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C3G Synergy Archive

Commander Synergies

Commander Synergy Benefits Received:
  • Scarlett (140) can add to the defense number of Commanders you control when she uses her Intelligence Officer special power.
  • Breaker (110) may offer turns to Commandos and Soldiers after a Commander takes a turn with his Communications Officer special power, and all Commanders, Commandos, and Soldiers are treated in clear sight of each other with his Military Communications special power.

Updated through Wave 46.
Re: On Deck Synergy Archive

Kaiju Synergies

Kaiju Benefits Received:
Kaiju Benefits Offered:
  • N/A

Updated though Wave 48.
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Gladiator Synergies

Gladiator Synergy Benefits Received:
  • Gladiators may be moved by figures with the Warbound special power. Figures with the Warbound special power include: Korg (235), Miek (215)

Gladiator Synergy Benefits Offered:
  • Figures with the Warbound special power may have their stats boosted when adjacent to a Gladiator. Figures with the Warbound special power include: Korg (235), Miek (215)
  • Engaged Gladiators can add to your initiative roll with Miek's (215) Chemming special power.

Updated through SSE 93.
Re: On Deck Synergy Archive

Toy Synergies

Toy Benefits Received:
  • Toys may be destroyed by Toyman's (135) Playtime Is Over special power.
Toy Benefits Offered:
  • N/A

Updated though Wave 47.
Re: On Deck Synergy Archive

Current Unique Vehicles with a Zeon Special Power

Char's Zaku II (185)

Current Uncommon Vehicles with a Zeon Special Power

Zaku II (120)
Gouf (140)

Updated through Wave 50.
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I believe the info for Citizens in post 307 is incorrect?
Mainly for the Civilian synergy.
Citizens only get the movement power, you have to be a Civilian to get the other powers.
Re: On Deck Synergy Archive

Ranger Synergies

Ranger Benefits Received:
  • Rangers may be activated by Red Ranger's (230) Go Go Power Rangers special power.
  • When a Ranger, or a vehicle a Ranger is occupying, is targeted by an opponent's figure, Pink Ranger (190) may use her Ranger Reactive Shot special power.
  • Before a Ranger attacks, Blue Ranger (180) may use his Ranger Analysis special power to reveal an Order Marker on a Ranger card and reduce the Defense of a nearby enemy.
  • Rangers may have their Attack and Defense boosted by Black Ranger's (220) Mighty Morphin Power Rangers special power.
  • Rangers may reroll dice with Yellow Ranger's (180) Ranger's Willpower special power.
Ranger Benefits Offered:
  • N/A

Updated though Wave 53.
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Re: On Deck Synergy Archive

Zeon Synergies

Zeon Benefits Received:
  • If a Zeon Pilot (50) is driving an Uncommon Vehicle with a Zeon special power, then it can take a turn before another figure driving a Vehicle with a Zeon special power, with their Sieg Zeon! special power.
  • You may add 1 to your initiative for every each Vehicle you control with a Zeon special power, with Ramba Ral's (130) Zeon Inspiration special power.
Zeon Benefits Offered:
  • An Uncommon Vehicle with a Zeon special power may add to its stats with Ramba Ral's (130) Zeon Ace special power.

Updated though Wave 49.
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Re: On Deck Synergy Archive

Flamboyant Invader Synergies

Flamboyant Invader Benefits Received:
  • Flamboyant Invaders may be activated by Captain Ginyu's (280) Ginyu Force special power.
  • Flamboyant Invaders may reroll dice with Jeice's (220) Flamboyant Pose special power.
Flamboyant Invader Benefits Offered:
  • After any Flamboyant Invader you control is attacked by an opponent’s figure, you may move Burter (180) up to 4 spaces with his Mach Dash special power.

Updated though Wave 53
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Reckless Crime Fighter Synergies

Reckless Crime Fighter Synergy Benefits Received:
  • Unique Reckless Crime Fighter Heroes add 1 to their Attack number when activated by Night Thrasher's (170) New Warriors special power.
Reckless Crime Fighter Synergy Benefits Offered:
  • N/A

Updated through Wave 48.