300) Book of the Black special power.

Updated through Wave 40.

[On Deck version]
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Current Special Powers that Interact Differently with Symbiotes:

Venom's (Symbiote) Symbiosis

Bombastic Bag-Man's Spidey-Senses, Scarlet Spider's (Ben Reilly) Spidey-Senses, Spider-Man's (Peter Parker) Spidey-Senses

Banshee's Sonic Scream Special Attack, Black Canary's Canary Cry Special Attack, Black Canary's (II) Canary Cry Special Attack, Boomerang's Screamerang Special Attack, Cyborg's Charged Sonic Cannon Special Attack, Glyph of Sonic Gun, Krypto's Sonic Bark Special Attack, Pied Piper's Sonic Flute Special Attack, Silver Banshee's Accursed Wail, Siryn's Sonic Scream Special Attack, Songbird's Sonic Construct Defense, Zauriel's Angelic Battle Cry Special Attack

Updated through Wave 34

[On Deck version]
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Current Special Powers that Interact Differently with Sensory Assault:

Doctor Light's Blinding Light, Meteorite's Blinding Light

Armor's Psionic Armor, Cloak's Aura of Darkness

Sensory Assault Synergies

Sensory Assault Synergy Benefits Received:
  • Figures within 2 spaces of Cloak (195) roll one fewer defense die against normal attacks from figures with the Sensory Assault special power, due to Cloak's Aura of Darkness special power
Sensory Assault Synergy Benefits Offered:
  • N/A

Updated through SSE 52.
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Current Special Powers that Interact Differently
with the Electrically Charged Special Power:
Aqualad (Kaldur'ahm)'s (170) Mystical Lightning Shock Special Attack, Baron Von Strucker's Satan's Claw Special Attack, Black Lightning's Lightning Chain and Lightning Lash Special Attack, Blanka's Electric Skin, Crimson Dynamo's Electrical Blast Special Attack, Electro's Electrostatic Bolt Special Attack and Electric Skin, Lightning Lad's Charged Lightning Bolt Special Attack, Nightwing's (II) (200) Shock Batons, Static's (180) Taser Strike Special Attack, Storm's Lightning Tempest Special Attack

Updated through Wave 33.
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Just some thoughts here but is there anyway to

A- Get this stickyed so it's easier to get to.


B- Actually list the powers that care about the synergies mentioned? This thing makes it easy to find all Vigilantes or whatever, but it's not that helpful at telling you what actually works with them. The 'special powers that work differently with Vigilantes' page only lists stuff like Strange's power, but it doesn't bother with synergies like Vigilante Sidekick. I care way more about the latter when trying to build an army with Batman or whoever.
Just some thoughts here but is there anyway to

A- Get this stickyed so it's easier to get to.


B- Actually list the powers that care about the synergies mentioned? This thing makes it easy to find all Vigilantes or whatever, but it's not that helpful at telling you what actually works with them. The 'special powers that work differently with Vigilantes' page only lists stuff like Strange's power, but it doesn't bother with synergies like Vigilante Sidekick. I care way more about the latter when trying to build an army with Batman or whoever.

A) I'll let a Hero make a decision.

B) All of that stuff is in the figures thread (or going to be add, me and Viegon haven't gotten to them all yet); example: Scarecrow.
B) All of that stuff is in the figures thread (or going to be add, me and Viegon haven't gotten to them all yet); example: Scarecrow.

Isn't the point of linking to the 'current [insert class]' pages so you don't have to keep editing books all the time? Seems like the same logic would apply the other way around.

You know, like instead of all that on Scarecrow's page just link to a 'Criminal Synergy' page, an 'Insane Synergy' page etc? Seems like a lot less work in the long run.
You know, like instead of all that on Scarecrow's page just link to a 'Criminal Synergy' page, an 'Insane Synergy' page etc? Seems like a lot less work in the long run.


That'd work fine, but I don't think it'd cut down on the workload. We'd have less threads/posts to update when new units come out, but we'd also have to put all the work into making a ton of new posts for synergies. Plus, now that we're so far into updating Books with the current format, it'd essentially undo all the work that's been done. I, for one, am not interested in starting again.

I also personally don't see how it'd increase usefulness at all; by opening a single Archive post and, say, Batman's thread, I not only have a list of all Vigilantes, but also all the synergies that Vigilantes receive. :shrug:
I also personally don't see how it'd increase usefulness at all; by opening a single Archive post and, say, Batman's thread, I not only have a list of all Vigilantes, but also all the synergies that Vigilantes receive. :shrug:

I was talking about the current Special Powers that Interact Differently with Vigilantes post being kind of pointless, not an individual figure's thread (since I couldn't find any that actually listed any synergies).
I also personally don't see how it'd increase usefulness at all; by opening a single Archive post and, say, Batman's thread, I not only have a list of all Vigilantes, but also all the synergies that Vigilantes receive. :shrug:

I was talking about the current Special Powers that Interact Differently with Vigilantes post being kind of pointless, not an individual figure's thread (since I couldn't find any that actually listed any synergies).

Ah, I see. Well, the point of that post was because of the Immunities, Benefits, and Weaknesses section, which I realize now is formatted a little differently then the rest of a unit's book.

As to the Vigilantes, no one has gotten around to updating them yet (I'm working my way through the Classes, but Vigilante is pretty far down in the list).
Current Tricky Event Heroes:​
Mister Mxyzptlk (240), Thunderbolt (330)

Current Tricky Unique Heroes:​
Ant-Man (Scott Lang) (80), Batman (Terry McGinnis) (150), Catwoman (I) (145), Chameleon Boy (190), Chameleon (100), Chronos (75), Domino (225), Flash (Wally West) (280), Impossible Man (430), John Constantine (125), Kid Flash (Wally West) (110), Mirror Master (Evan McCulloch) (130), Mirror Master (Sam Scudder) (160), Mysterio (115), Mystique (I) (165), Phantom Girl (180), Pied Piper (80), Question (Vic Sage) (140), Sam (Samhain) (95), Sandman (Wesley Dodds) (80), Scorpion (Carmilla Black) (120), Shadow Thief (70), Snow Job (100), Spider-Man (Peter Parker) (Hasbro) (160), Spider-Man (Peter Parker) (250), Trickster (James Jesse) (65), Weather Wizard (I) (100), Zartan (170), Zatanna (I) (240), Zatanna (II) (220)

Current Tricky Unique Squads:​
Mysterio Holograms (35), Scarlet Spiders (150), Triplicate Girl (190)

Current Tricky Uncommon Heroes:​
Green Construct (Decoy) (50), Kryptonian Infiltrator (160), Scourge of the Underworld (170)

Updated through Wave 48

[On Deck version]
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B- Actually list the powers that care about the synergies mentioned? This thing makes it easy to find all Vigilantes or whatever, but it's not that helpful at telling you what actually works with them. The 'special powers that work differently with Vigilantes' page only lists stuff like Strange's power, but it doesn't bother with synergies like Vigilante Sidekick. I care way more about the latter when trying to build an army with Batman or whoever.

I'll second this and say it would be very useful to have this. The stuff in the "Books of..." threads only work in one direction. For example, if I draft Professor X and want to take advantage of his Mutant Mind Link, I can easily find the list of all Mutants in his thread, or in this one.

However, if I've drafted some other Mutant, let's say Angel for example, there's no easy way for me to find out which powers affect Mutants, and thus realize that drafting Professor X would be a good idea.
B- Actually list the powers that care about the synergies mentioned? This thing makes it easy to find all Vigilantes or whatever, but it's not that helpful at telling you what actually works with them. The 'special powers that work differently with Vigilantes' page only lists stuff like Strange's power, but it doesn't bother with synergies like Vigilante Sidekick. I care way more about the latter when trying to build an army with Batman or whoever.

I'll second this and say it would be very useful to have this. The stuff in the "Books of..." threads only work in one direction. For example, if I draft Professor X and want to take advantage of his Mutant Mind Link, I can easily find the list of all Mutants in his thread, or in this one.

However, if I've drafted some other Mutant, let's say Angel for example, there's no easy way for me to find out which powers affect Mutants, and thus realize that drafting Professor X would be a good idea.

Actually, the Books do list those synergy. For example, in Angel's thread, under "Synergy Benefits Received" are all the "As a Mutant..." powers that would affect him.

I think the reason there aren't any posts for "All Mutant Synergies" is A) updating the synergies is a long process that is still underway, and B) there are also a lot of Species+Class and Class+Personality powers as well.